Government of Honduras
United Nations Development Programme
Global Environment Facility
HON/03/G31 (PIMS 2223)
Promoting Integrated Ecosystem and Natural Resource Management in Honduras
Table of Contents
Part I – Situation Analysis / 7
Part II - Strategy / 8
Part III – Management Arrangements / 10
Part IV – Monitoring and Evaluation / 13
Part V – Legal Context / 21
Section II: Total Workplan and budget / 25
Total Work Plan / 26
UNDP Budget Summary / 29
Section III: Other Agreements / 32
Parallel Financing Letter / 32
Endorsement Letter / 34
Results of PAC / 35
Signature Page / 36
Appendix A: Approved Brief/Executive Summary and Annexes / 1
Project Summary / 2
Approved Project Brief / 10
1. Country Ownership / 12
2. Program and Policy Conformity / 14
2 a. Project designation and conformity / 14
2 b. Project design / 14
2 b i. Sector issues, root causes, threats and barriers affecting the global environment / 16
2 b ii. Project logical framework / 32
2 b iii. Goals, objectives, outputs, and related assumptions, risks and performance indicators / 32
2 b iv. Global environmental benefits of the project / 56
2 b v. Incremental cost estimation / 59
2 c. Sustainability / 59
2 d. Replicability / 60
2 e. Stakeholder involvement / 61
3. Financing / 62
3 a. Financing plan / 62
3 a i. Project costing by output / 62
3 a ii. Output financing plan with co-financiers / 62
3 b. Cost effectiveness / 62
3 b i. Estimate of cost effectiveness / 62
3 b ii. Alternative project approaches considered and discarded / 63
4. Institutional Coordination and Support / 64
4 a. Core commitments and linkages / 64
4 a i. Country/regional/global/sector programs. / 64
4 a ii. GEF activities with potential influence on the project / 65
4b. Consultation, coordination and collaboration between IAs, and IAs and EAs / 65
4 b i. Relation of project to activities of other IAs / 65
4 b ii. C-ordination and collaboration between IAs / 66
5. Response to reviews / 66
Obligatory Annexes to Appendix A
Appendix A
Annex Page
Annex 1 Implementation Arrangements and Terms of Reference 3
Annex 2: Logical Framework Matrix 33
Annex 3 i: STAP review 39
Annex 3 ii: Response to STAP review 42
Annex 4: Strategies and Opportunities for Public and Institutional Participation 47
Annex 5: Response to GEFSEC and Council comments at work program
inclusion. 51
Annex 6 i: Incremental Cost Analysis 54
Annex 6 ii: Incremental Costing Logic 56
Optional Annexes
Annex 7: Pilot area selection process 60
Annex 8: Characteristics and global environmental values of Pilot Areas 64
Annex 9: Planning, monitoring, evaluation and systematization plan 72
Annex 10: Plan for the dissemination of lessons learnt 78
Annex 11 i: Map annex: Sico-Paulaya Pilot Area Separate Document
Annex 11 ii: Map annex: Texíguat Pilot Area Separate Document
Additional Annexes Available Upon Request
Annex 12 i Sico-Paulaya Pilot Area: summary table of threats to
global benefits and their causes
Annex 12 ii Texíguat Pilot Area: summary table of threats to global benefits
and their causes
Annex 13 i Sico-Paulaya Pilot Area: activities to address threats
Annex 13 ii Texíguat Pilot Area: activities to address threats
Annex 14: Summary of interrelations between strategies
Annex 15: Description of regional, national and local stakeholders
Annex 16: Context for the mainstreaming of environmental considerations
Annex 17: Environmental Annex for PRONADEL Manual of Operations
Annex 18: Plan for the facilitation of watershed and natural resource planning
Annex 19: Baseline activities and funding
Annex 20: Bibliographic references
ACT / Análisis de Contexto Territorial (Territorial Context Analysis)AFE-COHDEFOR / Autoridad Forestal del Estado – Corporación Hondureña de Desarrollo Forestal (State Forest Authority – Honduran Corporation for Forest Development)
AFH / Agenda Forestal Hondureña (Honduran Forestry Agenda)
ANAFAE / Asociación Nacional para la Promoción de la Agroecología (National Association for the Promotion of Agroecology)
CABEI / Central American Bank for Economic Integration
CATIE / Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (Tropical Agricultural Centre for Research and Training)
CBD / Convention on Biological Diversity
CIDICCO / Centro Internacional de Información sobre Cultivos de Cobertura (International Center for Information on Cover Crops)
CISP / International Cooperation for People’s Development
CITES / Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species
CODESPA / Comité para el Desarrollo de Sico y Paulaya (Committee for the Development of Sico-Paulaya)
COMUS / Comité Multi-Sectorial para la Sequía (Multi-Sector Committee on Drought)
CONADES / Commission Nacional para el Desarrollo Sostenible (National Commission for Sustainable Development)
CUPROFOR / Centro de Utilización de Productos Forestales (Forest Products Utilization Center)
CURLA / Centro Universitario Regional del Litoral Atlántico (Regional University Center of the Atlantic Coast)
DAPVS / Departamento de Areas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre (Protected Areas and Wildlife Directorate)
