Project: Rehabilitation Work of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) Limited,
Bhai Veer Singh Marg,NewDelhi-Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC ConditionsPage 1 of 12
/Page No.
Chapter 1
/Introduction and Project Description
/Project Description
/Present Status of the Project
/Purpose of the Report
Chapter 2
/Compliance of Stipulated Conditions of Environmental Clearance
Part A
/Specific Conditions
I. Construction Phase
II. Operation Phase
Part B
/General Conditions
Chapter 3
/Details of Environmental Monitoring
/Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
/Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations
/Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Methodology
/Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Results
/Discussion on Ambient Air Quality in the Study Area
/Ambient Noise Monitoring
/Ambient Noise Monitoring Locations
/Methodology of Noise Monitoring
/Ambient Noise Monitoring Results
/Discussion on Ambient Noise Levels in the Study Area
/Groundwater Quality Monitoring
/Groundwater Quality Monitoring Locations
/Methodology of Groundwater Quality Monitoring
/Groundwater Quality Monitoring Results
/Discussion on Groundwater Quality in the Study Area
/Soil Monitoring
/Soil Monitoring Locations
/Methodology of Soil Monitoring
/Soil Monitoring Results
/Discussion on Soil Characteristics in the Study Area
/Details of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations
/Techniques used for Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
/Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Results
/Details of Ambient Noise Monitoring Stations
/Ambient Noise Monitoring Results
/Details of Water Quality Monitoring Station
/Groundwater Quality Monitoring Results
/Details of Soil Quality Monitoring Location
/Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Soil in the Study Area
/Ambient Air Quality at Project Site
/Noise Levels at Project Site
/Environmental clearance letter from MoEF
/Consent to Establish (NOC) from DPCC
/Test results of ambient air, noise, water and soil monitoring
/NABL Certification and MoEF approval of the Laboratory engaged
Chapter 1
This is project of rehabilitation work of DMRC at Bhai Veer Singh Marg, New Delhi for shopkeepers displaced from Panchkuian Marg, New Delhi. The building is divided into two pockets: Pocket I (to be constructed) and Pocket II (Existing).
This project has been granted environmental clearance by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF), New Delhi, vide letter number 72/DPCC/ SEIAA-SEAC/10/1233-37 dated 4th August 2010.
1.2Project Description
Salient Features:
/Bhai Veer Singh Marg,New Delhi
Building floors
/Three basement, LG+UG+6 floors
Total Plot Area
/21403.20 m2
Total Built up Area
/53839.863 m2
Ground Coverage
/Pocket II (existing) – 1985.20 sq.m.
Pocket I (proposed) – 5543.91 sq.m.Floor
/Existing(pocket II-GF+3 stories
Pocket I (proposed to construct) -GF+8 stories and 3 basements.
Total Height
/Existing(pocket II-15.75 m)
Pocket I-39.45 m
Total green belt area
/3298.96 m2.
Total Water Requirement
/350 KLD
Fresh water Requirement
/254 KLD
Waste Water Generation:
/120 KLD
Treated waste water to be reused for domestic purpose
/96 KLD
STP Capacity
/150 KLD
Parking (phase I+Phase II)
/840 ECS(795 ECS in basement and 45 ECS at surface)
Electric load (estimated max)
/3000 KW.
Solid waste
/329 kg/day
Total cost of proposed project
/180 crores
RCC framed structure, designed as per NBC norms
Design standards are based on NBC
Structure design to Zone V earthquake resistance norms
Power source & Backup:
The source of the power supply in construction phase is DG sets. For operational phase proposed project will avails electricity from BSES.
Fire Fighting:
For fire fighting and sprinkler services in office area, provisions made up to services shaft on each floor.
Fire detection and alarm system will be provided in entire building including basement
Fuel:At present there is no storage of fuel at project site. HSD diesel for DG set has been collected from the nearby petrol pump.
Water Supply:
At present water is supplying through water tankers by contractor
1.3Present Status of the Project
Proposed project is in construction phase till now 45% work has been over with ground floor construction.
1.4Purpose of the Report
Thissix-monthly report is being submitted as per the condition stipulated in the Environmental Clearance Order.
Further, the study will envisage the environmental impacts that have generated in the local environment due to the project.
The environmental assessment is being carried out to verify:
That the project does not have any adverse environmental impacts in the project area and its surrounding
Compliance with the conditions stipulated in the Environmental Clearance Letter.
That the Project Management is implementing the environmental mitigation measures as suggested in the approved Form-1, Form-1A, Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and building plans.
The project proponent is implementing the environmental safeguards in true spirit.
Any non-conformity in the project with respect to the environmental implication of the project.
Chapter 2
I. Construction Phase
S. No.
/Conditions of Environmental Clearance
/Status of Compliance
/Construction to be started after Consent to establish has been obtained from Delhi Pollution Control Committee under Air and Water Act and a copy shall be submitted to the SEAC- NCT Delhi, failing which project shall be discontinued.
/Consent to establish has been obtained from Delhi Pollution Control Committee under Air and Water Act and a copy is attached here as annex-2
/A first aid room to be provided in the project both during construction and operation phase.
