South West Local Area Partnership (LAP) Meeting Notes

Tackling Social Isolation 23rd February2015


Cllr Cliff Woodcraft -LAP Meeting (Chair)

Cllr Anne Murphy-Crookes Ward

Nesar Miah -Locality Officer, SCC

Gareth Johnstone- SCC Public Health

Alex Shilkoff- SCC Commissioning

Sue Herrick-VAS Lunch Club Support

John Savournin- Transport 17

Sarah Mokrysz- Royal Voluntary Service

Steve Wylie - Age UK Sheffield

Alex Holyoake- SCC Libraries


Cllr Andrew Sangar- SWLAP Chair

Mark Boyles -Sheffield 50+

Dominic Sleath-Lead Council Officer for South West LAP

Danny Kemp-Activity Sheffield

Maxine Bowler-Heeley Development Trust

Item / Summary and Agreed Actions / Who
  1. Notes from the previous meeting
/ The notes from the previous meeting were approved.
  1. Transport 17 Introduction and Presentation
/ John Savournin presented the following:
In 1983, a number of people in Totley came together with a common purpose to try and improve the quality of life for the elderly people of their locality. It was clear that the voluntary sector in the area was strong enough to set up lunch and social clubs if transport could be provided. The primary need that they identified was to take people into the community to share experiences and common interests. In most cases, this could include a meal and, at the same time, provide a welcome break for those caring for elderly relatives. Accordingly, Transport 17 Limitedwas set up to provide and operate accessible minibuses as an integral part of this service.
A volunteer Management Committee was formed and, in due course, the cost of a minibus was raised from a variety of sources, the first minibus going into service in June 1984. The charges to be made for hire of the minibus were determined, drivers and escorts recruited and passenger and vehicle insurance arranged. Secure parking for the vehicle was found at a Residential Home. At this stage, all the administration was carried out by volunteers.
Transport 17 Limitednow operates 5 days a week and has a small office in Totley with a full-time paid manager and a part-time paid administrator. It provides a service to around 16 luncheon and social clubs on a regular basis, serving the elderly, disabled and frail members of the community, mainly in the south-west of Sheffield. Each year we carry approximately 12,000 passenger trips to and from the clubs, gradually drawing people into different activities.
The minibuses are driven by volunteers who have to pass a driving assessment to ensure that they are safe and capable drivers. Each vehicle also has a volunteer passenger assistant (or escort) whose job is to ensure that the passengers are safely escorted to and from their homes before and after the club meeting. They are also responsible for seeing that boarding and alighting are carried out safely and that seat belts are worn during the journeys. Our volunteers, currently 20 in number, generally cover the same duty week by week and are well known to their passengers and provide a personalised service.
Transport 17 Limitedis a registered charity under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act. Fundraising is a continuous process and fundraising events and appeals to charitable trusts carry on throughout the year. We charge £2.00 an hour and £1.00 per mile for the use of the minibuses, which is comparable with the other community transport operators in South Yorkshire. These charges reflect the costs of fuel, maintenance and insurance, etc. We do not pay Road Fund licence fees as our vehicles are registered as DISABLED PASSENGER VEHICLES. No element is included for depreciation of the vehicles in the hire charge and, therefore, we have to raise funds by other means to replace a vehicle.
Our minibuses are specially adapted to provide easy access with electric side steps and wheelchair lifts at the back for the more disabled passengers. The vehicles are designed so that any wheelchair used by a passenger who cannot be transferred into one of the normal seats can be clamped down securely.
Transport 17 Limitedoperates to enhance the lives of elderly people for whom normal public transport is not an option. It gives people who use the service a greater degree of freedom and mobility which would otherwise be denied to them. This, in turn, can help them to continue living in their own home rather than being admitted to residential care.
Transport 17 in brief:
Who are we?
A local community transport service operating in the south-west part of Sheffield
Whom do we serve?
We exist to serve frail and elderly people who are lonely and housebound, sometimes disabled and disadvantaged, and who find difficulty in using normal transport services.
How do we help?
Our specially adapted mini-buses offer a caring, door-to-door service to take people regularly to lunch clubs, social clubs, day centres, church groups, etc. and on occasional outings, so getting them out into the community and greatly enhancing their quality of life.
How are we organised?
We have a paid full-time project manager, a paid part-time administrator and an elected management committee who give their services voluntarily. Our drivers and passenger assistants are also volunteers and are qualified and assessed to meet all safety standards.
How are we financed?
We are a strictly non-profit making organization and registered as a charity under the Industrial & Provident Societies Act. The modest charges for the use of our mini-buses are based on time and mileage, but to cover the costs of keeping our vehicles on the road, including depreciation, we depend on gifts from charitable trusts, our own fundraising events and local community support. We also receive some funding from South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive towards our manager’s salary and office overheads.
Can we help you?
If you are the organizer of a group for people aged 60+, including members with mobility problems, we should be pleased to discuss your needs. All our vehicles are regularly maintained and are fitted with tail lifts, wheelchair safety clamps and seat belts. 150 individuals use the service. Our office is at 172, Baslow Road, Totley, or telephone (0114) 236 2962.
Can YOU help us?
We are always looking out for volunteer drivers and passenger assistants to keep our services running smoothly. If you are a caring person and (for drivers) hold an appropriate current driving license, and if you have some time to spare for a really worthwhile service to the less able members of the community, we should be delighted to hear from you.
  1. Age UK Sheffield presentation
/ Steve Wylie presented the following:
Age UK Sheffield provides support tailored to individual needs.
Age UK Sheffield makes life better for older people:
  • Information and advice
  • Advocacy
  • Independent living services
  • Products and Services
  • The Club
What is the club?
A membership scheme for anyone over the age of 50. Members can:
  • Meet new people
  • Use computer technology
  • Become more active
  • Shape club activities and offers
  • Free to join for the first year, £25 p.a. if you membership renewed.
  • Supported by Age UK and the Sheffield CCG.
  • Member can choose some, none or all the offers.
Free and discounted event – regular and one off events suggested by members.
  • Monthly Members Events
  • Meet new people
  • Learn about groups/services
  • Entertainment
  • Enjoy lunch/refreshments
  • Shape club activities.
Member Introductions
Another way for members to make new friends. Get to know other members in person, telephone, letter or email.
Using computers & the internet
Helping members make the most of technology –
  • One-to-one help in your home
  • Try one of our mobile computers
  • £50 John Lewis vouchers & free lunch
Information & updates
Keeping members informed of what’s available –
  • Quarterly newsletter
  • Information & advice
  • Free benefits check
  • Members given a named staff contact
Discounted services
One to one support for members to do what they want to do e.g.
  • Go shopping
  • Manage your correspondence
  • Organise your finances
  • Do the gardening
  • Use the internet
Age UK Sheffield
  • Every year we help over 12,000 older people in Sheffield
  • Trained and highly skilled staff and volunteers

