/ Ministry of Environment Climate Change Strategy
Climate Action Secretariat
Compliance Verification Statement and Conflict of Interest Report

This template is prepared according to the requirements of the Greenhouse Gas Industrial Reporting and Control Act (the Act) and the Greenhouse GasEmission Reporting Regulation (the Regulation). Verification Bodies should refer to the Act, the Regulation and any guidance documents provided on the Climate Action Secretariat WEBSITE.Terms defined in the Act or Regulation are capitalized in this document.

Verification Bodies are required to complete their Verification Statement and Conflict of Interest Report using this template and upload it to the compliance section of the Single Window Reporting System. Verifiers are expected to ensure the following requirements are met:

All required information is provided

All explanatory blue text is deleted

All text is in black, Calibri 11 pt. font

The document file name isin the following format:

  • Com-Fac-CRV-Ver-20YY-version (e.g., V1)
  • ”Com” – three letters for Company
  • “Fac” – three letters for Facility
  • “CRV” – Compliance Report Verification Statement
  • “Ver” – three letters for Verifier body
  • “20YY” – Compliance Period
  • “version” – version of the submitted Compliance Report Verification Statement, e.g., V1
  • The document file name is in the footer of all pages

The document must beprovided ina ‘searchable’ PDF format

  • This requirement allows for efficient comparison and regulatory review between document versions, if applicable
  • Note: this requires electronic signature sign-off

Any changes to the template have been documented as instructed in Appendix B

Contact for guidance, questions or template feedback.

Date Completed
Section 33(2)(e) of the Regulation / [year, month, day]
Compliance Period:
Section 23(1)(b) / [year, month, day] to [year, month, day]
Compliance Report Submission Date: / [year, month, day]


1.1Introduction / Verification Objective

The contents of the Verification Statement are based on section 39 of the Greenhouse GasEmission Reporting Regulation (the Regulation). The Verification Statement provides a written declaration by a Verification Body that attests as to whether a Regulated Operation’sCompliance Report is free of material errors, omissions or misrepresentations and conforms to the requirements of the Greenhouse Gas Industrial Reporting and Control Act (theAct), Regulation and ISO 14064-3.


General Information
Verification Body
Regulation s. 39(2) / [Name of Verification Body. Include full legal company name. Trade name may be referenced in parentheses if applicable.]
Business Address
Regulation s. 39(2) / [Business Address]
Regulation s. 39(2) / [Name of member of the International Accreditation Forum (IFA) and associated identification number]
Accreditation Status
Regulation s. 39(2) / [Affirm that accreditation status with the IFA is in good standing.]
Verification BodyTeam
Lead Verifier
Regulation s. 39(2) / [Name of Lead Verifier, business email and telephone]
Verification Team Members
Regulation s. 39(2) / [Name of other Verifiers, business email and telephone]
Independent Peer Reviewer
Regulation s. 39(2) / [Name of Peer Reviewer,business email and telephone]

1.3Regulated Operation

General Information
Regulated Operation
Regulation s. 39(3)(b) / [RegulatedOperation trade name if any]
Regulation s. 39(2) / [Number provided by the Director. For inquiries contact
LNG Operation Permit Number
Regulation s. 39(3)(b) / [LNG operation permit number issued under the Oil and Gas Activities Act]
Regulation s. 39(2) / [Legal name of Operator and head office mailing address. If an Operator is an extraprovincial company with a head office outside British Columbia, provide the mailing address for the attorney.]
Operation Representative
Regulation s. 39(2) / [Name, Title, Business email and telephone for the Operation Representative.]
Person Primarily Responsible for Preparing and Submitting the Emission Report
Regulation s. 39(2) / [Name, Title, Business email, telephone and mailing address of the person primarily responsible for preparing and submitting the Emission Report.]
Process flow diagram
Regulation s. 39(2) / [Confirm that a process follow diagram for the operation has been submitted with the Emission Report.]
Electricity Source
Section 39 (3) (b) and 23 (2) (c) of the Regulation / [If source of electricity is other than BC Hydro or self-generated, the business name and address of each source. Include N/A if not applicable.]