/First aid room has been provided at the site for construction phase and will also be provided for operational phase
/Provision shall be made for the housing of construction labour within the site with all necessary infrastructure and facilities such as fuel for cooking, mobile toilets, mobile STP, safe drinking water, medical health care, crèche etc. the housing may be in the form of temporary structures to be removed after completion of the project.
/There is no onsite labor housing facility. Labors during construction phase commute from DMRC labor camp located at Paharganj.All necessary facilities and infrastructures have been provided at DMRC labor camp. However, at project site mobile toilet, weekly medical checkup camp and drinking water tanker from NDMC has been provided for the laborers.
/Health and safety norms of CPWD should be followed during construction.
/Health and safety norms of CPWD for construction purpose are being followed here.
/Top soil excavated during construction activities should be stored for horticulture/landscape development within site.
/Top soil was debris and was removed from the site. Fertile soil below debris is retained offsite which will be used for horticulture development within the site.
/Disposal of muck during construction phase should not create any adverse effect on the neighbouring communities and be disposed taking the necessary precautions for general safety and health aspects of people, only in approved sites with the approval of competent authority.
/Muck generated from the site has been collected and stored in designated area lined with impermeable liner to avoid leaching into ground water. The stored muck is then disposed off through authorized disposer
/Proper measures should be adopted to control dust emissions during construction phase.
/Covered transportation of construction material and water sprinkling is in practice to control dust emission.
/Soil and water samples of the site should be tested by the proponent through DPCC recognized laboratory to ascertain that there is no threat to ground water quality by leaching of heavy metals and other toxic contaminants, on quarterly basis for inclusion in the six monthly report.
/Soil and water monitoring has been done to assess any possible threat to the ground water quality. Monitoring report is attached here as annexure
/Construction spoils, including bituminous material and other hazardous materials, must not be allowed to contaminate watercourses and the dump sites for such material must be secured so that they should not leach into the ground water.
/Construction material and hazardous material is being stored in a dedicated place and utmost care is taken in storage to prevent contamination. Bituminous material is not in use at this stage.
/Any hazardous waste generated during construction and operation phase should be disposed off as per applicable rules and norms with necessary approvals to the Delhi Pollution Control Committee.
/Spent oil from DG set is stored with utmost care in a dedicated place andwill be disposed off to authorized vendor only
/The diesel generator sets to be used during construction phase should be low sulphur diesel type and should conform to Environment Protection Rules prescribed for air and noise emission standards.
/One DG set of 62 KVA is in operation at project site to support construction activities. Fuel of this DG is of HSD type and conform Environment Protection Rules prescribed for air and noise emission standards
/The diesel required for operating DG sets shall be stored in underground tanks and if required, clearance from Chief Controller of Explosives shall be taken.
/There is no onsite storage facility for diesel. It has been collected from the nearby petrol pump.
/Vehicles hired for bringing construction material to the site should be in good condition and should have a pollution check certificate and should conform to applicable air and noise emission standards and should be operated only during non-peak hours. The material loaded or unloaded should be covered (especially excavated soil) before transportation to avoid fugitive emissions etc.
/Vehicles hired for construction are in fine condition with updated PUC certificate to control air emission.
/Thick green belt of the adequate width and density, as per plan submitted, shall be raised along the periphery of the plot so as to provide protection against particulates and noise. At least 2 rows of trees should be planted all around the periphery, wherever possible.
/Green belt with native species of plant (as per submitted plan) has been developed along the periphery to control particulate matter and noise
/Rain water harvesting, as per plan submitted, for roof top run-off and surface run-off should be implemented. Before recharging the surface run-off, pre-treatment must be done to remove suspended matter, oil and grease. The depth of the bore for rainwater recharging should be kept in consultation with DJB. (such as sewage, trade effluent, backwash of treatment unit, floor washing wastewater etc) should be discharged into the rainwater harvesting structure in order to avoid groundwater contamination.
/Rain water harvesting system as per submitted plan and environmental clearance condition will be developed for operational phase.
/Fly ash should be used as building material in the construction as per the provisions of Fly Ash Notification of September, 1999 and amended as on 27th August, 2003.
/There is provision of using flyash mixed with RMC as building material during construction phase
/Ready Mix Concrete must be used in building construction.
/Ready mixed concrete is being used for building construction
/Water demand during construction should be reduced by use of pre-mixed concrete, curing agents and other best practices preferred.
/Use of premixed concrete and curing agents to conserve water is in practice here
/Fixtures for showers, toilet flushing and drinking should be of low flow either by use of aerators or pressure reducing devices or sensor based control.
/During operational phase low flow fixtures for showers, toilet flushing and drinking will be used to conserve the water
/Energy Conservation Building Code to be strictly adopted in all aspects of building design and construction.
/Measures and practices given in energy conservation building code has already been considered during design stage and is beingimplemented during construction phase
/Approval of competent authority shall be obtained for structural safety of the building due to earthquake, adequacy for fire fighting equipments etc as per National Building Code including protection measures from lightening etc.
