ENTHUSE Partnerships: Reporting Guidance

ENTHUSE Partnerships Overview

The ENTHUSE Partnership bursary is a grant for a group of four to eight schools or colleges to work collaboratively to support the development of professional expertise in science and/or other STEM subjects and thus raise standards and close the achievement gap between groups of students. The ENTHUSE Partnership bursary aims to support collaborative activities over two years to develop and strengthen local partnerships which can subsequently continue independently.

The ENTHUSE Partnership bursary is for a maximum of £12,000 over a two-year period and will be paid in instalments, beginning with a £2,000 start-up fund (upon submission of an approved Action Plan, CPD plan and signing of a contract at the start of Term 1) followed by three termly instalments of a maximum of £6,000 in the first year, subject to receipt of adequate progress reports. In year two, a further £4,000 will be available in three termly instalments subject to adequate progress in year one and termly progress reports.

Throughout this report where reference is made to school please read school or college.

Assessment and Reporting Purpose

The main purpose of reporting and evaluation is to assist schools and partnerships in measuring theprogress and evidencing the impactof the project against the intended outcomes. Our approach to impact evaluation is based on the principles of effective CPD and effective evaluation and is unrivalled across most providers of professional development to educators in the UK and Europe.

We provide project participants with bespoke assessment tools and report templates, which enable you to reflect on the impact your work is having on students, teachers and schools involved in the partnership. This ensures that your partnership is on track and gives you an opportunity to identify areas for further development. The evidence that individual schoolscollect and collate for the project could be used to support theirown process of self-improvement, inform future policies and build evidence portfoliosto share with governing bodies, parents, colleagues and external inspectors such as OFSTED.

We also use your reports to communicate the progress / impact of the project to key funders, the DFE and other stakeholders. This includes developing case studies of best practice illustrating effective school/college to school/college CPD, collaborative work in STEM education and sustained improvement in teaching and learning of science and STEM subjects. Similarly, we use the reports to inform future partnerships of best practice.

General Reporting Process

Start of the project /
  • Each school in the partnership usesthe project assessment tools as well as their own measures / procedures to collect baseline data, identify their needs and objectives related to the project.
  • School leads work together to finalise partnership’s objectives and agree on a joint plan of collaborative activities including CPD sessions, resource development and activities with/for students.
  • Lead School collates schools baseline reports and sends the collated data together with a revised partnership Action Plan and CPD Plan for Year 1 to STEM Learning

Termly reports(in Project Years 1 and 2) /
  • Each school reports progress and CPD activities to ENTHUSE Partnership lead school
  • Lead school collates school reports and sends an updated Partnership progress report and CPD report to STEM Learning together with impact forms

End of project Year 1 /
  • Partnership schools userelevant project assessment tools as well as their own measures / procedures to collect interim evaluation data andreport their progress against the project milestones.
  • School leads work together to review/revise their partnership Action Plan as appropriate (any major changes to be recorded in the progress report).
  • Lead School collates schools interim reports and sends the collated evaluation data together with an updatedpartnership progress reportand a CPD reportto STEM Learning

Start of Project Year 2 /
  • Lead School submits CPD Plan for Year 2 to STEM Learning

End of the project /
  • Partnership schools use project assessment tools as well as their own measures / procedures to collect final evaluation data and report their progress against the project outputs and outcomes.
  • School leads work collaboratively to review the project and set up a post-project sustainability plan for the partnership
  • Lead school collates schools reports into a final partnership report (structured as a case study)and sends it together with the collated evaluation data and a final CPD report to STEM Learning

Data to be reported

Project Delivery Data

Action Plan (Word document)

  • What: As part of the application process you created an action plan that sets up your objectives, needs and activities for the project. This action plan will be further developed on the inception day in York
  • Why This is the document that outlines outputs and outcomes that you will report your progress against in the progress reports
  • How and Who: Lead school completes and sends to STEM Learning
  • When - For the start of Term 1

Progress Reports(Excel spreadsheet)