1.4Verification Scope

Verification Scope
Reporting Period:
Regulation s. 39(2) / [month, day, year] to [month, day, year]
Scope of Verification Statement / Does this Verification Statement apply to (check one unless both (b) and (c) apply):
(a)A Compliance Report submitted under section 7 (1) of the Act.
(b)A supplementary Compliance Reportsubmitted under section 7 (3) of the Act:Information in a previous report under this section did not completely and accurately disclose the information required to be included in the report.
(c)A supplementary Compliance Report submitted under section 7 (3) of the Act: Information required to be reported in a previous report has changed.
Sections 35 and 36 of the Regulation

1.5Regulated Operation Emissions and Compliance

Regulated Operation Emissions and Compliance
The total Emissions Attributable under section 4 [attribution of Emissions for compliance purposes] to the Regulated Operation for the Compliance Period.
Sections 39 (3) (b) and 23 (1) (e) of the Regulation / (metric tonnes CO2e)
The Emission Limit for the Regulated Operation for the Compliance Period.
Sections39 (3) (b) and 23 (1) (f) of the Regulation / 0.16 carbon dioxide equivalent tonnes for each tonne LNG produced
The difference between the Attributable Emissions of the Regulated Operation for the Compliance Period and the quantity calculated based on regulated Emission Limit.
Sections 39 (3) (b) and 23 (1) (g) of the Regulation / (metric tonnes CO2e)
The number of Compliance Units by type that are available in the Operator’sCompliance Account for the Regulated Operation during the Compliance Period.
Sections 39 (3) (b)and 23 (1) (h) of the Regulation / offset units
funded units
earned credits
The amount of electricity generated by the Regulated Operation.
This includes electricity generated by operations referred to in relation to the LNG operation in section 4 (1) (c) or (d) in the Regulation.
Sections 39 (3) (b) and 23 (1) (d) of the Regulation / (MWh)
The amount of electricity received from the British Columbia electrical transmission grid.
This includes British Columbia electrical transmission grid electricity received by operations referred to in relation to the LNG operation in section 4 (1) (c) or (d) in the Regulation.
Sections39 (3) (b) and 23 (2) (a) of the Regulation / (MWh)
The amount of electricity received other than from the British Columbia electrical transmission grid.
This includes electricity received, other than from the British Columbia electrical transmission grid, by operations referred to in relation to the LNG operation in section 4 (1) (c) or (d) in the Regulation.
Include information on each source of such electricity in sub-part 1.3 of this document.
Sections39 (3) (b) and 23 (2) (b)of the Regulation / (MWh)
The amount of LNG as calculated in accordance with Schedule F, in storage at the beginning of the first day of the Compliance Period.
Sections 39 (3) (b) and 23 (2) (e) of the Regulation / (metric tonnesLNG)
The amount of LNG as calculated in accordance with Schedule F, in storage at the end of the last day of the Compliance Period.
Sections 39 (3) (b) and 23 (2) (f) of the Regulation / (metric tonnesLNG)
The amount of LNG throughput at a point of sale, as calculated in accordance with Schedule F, in the Compliance Period.
Section39 (3) (b) and 23 (2) (g) of the Regulation / (metric tonnesLNG)
TheEmissions associated with the use of electricity by LNG operation, that is Received from British Columbia electrical transmission grid
Section 39 (3) (b) and 23 (2) (d) of the Regulation / (metric tonnes CO2e)
The Emissions associated with the use of electricity that is self-generated by the LNGFacility or by the Facility (ies) referred to by a) or b) below.
a)aFacility of a different Industrial Operation that purifies or compresses natural gas for liquefaction purposes for the LNG operation;
b)aFacility of a different Industrial Operation that loads LNG for transport or stores LNG for the LNG operation.
Section 39 (3) (b) and 23 (2) (d) of the Regulation / (metric tonnes CO2e)
The Emissions associated with the use of electricity that is received other than from British Columbia electrical transmission grid
Section 39 (3) (b) and 23 (2) (d) of the Regulation / (metric tonnes CO2e)
The Emissions associated with the liquefaction process in the LNG operation Facility or the related Facilities / (metric tonnes CO2e)


Verification Procedures
Verification Procedures
Regulation s. 39(2) / [Provide a summary of the work the Verification Body performed as part of the verification process, including a description of;
  1. The verification procedures used to test the data included in theCompliance Report prepared by the Regulated Operation
  2. Additional information, not in the Compliance Report, that were directly or indirectly relied on by the Verification Body in the course of conducting the verification.]

Site Visits (Facilities)
Regulation s. 39(2) / [Provide the dates of visits to, and the description of the Facilities]
Site Visit (office visits)
Regulation s. 39(2) / [Provide the dates of visits to the head office, regional office or the location of central data management, if different from Facilitiessite visits.]


