Differences between High School and College For Students withDisabilities



I.D.E.A. (Individuals with DisabilitiesEducationAct)A.D.A. (Americans with Disabilities Act of1990),

A.D.A.A. (Americans with Disabilities with Amendments Act of2008)

Section 504, Rehabilitation Actof1973Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of1973

I.D.E.A. isaboutSuccessA.D.A. is aboutAccess


I.E.P. (Individual Education Plan) and/or504PlanHigh school I.E.P. and 504 are notsufficient.

Documentation guidelines specifyinformation needed for each category ofdisability

School provides evaluation at no costtostudentStudent must get evaluation atownexpense Documentation focuses on determiningwhethera Documentation mustprovide

student is eligible for services basedonspecificinformation onspecific

disability categoriesinI.D.E.A.functional limitations, and demonstrate theneedfor accommodations


Student is identified by the schoolandisStudent must self-identify tothe

supported by parentsandteachersOffice ofDisabilityServicesPrimary responsibility forarrangingaccommodations Primary responsibility forself-

belongs totheschooladvocacy and arrangingaccommodationsbelongsto thestudent

Teachers approach you if they believe you need assistance Professors are usually open and helpful, butmost

expect you to initiate contact if you needassistance


Parent has access to student records andcanparticipateParents/Significant others do not haveaccessto in theaccommodationprocess student records without thestudent’s


Parent advocatesforstudentStudent advocates forself


Teachers may modifycurriculumand/alterProfessors do not alter designofcourse curriculum paceofassignments or alter assignmentdeadlines

You are expected to readshortassignmentsStudents are assignedsubstantial

that are then discussed and often re-taughtinclassamounts of reading and writing which may notbe

directly addressed in class Students seldom need to read anything morethan once, Students need to reviewclassnotessometimes listening in classisenough and text and materialregularly

Grades andTests

IEP or 504 plan may includemodificationstoGrading and testformatchangestest formatand/orgrading (i.e. multiple choice vs. essay)are

generally not available before test Accommodations as to HOW tests are given (extended time, test proctors) are available only when supported by disability documentation through DisabilityServices

Testing is frequent andcoverssmallTesting is usually infrequentand

amountsofmaterialmay becumulative, covering large amounts ofmaterial

Makeup tests areoftenavailableMakeup tests and extra credit are seldom anoption

Teachers often take time to remindyouofProfessors expect you toread,

assignments andduedatessave, and consult the course syllabus(outline);the syllabus spells out exactly what is expected of you, when it is due, and how you will begraded.


Student’s time and assignmentsarestructuredStudents must manage your owntimeand byothers complete assignmentsindependently

Student’s may study outside class as little as0 toStudents need to study at least 2to3 2 hours a week, and this maybemostly hours outside of class foreach

last-minutetestpreparationhour inclass