  • What: The progress report details how the partnership is progressing against its objectives and targets outlined in the action plan.There is also a section for updating us on progress with the STEM Insight placement.
  • Why: This report gives the lead school and others the opportunity to reflect on whether the key milestones have been met, as well as identify areas for development.
  • How and Who: At each reporting date, we require one report from each partnership; individual schools within the Partnership are expected to provide the lead school with the relevant school data in order for the lead school to amalgamate the data into one progress report but STEM Learningdo not require an individual report for each school/college.
  • When -Termly towards the end of each term, except the final term

CPD Log(Excel spreadsheet). This is one spreadsheet consisting of two parts – the CPD plan and the CPD report

  • What: Recording the amount of CPD to be delivered (CPD plan) at the start of each year, then reportingthe CPD actually delivered (CPD report) termly. This will provide information on the nature, quantity and who was involved in CPD at each school.
  • Why: It is crucial project management information that we report on to the funders and that has to be recorded in a systematic way. Each Partnership has a target amount of CPD to be engaged with (80 CPD units per year, including the residential CPD at National STEM Learning Centre).
  • How and Who: At each reporting date, we require an updated spreadsheet from each Partnership
  • When – the CPD plan is to be completed for the start of Years 1 and 2. Reporting on the delivery will be termly.

Please note that one member of staff from each school within the partnership must attend residentialENTHUSE CPD at the National STEM Learning Centre in York over the two year period. This CPD could be pre-scheduled CPD packages for leadership, subject knowledge and/or pedagogy. Alternatively it could be bespoke residential CPD designed specifically to meet the requirements of the partnership. Separate bursaries for ENTHUSE CPD held at the National Centre are available so we would not expect attendance on this CPD to be financed from the ENTHUSE Partnership Award. Prescheduled CPD can be found here: Note that some of the CPD on the STEM Learning website takes place regionally and you are encouraged to attend this as well as CPD at the National Centre in York but attendance at the National Centre as specified above is a requirement. If you would like any assistance in selecting the CPD or would like to request some bespoke CPD for your partnership please email .

This and all other CPD should be recorded in your CPD log

You are also reminded of the following expectations with regard to the activities that you plan to undertake:

Further expectations of the partnership

  • the lead organisation from the partnership should engage with its local Science Learning Partnership (SLP) - to explore how the SLP can support them
  • the partnership is expected to engage with their local STEM Ambassador Hub to access any support that is available from local STEM Ambassadors -
  • one teacher from the partnership would be required, within the first year of the partnership, to participate in a STEM Insight placement with either a local industry or university to improve careers provision throughout their school and across the partnership - Please note that the teacher who is going on the placement needs to apply by the end of Term 1.
  • each member of staff from each school in the partnership must register on the STEM Learning website - - to access resources, community groups and a range of material to support STEM teaching and enrichment

You will need to report on the extent to which these have been met in the CPD and progress reports

Case study (Word document)

The case studyis to be completed by the end of the project. The purpose of the case study is to provide you with a record of your achievements as part of the ENTHUSE Partnership programme in a format that you will find useful for communicating your findings to others (such as parents, school governors or potential business partners). It is a means of celebrating your achievements, disseminating good practice and sharing your experiences with others. It is also a means by which you can disseminate your plan for sustaining the project beyond the funding period (developing such a plan is one of our main expectations of the partnership). You may be called upon to present your case study at the celebration event towards the end of the partnership. It will also assist STEM learning in assessing the impact of the programme. The case study can be completed by using data already collected for the action plan, CPD log and progress reports.

NB - Please see the guidance notes in each document for more detailed notes on completing the individual reports.

All reports to be sent to STEM learning at

Assessment Toolkit

As part of the CPD package that STEM Learning offers to the ENTHUSE Partnership schools we provide you with the assessment toolkit, which contains 3 separate tools for you to assess and build reports on student attainment, student attitudes and teacher attitudes. The tools help schools gather important evaluation data and generate instant reports informing CPD needs analysis, providing useful insights into schoolpracticesand reviewing progress against the baseline data. These bespoke reports can be used when reporting to school governing bodies or external agencies such as OFSTED or local authority evaluation teams.Collated partnership reports will be expected as part of partnership reporting at the start of the project, the end of project year 1 and the end of the partnership, as well as providing justification for your involvement in CPD.

