FEBRUARY 1, 2009 – 1PM
Present: Kevin Cash, Jeff Morris, Doug Colvin, Erik Morris, Rick Sutton, Tim Quick, Tom Shumate, Jeff Monroe, Kevin Colvin, DJ and Staci Seamster, Donna Sheets
The meeting was called to order by DJ Seamster, President. A representative from the Staunton Braves shared information regarding their Baseball Camp and handed out packets and 2009 schedules to those present.
Minutes: The minutes from the November 23, 2008 meeting were approved unanimously on a motion made by Jeff Monroe, seconded by Staci Seamster.
Treasurer’s Report: DJ Seamster reported the balance of $6,532.42 in the NEA account. A treasurer’s report will be provided at the next meeting by the new Secretary/Treasurer, Donna Sheets.
Area Reports:
Barren Ridge – Sign-ups will be held Feb 6th & 7th and Feb 13th & 14th
Cassell – Nothing to report
Crimora – Sign-ups have been held and things are moving along good.
Fishersville – Sign-ups started Friday, Jan 30th
New Hope – Sign-ups will be held with Barren Ridge and Verona. Fence is
coming for 2nd field where Tball and Rookie will be playing.
Verona – Not Represented
League Fees: The 2009 fees for Tball and Rookie will be $184 and $209 for Majors and Minors.
10 Year Old District Tournaments: NEA will host the tournaments this year. New Hope, Cassell, Crimora and possibly Fishersville are interested in hosting. The hosting area will be decided at a later date.
Umpires Test: In the past Glenn Spangler has held a 2 day class and test for umpires. There is a possibility that David Henrick or Dennis Cobb could do this as well. Tom Shumate will check on who is available and report at our next meeting.
Cal Ripken Coaches Test: This test is mandatory for all coaches this year per Don Rose. This includes coaches for Tball. The test is good for life for anyone coaching 5 to 12 year olds. NEA will require the test for all coaches listed on the rosters, so each area is asked to turn this in for ALL coaches listed on their rosters.
Commissioners: The NEA Board will serve as Commissioners for Umpires, Majors, Minors, Rookies and Tball.
Protest Committee: The NEA Board will serve as the Protest Committee.
Pre Season Tournaments: Majors Pre Season Tournaments will be held in Crimora starting on March 23rd. Minors will be held at Cassell starting on March 30th. Rookie will be held at Barren Ridge starting sometime the week of March 30th. They will start the Rookie tournaments and allow enough time for them to be done by April 10th, Good Friday. Also, Tim Quick offered to help Cassell with the Minors tournament if rain becomes a problem because they are so close and the Crimora fields stay in such good condition even with rain.
The Majors season will start March 30th, Minors will start April 6th and Rookie & Tball will start April 13th.
A discussion was held about allowing a week to schedule makeup games between the end of the regular season and the start of the Post Season Tournaments. It was also noted that the Home Team is responsible and has 48 hours to reschedule a missed game, which should be played within 2 weeks. This will be covered when the 2009 rules are reviewed.
Post Season Tournaments: Majors Post Season Tournaments will be held in New Hope. Minors will be held in Fishersville. Rookies will be determined at a later date.
A discussion was held to pull the Rookie Post Season Tournament from Verona due to the problems and playing conditions last year. There was not any help to prepare the fields prior to tournament play and the fields were in bad shape. Tom Shumate made a motion, seconded by Rick Sutton that Verona be placed on probation this year and, depending on the field conditions this season, consider giving the Post Season Tournament back to them next year. This was unanimously approved.
Waivers: Waivers will be handled the same as they have in years past. Each area will work them out on their own. If an agreement cannot be reached, it will be referred to the NEA Board for a decision.
A discussion was held regarding kids with waivers from one area because their area didn’t have a team last year but will have one this year. It was decided to wait for the numbers from each area and see if the areas can work it out. Everyone agrees the kids are the most important thing in this situation and one area doesn’t want to take from another.
Rick Sutton addressed a concern they have with kids from a younger age group wanting to move up. A lot of factors can play into this, the coach’s opinion of the player’s capability, the area’s numbers for each team and the safety of the child. After a brief discussion the group agreed we should leave this decision to the individual area as well.
70 Foot Base Path for Majors: Tim Quick voiced a concern about moving to the 70 foot base path for the Majors. A group discussion was held about the differences this would make for the kids. There is concern about the 11 year old being able to handle it, the need for 2 umpires for each game and the safety of the pitcher. Pros and cons were discussed. Several expressed concern about the kids playing in the same base path for 8 years and the need for them to advance and be challenged as they grown and learn. Many feel it’s important for the League to advance. After the lengthy discussion, Tim Quick made a motion, seconded by Rick Sutton that we leave the 60 foot base path this year. A written ballot was taken and the group voted unanimously to keep it the same. The group did agree to discuss making some rule changes at the coaches meeting that will make the Majors more challenging.
Adjournment: With no further business, the meeting was adjourned by General Consensus. The next meeting will be held on February 15, 2009. At Verona Elementary School at 1pm in the Library.
Respectfully Submitted,
Donna Sheets