/All necessary approval for building construction for structural safety concern has been obtained from NDMC
/Regular supervision of the above and other measures for monitoring should be in place all through the construction phase, so as to avoid disturbance to all surroundings.
/It will be ensure that all measures proposed for construction phase will be regularly monitored.
II. Operation Phase
S. No
/Conditions of Environmental Clearance
/Status of Compliance
/Consent to Operate shall be obtained from DPCC before operation, failing which the Environmental Clearance herein shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
/Consent to Operate from DPCC will be obtained before the commencement of operational phase
/M/s Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) Ltd. will be responsible for the operation and maintenance and implementation of environmental safeguards for the project.
/As per environmental clearance condition DMRC will manage operation, maintenance and implementation of environmental safeguard for the project
/No furniture manufacturing shops should be allowed in the complex.
/As per condition stated, furniture manufacturing shops will not be allowed in the complex
/The Zero wastewater discharge condition to be achieved with installation of on-site Sewage Treatment Plant. The STP should be certified by an independent expert and adequacy report in this regard should be submitted to Delhi Pollution Control Committee before the project is commissioned for operation. Necessary measures should be made to mitigate the odour problem from STP.
/In operational phase, an STP of adequate capacity will be installed to treat the waste water. STP treated water will be reused at the project site to achieve zero waste water discharge. As per condition, STP adequacy test will be performed and report would be submitted to Delhi Pollution Control Committee before the project is commissioned for operation
/The solid waste (dry as well as wet garbage) generated should be properly collected and segregated before disposal to NDMC. Adequate measures should be taken to prevent odour problem.
/Solid waste management including storage, segregation and disposal will be done in proper way during operational phase. Necessary measure to control the odour problem will be implemented.
/Utilization of Diesel power generating sets is subject to power failure condition only. The DG sets proposed as a source of power back up during operation phase should be of enclosed type, low sulphur diesel run and conform to rules made under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. The DG sets should be subjected to periodic noise and stack monitoring in consultation with DPCC. Waste/used diesel should be stored and managed as per Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000 as amended to date and be sold to CPCB approved recyclers. Clearance from AAI should be obtained for stack height of D.G Set.
/For operational phase DG set with acoustic enclosures as per Environment (Protection) Act 1986 will be used for power backup. Diesel used in DG will be HSD. Spent oil of DG sets will be stored in drum over impermeable liner and sold to CPCB approved recyclers. Once the construction over, clearance for stack height of DG set would be obtained from Airport Authority of India.
/The ground water drawl from existing/proposed bore well during construction and operation phase should be done only with the prior permission of DJB. The ground water level and its quality should also be monitored regularly.
/During operational phase water requirement will be met by NDMC. In every six month ground water quality will be monitored and mentioned in half yearly monitoring report.
/Traffic congestion near the entry and exit points from the roads adjoining the project site must be avoided. Parking should be fully internalized and no public space should be utilized.
/There is provision of 6 m wide separate entry and exit point for the vehicles to avoid traffic congestion on the adjoining roads
/Energy Conservation measures such as solar lighting for common areas, solar water heating system, CFLs/TFLs for lighting of areas, LED lights for signage, solar inverters etc should be adopted.
/There is provision of installation of luminaries with less power consumption to support energy conservation. These include usage of CFL and T5 tube lights instead of common bulbs and tube lights
/Used CFLs/TFLs should be properly collected and disposed off/ sent for recycling as per the prevailing guidelines/rules of the regulatory authority to avoid mercury contamination.
/E waste so generated during operational phase will be collected an stored as per prevailing guideline of regulatory authority, after then it will be handover to DPCC/MoEF authorized vendor only
/A Report on energy conservation measures conforming to energy conservation norms finalized by Bureau of energy Efficiency should be prepared incorporating details about building materials and technology, R & U factors etc and submit a copy to Ministry of Environment & Forests, Regional Office, Chandigarh and DPCC in three months time with intimation to SEIAA.
/Report on Energy conservation measures having details of building materials and technology, R & U factors etc will be submitted.
S. No.
/Conditions of Environmental Clearance
/Status of Compliance
/The environmental safeguards and monitoring schedule as contained in the EMP should be implemented in letter and spirit & there will be no departure from the final project proposal as approval herein.
/Environmental safeguards and monitoring plan given in EMP will be implemented in a true spirit without any deviation from approved proposal.
/Corporate Social Responsibility should be carried out as per action plan and budget submitted.
/Budget will be as per EIA report submitted to SEIAA, Delhi
/Officials from Ministry of Environment & Forests, Regional Office, Chandigarh and Delhi Pollution Control Committee, who would be monitoring the implementation of environmental safeguards, should be given full cooperation, facilities and documents/data on site by the project proponents during their site inspection. A complete set of all the documents submitted to SEAC should be forwarded to Ministry of Environment & Forests, Regional Office, Chandigarh & DPCC. Six monthly monitoring reports should also be submitted to Ministry of Environment & Forests, Regional Office, Chandigarh & DPCC.