Northamptonshire County Archery Society
County & Open Outdoor Championships 2017
Sunday, 10th September 2017
UK Record Status & Rose Award
York, Hereford & Bristol I-V Rounds
with Record Status National rounds in the afternoon
Hosted by: Kettering Archers
at: Kettering Cricket Club, Northampton Road, Kettering NN15 7JT
Round Info: York, Hereford & Junior Bristols I to V
Please note that Bristol V is only Record Status for Junior Girls
National rounds in the afternoon.
Archery GB rules of shooting will apply, incorporating rule 304(f) Method 2
Scopes will be allowed to remain on the shooting line.
Assembly: 9:30am. Sighters: 9:45am (Approx 1:00 pm Assembly for National rounds)
Judges: Mr Richard Custance, Mrs Andrea Hammond, Mr Malcolm Smith
and candidate judge Mr David Stephens
Lady Paramount: TBA
Organiser: Mrs Angela Bray
Entries to: Mrs Angela Bray
53 Pollard Street, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN16 9RP
Tel: 01536 519119 / Mobile: 07767 676001
Target List will be issued on the day
Results will be made available on the NCAS website:
Entry Fees: All day rounds £12.00 (Seniors & Juniors): Nationals: £7.00 (Seniors & Juniors)
Cheques payable to ‘Kettering Archers’ or
by BACS to: Sort code: 20-45-77 Account no. 50543306
Please include shoot details and send entry form to organiser
Closing Date: 7 days prior to competition date or when the shoot is full.
Payment will be expected for all entries submitted.
Refunds for those not attending will be at the organisers discretion.
Awards: Awards subject to number of entrants for each category. Certificates are given to winning archers shooting rounds out of category or age group.
Please note:
Record Status has been granted for this event, competitors must comply with Archery GB dress regulations - rule 307.
Record Status tournaments are liable for drug testing; competitors approached to give samples must comply. Refusal to comply will be treated as a positive result. It is a requirement of Record Status events that parents/guardians of juniors entering the York/Hereford/Bristol rounds must sign the entry form to give consent for drug testing.
Under the provisions within the Archery GB Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy, those who wish to take photographs at this event are to register with the Tournament Secretary on arrival. Whilst every effort will be made to ensure that unauthorised photography does not take place, Archery GB, the Tournament Secretary and working party cannot be held responsible for breaches of this code. We therefore request that you report any unauthorised photography directly to the Tournament Organiser.
The Organisers cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to equipment or personal possessions.
All entrants must be members of Archery GB or a World Archery associated organisation.
Membership cards may be asked for at registration.
Under whatever circumstances, ALL MISSING Arrows must be found.
Pure carbon arrows and other arrows likely to cause excessive damage to the boss will not be permitted other than at the organisers discretion. Please contact the organiser prior to the shoot if this affects you.
Note from the organisers:
As there will probably be a cricket match sometime during the day it would be appreciated if you consider other car users and park sensibly in the car park – Thank you.
Northamptonshire County Archery Society
County & Open Outdoor Championships 2017
Sunday, 10th September 2017
Name / Club / AGB No / Bow Type / W/C or special requirements / LH / RH / Jnr Age / Round / FeeEntry submitted by / Contact Tel No / Email address / Total fee
Drug testing consent form - Archery GB
To be completed by the Parent or Legal Guardian of each entrant under 18
I certify that ...... Archery GB No ......
Is/Is not taking any banned substances (please contact Archery GB for a list of banned substances if required).
If a banned substance is being taken, give details. What is the medical or other reason this substance is being used.
I hereby give my permission for the above named entrant to provide a urine sample for drug testing if approached.
Signed ...... Parent/ Guardian Date ......
Please return this form with the entry or bring it to the tournament, it must be produced at registration with the competitors Archery GB card and may be handed to the Doping Control Officer if requested.
Refusal form for making images of children and vulnerable people - Archery GB
To be completed by the Parent or Legal Guardian of each entry if consent is NOT to be given.
I certify that ...... Archery GB No ......
Is NOT to be included in any photographs, videos, or other means of recording their image even if the record is only intended for publicity purposes or promoting the sport of archery.
Signed ...... Parent/Guardian Date ......
If this form has been completed then either return it with the entry or bring it to the tournament and present it at registration