Call: 0114 2502850 – weekdays 9am – 5pm
  1. Age UK Sheffield presentation
/ Sarah Mokryszpresented the following:
Royal Voluntary Service is a volunteer organisation that enriches the lives of older people and their families across Britain.
We support older people by giving time and practical help to help them get the best from life. Our volunteers – ordinary men and women of all ages and ethnicities – love spending time with the older people. Through them, we want to help create a society where everyone feels valued and involved whatever their age.We believe old age should be celebrated, and so we should: we’re 75 years old and still going strong.
In Sheffield:
  • Older people are the new focus
  • Since 2011 an on ward service is available at the Hallamshire/Northern General Hospital
  • Befriending scheme – 45 people
  • 100 people support the work of RVS in Sheffield – just a couple of hours a week volunteering
  • There is a referral service
  • Self-referrals via GP’s, social worker
  • £30 yearly membership scheme. 50p per visit
  • There is a hardship policy.
Transport issues are one of the key barriers.
  1. Proposals for future South West LAP meetings
/ Nesar Miah discussed the following with the SW LAP group:
The Tackling Social Isolation LAP is still new and continues to develop be it the membership of partners or the development of the action plan. The partnership meeting was originally set to meet on a monthly basis however following discussions with Cllr Woodcraft last week it is proposed that the partnership group meet bi-monthly as this would:
  • Enable partners to progress actions and provide update more effectively/resourcefully.
  • Reduce the requirement of partners attending monthly under the current cuts in services – capacity issues.
  • Allow the SW Locality Officer to chase up any outstanding actions and provide support to partners where required.
It was also suggested that future meetings should incorporate presentations from existing partners and external agencies (as and when requested for specific information to support progress of the Tackling Social Isolation Plan), as well as going through the progress of actions. The Tackling Social Isolation action plan will be monitored in 6 months to review progress.
The group agreed with the proposals and it was suggested that the March 2015 meeting be cancelled. / NM
  1. Draft Action Plan
/ There was limited opportunity to discuss the action plan due to time constraints. It was agreed that the SW Locality Officer would chase up actions with individual action owners. / NM
  1. Partner Updates
  • It was suggested that new partners who have attended the SW LAP meeting for the first time, arrange meetings with relevant partners (part of the SW LAP) and work together to deliver services. Age UK Sheffield already has meetings planned with VAS.
  • Alex Holyoak introduced himself as the Library Manager for Ecclesall Library and provided update on the availability of the library space for Digital Inclusion courses delivered by HDT. This was something requested at a previous meeting.

  1. Date and time of next meeting
/ Monday 20th April2015, 10.00am – 12.00pm
Committee Room 1, Town Hall