Plot Summary


Pride and Prejudice Volume I (Chapters 123)


Chap. Activities / Dialogue; Narration
l. New neighbor: Bingley. / [Mr. B./Mrs. B. dialogue]
2. Some days later: Mr. Bennet's visit to Bingley related.
3. visits and invitations. Bingley unable to come fordinner; appears at local ball.
The Meryton Assembly [Coincident.] / Darcy's famous comment and E's reaction p. 7
4. Discussion of ball; Jane vs. Eliza; Darcy vs. Bingley / Jane/Elizabeth; Bingley/Darcy
5. More discussion of ball: Lucas family on ball.
6. Elizabeth and Charlotte discuss Bingley and Jane; marriage
[BACK UP IN TIME: to Darcy at ball and other occasions with Elizabeth]; Lucas' party: Elizabeth's and Mary's singing.
Darcy's 1st dance invitation 18 / Elizabeth and Charlotte


Chap. Activities / Dialogue; Narration
7. visit to the Philips;
Jane's trip to Netherfield, becomes ill and must stay there.24
8. Ms Bingley’s hypocrisy. Criticism of E. 25-26
Discussion on accomplishments of women; criticism of E again.p. 29 / *Bingley’s + Darcy on the Bennets.
9. Next morning, the visit of Mrs. Bennet and her other daughters.—Mr. Bingley—Elizabeth: a studier of character / conversation of Mrs. Bennet and residents of Netherfield'
1. country vs. city
2. Charlotte—plain vs. Jane.
3.poetry and love
4. ball proposed
10. Conversations that evening:
Darcy's 2nd dance invitation p. 38
Danger perceived 38, 44; Ms. Bingley’s walk with Darcy;
*Ms. Bingley’s snobbishness p. 39 / on letter writing, humility & pride, friendship & changefulness, etc.
11. Next evening's conversation. Jane goes downstairs.
*Ms. Bingley tries to attract Darcy’s attention, and invites E to walk with her; danger sensed by Darcy. / -- on book reading and party. 40-41
-- E-D on laughter, pride & misunderstanding 42-43
12. Request for carriage rejected by Mrs. B;
Return home of of Jane and E.; discussion


Chap. Activities / Dialogue; Narration
13. Letter from Mr. Collins; Dinner with him. / Collins’ letter mention L Catherine twice. 1. seeks peace because of his position and because LC has no use of him then.
14. Continuation of dinner.
Conversation with Mr. Collins; reading books(sermons). / --Lady C and her daughter; p. 50;
-- “flattering with delicacy” 51
15. Collins’ background; his plan; Walk of Collins and Bennett daughters to Meryton; meetWickham and Darcy. (Coincidence p. 55)
-- Collins -- admires Mrs. Philips's manners and politeness
16. Dinner at Philips.
-- Collins – Philips’ house resembles a small summer breakfast parlour
-- Wickham – catches everyone’s attention. 57 –W “the happy man towards whom almost every female eye was turned, and Elizabeth was the happy woman by whom he finally seated himself”
-- Elizabeth went away with her head full of him. / Conversation of Wickham and E. on Darcy.58-62 (pride 61-64)
17. Announcement of ball at Netherfield
Waiting for the ball’ / J - E's discussion of W-D 64-65
18. The ball.
Eliza’s resolution to not speak to Darcy.
Darcy’s 3rd invitation
Collins’ self-introduction to Darcy 74
And his response after being rejected 75
Mrs. Bennet's misbehavior 76; Mary’s 77 / E-D on DANCE conversation; 69
On Wickham and prejudice.
Ms. Bingley’s defense of Darcy 72; Jane’s/Bingley’s of Darcy 73
19.Collins proposes to Elizabeth.
His responses after being rejected: / * Collins’ proposal:
3 reasons;
praise LC but not Eliza;
the issue of entail and inheritance;
20. Family discussion of refusal; visit by Charlotte.[Coincidence]
Mr. Collins withdraws his proposal.
21. Surprise departure, of Bingley and his sisters. [Letter.]
Lizzy’s discussion with Jane. / 1. go after Charles;
2. will not come back for winter;
3. Georgia Darcy;
4. Bingley’s ability to engage any woman’s heart.
22. Collins proposes to Charlotte.
Charlotte’s plan quickly carried out.—quick and short.
Family respond positively.
Mrs. B’s last hope
The revelation and Lizzy’s response 97
23. Bennets' reactions to proposal.
Letters to Caroline, from Collins.
The return of Collins but not Bingley; Mrs. Bennet in a pitiable state.

Pride and Prejudice Volume II (Chapters l 19) [Chapters 24 42]


Chap. Activities / Dialogue; Narration
24. Bennets learn Bingley will be in London for winter for sure. / [E/Jane dialogue.]
25 Christmas visit of Gardiners. / [E/Mrs. G dialogue.]
26. Wedding of Collins. (Jan. 9,'1812) / [Narration.]



Chap. Activities / Dialogue; Narration
27 Trip to visit Charlotte. Stop first at London to visit Gardiners. / [Narration.]
28 Arrivalat Kent and RosingsPark. / [Narration.]


29 Visit to Lady Catherine.[Eliza / Lady C . / Charlotte dialogue]

30 Arrival of Darcy. (Monday, Mar. 2:3, 1812) [Narrative]

31 Evening at Lady Catherine's. [E./D,/Fitz. dialogue.]

32. Meeting of Darcy and Elizabeth[E./D. dialogue]

33. Fitzwilliam tells Elizabeth of Darcy's having saved a friend from matrimony. [E./Fitz.dia.]

34. Darcy proposes to Elizabeth. (Thursday, April 1812) [E./D. dia.]

35. Letter of Darcy.

36. Elizabeth's thoughts about the letter.

37. Darcy and Fitzwilliam depart.

38. Elizabeth departs.


Chap. Activities / Dialogue; Narration

39. Homecoming. Lvdia's activities. [E./L. dia.]

40. Elizabeth tellJane about Wickham. [E. /J . dia]

41. Departure of militia. [E./Mr. B; E./Wick. dia.]

42. Summer at Longboitrn.Trip to Derbyshire.