DIBIO / Dirección de Biodiversidad (Biodiversity Directorate)
DICTA / Dirección de Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola (Agricultural Science and Technology Directorate)
DINADERS / Dirección Nacional de Desarrollo Rural Sostenible (National Directorate of Sustainable Rural Development)
ENBRA / Estrategia Nacional de Biodiversidad (National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan)
ESNACIFOR / Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Forestales (National School of Forest Sciences)
EU / European Union
FCCC / Framework Convention on Climate Change
FONADERS / Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Rural Sostenible (National Fund for Sustainable Rural Development)
GIS / Geographical Information System
GTZ / German Organization for Technical Cooperation
HDI / Human Development Index
IDB / Interamerican Development Bank
IEM / Integrated Ecosystem Management
IFAD / International Fund for Agricultural Development
INA / Instituto Nacional Agrario (National Agrarian Institute)
IUCN / International Union for the Conservation of Nature
LMDSA / Ley para la Modernización y Desarrollo del Sector Agrícola (Law for the Modernization and Development of the Agricultural Sector)
MAFOR / Proyecto de Manejo Forestal (Forestry Management Project)
MARENA / Proyecto de Manejo de Recursos Naturales en Cuencas Prioritarias (Natural Resource Management in Priority Watersheds Project)
MOPAWI / Moskitia Pawisa
OICH / Oficina de Implementación Conjunta de Honduras (Honduran Joint Implementation Office)
PDF / Proyecto de Desarrollo Forestal (Forestry Development Project)
PEMS / Plan Estratégico para el Manejo Sostenible del SINAPH (Strategic Plan for the Efficient and Sustainable Management of the SINAPH)
PESA / Proyecto Especial de Seguridad Alimentaria (Special Food Security Project)
PIU / Project Implementation Unit
PMES / Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Systematization
PRBRP / Proyecto Reserva de la Biosfera del Río Plátano (Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve Project)
PROBAP / Proyecto de Biodiversidad en Areas Protegidas Prioritarias (Biodiversity in Priority Protected Areas Project)
PRODERCO / Proyecto para el Desarrollo de la Región Centro Occidental (Project for the Development of the Central and Western Regions)
PRONADEL / Programa Nacional para el Desarrollo Local (National Programme for Local Development)
PRONADERS / Programa Nacional de Desarrollo Rural Sostenible (National Program of Sustainable Rural Development)
PRSP / Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
RDF / Rural Development Fund
RDS-HN / Sustainable Development Network
REGAMH / Red de Gestión Ambiental de Honduras (Honduran Environmental Management Network)
REMBLAH / Red de Manejo del Bosque Latifoliado de Honduras (Honduran Broadleaved Forest Management Network)
RERURAL / Programa de Reactivación del Área Rural (Rural Area Reactivation Programme)
RPBR / Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve
RUTA / Regional Unit for Technical Assistance
SAG / Secretaría de Agricultura y Ganadería (Agriculture and Livestock Secretariat)
SAT / Sistema de Aprendizaje Tutorial (Tutorial Learning System)
SECPLAN / Secretaría de Planificación (Planning Ministry)
SERNA / Secretaría de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente (Natural Resources and Environment Secretariat)
SINAPH / Sistema Nacional de Areas Protegidas de Honduras (National System of Protected Areas of Honduras)
SIPSE / Sistema de Información, Planificación, Seguimiento y Evaluación (Information, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation System)
SPPA / Sico-Paulaya Pilot Area
TPA / Texíguat Pilot Area
UMA / Unidad de Manejo Ambiental (Environmental Management Unit)
UNAH / Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (National Autonomous University of Honduras)
UPEG / Unidad de Planificación, Evaluación y Gestión (Planning, Evaluation and Management Unit)
WWF / World Wildlife Fund
Section I: Brief Narrative
Part I Situation Analysis
i) The problem to be addressed
Honduras has exceptionally high biodiversity for its size, significant carbon reserves in its remaining forest areas and a population that is highly dependent on natural resource use. Biodiversity and carbon reserves are under extreme pressure from deforestation, especially in humid zone agricultural frontier areas, as a result of extensive cattle ranching, speculative land clearance and colonist smallholder agriculture. The resilience of natural resources and ecosystems, as well as their capacity to sustain rural livelihoods, are under threat from inappropriate land and water management, especially in the dry zone. The reversal of these processes is constrained by a number of factors including sector-based and centralized policies; ineffective regulation and inadequate governance conditions; inadequate consideration of environmental issues in rural development initiatives; and lack of information access and technical capacity among local stakeholders.
