English 097Essay 1: Short Reading Response #1CSUN
Prof LOverman
- W 9/15: Rrrrough Draft for peer review due--bring 4typed, stapled copies, TWO pages minimum, (double sided ok). Attach a copy of the Peer Critique Sheet SRR (found on Projects) to back of each.
- (Note: Instructor will only review rough drafts one-on-one during an appt. you make with her otherwise have a peer tutor at the LRC writing lab review with you for extra credit!)
- W 9/22: Revised Rough Draft: bring 4 typed stapled copies bring to class to share in group. 2-3 revised pages (double sided ok). Must show evidence of substantial revision to count. At the back of each draft attach a copy of Peer Critique Sheet SRR.
- W 9/29: SRR Essay #1 MUST follow Format for Turning In Final Draft -so review it and make sure you have ALL process documents and elements as described in your folder!
- W 10/13 Portfolio Revision Draft: Mandatory &must follow Port Revision format guidelines under Projects.If you decide not to comply you jeopardize submitting your Final Portfolio.
- Extra Credit LRC visit w/ proof: 10 extra credit points given ONCE for attending LRC during this entire essay’s drafting process, but you may go as many times as you need to. Must include proof of visit attached to your final draft.
Writing Task: In an essay of three FULL pages
- Choose one ofthe readings in Digging Inthat you, so far, liked the best, of those assigned or the one that stirred the strongest reaction in you.
- Do not just summarize the essay or write what you think the author was trying to say.
- You may expand on any of the writes you have done, or it may be an outgrowth of the discussions we have had in class.
- But your essay must be your own personal response to the reading, and you must specify which reading you are responding to.
- As you write your essay assume that the reader has not read the work you are responding to.
- Briefly explain any references you make.
- Organize the essay with an introduction, a main body of as many paragraphs as you need to make your point, and finish with a conclusion of some kind.
- To write an essay where you do the following:
- Formulate a thesis by analyzing an issue raised in the essay that interests you
- Support your thesis with convincing evidence from the essay and/or your own experiences
- Develop and organize your ideas logically through exploration and revision
- Demonstrate your understanding of essay structure
- Expand thoroughly in your examples: show, don’t tell.
- Consider your audience, and remember that while you may be writing to those that share your values (community, peers) you need to consider readers in other contexts.
Length: 2-3 pages (without Work Cited page, with Work Cited 3-4 pages). Include Work Cited page.
Format: MLA (typed, double spaced, stapled, Times New Roman 12 font, 1 inch margins, left justified)