Sampling Diversity within Our Classroom
Looking around our classroom, you can see that we represent many different countries and cultures. Some of us were born in other countries and came to the United States at a very young age. Others, were born in the United States, but have parents or grandparents who were born in another country. Today, we are going to look at the different countries represented within our own classroom and express our feelings and opinions about these countries compared to the United States.
Work together with your partner and use the following links to view photographs and videos from several different countries. Then answer the questions that follow. Have fun and enjoy your trip around the globe!!!
One student in our class lived in India. Look at the different photographs to get a better understanding of life in India.
Several students in our class have ties to Guyana. Explore these photographs and experience what the culture, people, housing, government, and geography are like in Guyana.
To get a better understanding of where two students in our class have family members from, view the video about Dominican Republic.
Next stop… Puerto Rico. This is where one student’s parent was born. Look at all the photographs to gain a better appreciation of this U.S. territory.
Can you imagine being born in Egypt? A student in our class can! View these photographs of Egypt and see what life is like there.
Yes, we even have students who were born in the United States. Take a look at these photographs from all over the country.
Think About It
Now that you have viewed a sample of several countries through photographs and videos, think about and reflect on what you have seen. Discuss the following questions with your partner and see if you both formed the same opinion or not. We will share our thoughts together as a class after you and you partner have had time to discuss your feelings.
· What did you find interesting or like about each country?
· How do you feel about life in each different country when compared to the United States? (Think about the land, people, houses, cities/towns, landmarks, etc.)
· Do you think you would enjoy living in one of the countries you visited? Why?
· Why do you think it is important to look at the similarities and differences between different countries?
· Were you surprised at the number of similarities and differences between the United States and the other countries you visited?
· How do you feel now, knowing a little more about your classmates’ cultural heritage?