ii) “Outcome” of the SRF
Global Environment concerns and commitments integrated in national development planning and policy.
iii) Legal and institutional framework
Honduras is signatory to the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Convention to Combat Desertification.
The Law for the Modernization and Development of the Agricultural Sector (LMDSA) aims to bridge inter-sector divisions, making agricultural development compatible with conservation and the sound management of natural resources, environmental protection and ecological equilibrium. Rural development policy, as expressed in the Law for Sustainable Rural Development, aims to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life in rural communities through human, social, environmental and productive development, based on community participation and the sustainable management of natural resources, using the watershed as the principal unit of planning. The Action Plan for Environment and Development (PAAD) of the Environment and Natural Resources Secretariat (SERNA), the AFE-COHDEFOR’s forest policy document, and the Master Plan for Reconstruction and Transformation formulated after Hurricane/Tropical Storm Mitch, contain commitments to natural resource management planning at the watershed level. SERNA’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan promotes the sustainable use of biological diversity, research and training, effective environmental evaluation, land use planning and information exchange on biological diversity.
The Agriculture and Livestock Secretariat (SAG) is responsible for the formulation of agricultural and rural development policy, and for the execution of rural development projects under the umbrella of the National Programme for Sustainable Rural Development, PRONADERS. One of these projects is the National Programme for Local Development, PRONADEL, to which this project is linked.
The semi-autonomous State Forest Administration, AFE-COHDEFOR, is responsible for the regulation of tree and forest use and, through its Department of Protected Areas and Wildlife DAPVS, for the administration of protected areas and the regulation of the management and use of wildlife. SERNA is responsible for the formulation of policy related to the environment and natural resources; for the planning of the national protected areas system, SINAPH; for environmental licensing; and for the management and protection of biodiversity.
iv) Beneficiaries
At the pilot area level, the beneficiaries will be all of the local stakeholders in each pilot area, who will enjoy improved conditions of governance and improved flows of goods and benefits from natural resources. NGOs, projects, local authorities and local offices of central government institutions (including AFE-COHDEFOR, DINADERS and the Public Ministry) in the pilot areas will all benefit from training, increased access to information and in some cases logistical support.
Stakeholders throughout the entire area of influence of PRONADEL will enjoy benefits of a similar nature to those received by pilot area stakeholders, as a result of the strengthening by the project of PRONADEL’s capacity to promote environmental considerations in its activities.
At the central level, Governmental entities and projects such as PRONADEL, SAG (UPEG and DINADERS) and SERNA will receive benefits in the form of increased methodological capacity to incorporate integrated environmental considerations, and improved access to information.
Funding agencies, projects and national governmental agencies throughout Central America will benefit through receiving information on lessons learnt in the course of the project, allowing them to better incorporate integrated environmental considerations in the formulation and implementation of projects, with consequent indirect benefits for their local target populations. The municipalities included in the Project area are: Iriona and Juan Francisco Bulnes in the SPPA. In the case of TPA the municipalities are Morolica, Vado Ancho, Texiguat, San Lucas, Yauyupe, Nueva Armenia, Maraita, Sabanagrande, San Buenaventura and Santa Ana.
Part II Strategy
i) Country/sector strategy
The project will assist Honduras in meeting its obligations under the following international instruments to which it is signatory: the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Convention for the Conservation of Biodiversity and the Protection of Priority Wild Areas in Central America, the Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol on FCCC, the Regional Convention on Climate Change and the Convention on Combat of Desertification in Countries Affected by Serious Drought or Desertification.
The emphasis of the project on the sustainable management of natural resources through an integrated approach will further the national strategies expressed in the agricultural sector, in the Law for the Modernization and Development of the Agricultural Sector (LMDSA), which aims to bridge inter-sector divisions, making agricultural development compatible with conservation and the sound management of natural resources, environmental protection and ecological equilibrium; and, in relation to rural development, in the Law for Sustainable Rural Development, which aims to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life in rural communities through human, social, environmental and productive development, based on community participation and the sustainable management of natural resources, using the watershed as the principal unit of planning.