Student Attainment Data Tool / Student Attitudes Tool / Teacher Self-Assessment tool
What? /
  • A tool to collate data on students,which allows you to map attainment in comparison to national expectations. These are grouped for ease as students above, at and below the national expected level.
  • A survey given to students at the beginning and end of the partnership to explore their attitudes towards science.
  • A tool to collate the data and generate instant reports.
  • A survey completed by teachers to explore their attitudes towards teaching science.

Why? /
  • The student attainment data tool allows you to monitor the progress and attainment of students throughout the partnership. This includes monitoring how the target students differ from those who are not targeted as part of the partnership.
  • The reports produced as part of the tool provides evidence of the impact that involvement with the partnership is having of student attainment.
  • The survey allows you to monitor students’ attitudes towards science at the beginning and end of the partnership.
  • The included reports will show how students’ attitudes have changed as part of their involvement with the partnership.
  • The survey allows for monitoring of the teachers’ attitudes towards teaching science at the beginning and the end of the partnership.
  • The included reports will show how teachers’ attitudes have changed as part of their involvement with the partnership.

When? /
  • Tool completed at the start of the project, the end of project year 1 andthe end of the partnership.
  • Both surveys completed at the start and end of the project, including collation of data.

How? /
  • Video guidance of how to use the tools can be found on the ENTHUSE Partnerships Community Group ( however each tool also contains guidance information and detailed printed guidance (“Assessment toolkit guidance for ENTHUSE Partnerships” can be found in this pack.
  • The toolscan be sent to each of the partnership schools by the lead school for them to fill in, with the completed tools being returned to STEM Learning () by the lead school as a complete document. Please note that we do not wish to receive tools from each school. The lead school should combine all the results submitted before forwarding to STEM learning.

CPD Impact Data

A further element of the CPD package provided is the CPD Impact Toolkit, which is a compilation of forms to support effective professional learning and maximise its impact on educators and their students.

Where pieces of distinct CPD are undertaken within the Partnership, amounting to 0.5 days or more in total for an individual or group (this can be either an individual occurrence of CPD, or a collection of related CPD events - for example 3 or more twilights of 2 hours in time) – the following forms should be completed by each individual.

During the CPD:

  • Learning and Evaluation Tool (form D1)– paper based form
  • CPD Evaluation and Next Steps (form D4) – paper based form

When: We will expect a sample of D4 forms from each school in your partnership to be collated and sent to STEM Learning () by the partnership lead at the end of each term (form D1 does not need to be submitted as this is a tool to be used personally by the teacher to inform his or her own learning).

After the CPD:

  • Impact Report (P1) –this will be sent electronically from STEM Learning to the individuals who submit a D4 form at the end of each term and is to be completed and returned by that individual to STEM learning 6-12 weeks after the CPD took place. It reviews the impact of the individual piece of CPD received.

External Evaluation

What is it?

At some point during the course of the programme we may commission an external evaluator to provide an evaluation of the programme.

Why is it undertaken?

The evaluation will provide important insight into the impact of the ENTHUSE Partnership Project on teachers, school development and students. It will be used to inform STEM Learning about the development and delivery of future programmes and to inform future funding decisions.

Who are the evaluators?

If you are going to be contacted as part of the evaluation you will be notified who will be contacting you.

What does the evaluation involve for Partnership Leads?

  • Partnership Leads will be the main point of contact for the evaluators in each partnership although other teachers may be contacted.
  • Evaluation activity could include visits, telephone interviews and/oronline surveysfocussing on plans, expectations, process and outcomes and impact.
  • It is important to note that the evaluation is of the programme as a whole and not of you as an individual teacher or organisation.

Important Note: in order for the evaluators to successfully carry out their reports, all information you collate as a partnership and provide to STEM Learning will be shared with them. With specific regards to the Student Attainment Data Tool you are providing, before sending to the evaluators, sensitive information will removedif you have not done so already.

Further information

  • All reports and queries for STEM Learning should be sent to according to the timetable in theReporting Handbook. It would be helpful if you could enter your school name and cohort number in the subject header of the email.
  • Electronic versions of the guidance and templates in this pack can be found at the community group:
  • The above community group can be used for collaborating within your own partnership. Please feel free to ‘add a topic’ for your partnershipwhich other members of the partnership can then access (to do this they must register on the STEM Learning website at something that allteachers within the partnership should be encouraged to do).