Lead Verifier Declaration

I certify that the Verification Body:

Before beginning work on verifying the Compliance Report, ensured it complied with section 41 of the Greenhouse GasEmission Reporting Regulation by completing a Conflict of Interest Report, and asserts it is qualified under the Regulation to complete the verification of the Compliance Report

The Compliance Report was prepared and the Emissions reported in it werequantified in accordance with the Regulation. The verification of the Compliance Reportwas made in a manner consistent with ISO 14064:2007 Part 3, and in accordance with the Act and the Regulation.

[If the Verification Body determines a qualification and/or limitations are necessary as per ISO 14064-3 Clause 4.9 (f), include a reference to the Verification Statement section in which all qualifications appear and explain how the Reporting Operation’s total attributable Greenhouse GasEmissions are affected. If there are qualifications and/or limitations, the next paragraph must be revised as appropriate. In accordance with section 38of the Regulation aVerification Body must not provide a Verification Statement unless it is of the opinion that the Verification Statement contains as few qualifications as possible]

The evidence obtained by the Verification Body during the verification is sufficient and appropriate to support the verification opinion. Based on the processes and procedures conducted and described in this Verification Statement, the Verification Body, is satisfied the Compliance Report, including the total attributable Emissions, for the Reporting Period are materially correct, and a fair and accurate representation of the Reporting Operation's total attributable Emissions for the Reporting Period and Compliance Period in accordance with the verification criteria, in all material respects, and are substantiated by sufficient and appropriate evidence.

[Based on the process and procedures used by the Verification Body, the Verification Body is of the opinion that the assertions in the compliance report are materially correct and are a fair and accurate representation of the matters set out in section 39 (3) (b) of the Regulation in relation to the LNG operation for the Compliance Period.]

TheVerification Statement is true, accurate and complete.

Verification BodySignatory Name and Title: / [Full Name and Title of the Lead Verifier]
Signature: / [insert signature]
Date: / [year, month, day]


I certify that I was not involved in the verification documented in the Verification Statement, other than providing an independent peer review, and that the verification used to produce the Verification Statement was appropriate.

Name and Title: / [Full Name and Title of the Independent Peer Reviewer]
Signature: / [insert signature]
Date: / [year, month, day]

4APPENDIX A: Conflict of Interest REPORT

Before making a Verification Statement under section 41 of the Regulation, the Verifier, Verification Body, Lead Verifier and Independent Peer Reviewer are required to ensure they are free from, or have in place procedures to mitigate, any Threat to Independence in relation to the Verification Statement.

The Verification Body must complete a Conflict of Interest Report describing the assessment and procedures taken to avoid any Threat to Independence, and to affirm any actual or potential Threats to Independence were avoided.

1assessment and procedures

1.1Assessment of threats to Independence -Section 41 (3)

[Describe the assessment and the results of the assessment of Threats to Independence.]

1.2Mitigation procedures -Section 41 (3)

[Describe the mitigating procedures taken, if any, to avoid an actual or potential Threat to Independence, such that a reasonable person would conclude the potential for a Threat to Independence is insignificant.]

1.3implementation of procedures -Section 41 (3)

[Describe the how the procedures set out in section 2.2 (Mitigation Procedures), if any, were implemented in relation to the verification.]


In signing this document, I certify, on behalf of the Verification Body that:

I am an authorized officer of the Verification Body and have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this Conflict of Interest Report.

Based upon reasonable investigation, including my inquiry of those individuals responsible for completing the assessment and implementing the procedures, I hereby warrant that the Verification Body avoided any actual or potential conflict of interest with the operator of the Reporting Operation or Regulated Operation.

I understand that any false statement made in the submitted information may be a violation of the Greenhouse Gas Emission Reporting Regulation, section 41.

Verification BodySignatory Name and Title: / [Full name and title of authorized signatory of Verification Body]
Signature: / Insert signature
Date: / [year, month, day]

5Appendix B: Template modification log

Complete the following table or use track changes if applicable, or delete otherwise. The “Track Changes” function may also be used.

Modification to Reporting Conflict of Interest Report Template
Section/Subsection and page number / Rationale for Modification(s)/Addition(s)
Add/delete rows as needed

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File name: Com-Fac-CRV-Ver-20YY-Version