DEX3 Meeting 02 - Minutes
Minutes of DEX3Meeting 02, DNV, Oslo, 31 May – 2nd June 05
List of attendees
Carl WilénSaab
Trine HansenDNV
Sean BarkerBAE SYSTEMS (Wednesday & Thursday)
Göran RydmanSaab
Leif GyllströmAerotech Telub (Wednesday & Thursday)
Phil RutlandUK MoD
Denny RaitzBoeing Company
Leif TonningDNV
Rob BrownLSC Group
Dennis HoylandUK MoD
Tom MalloyPiper Group
Introduction & Aim
- To agree the structure and membership of the DEX3 team, agree the high level scope and to start refining the agreed scope of in preparation for the DEX3 development.
31st May (pm)
- The minutes were read and accepted.After reviewing the actions it was agreed that action:-
- 1.1 is‘complete’ as the structure and membership were agreed at this meeting;
- 1.1a is ‘on-going’. Any new copy addressees to Phil Rutland;
- 1.2 is ‘complete’ as the timetable wasagreed at this meeting;
- 1.3 is complete’ as the scope was agreed at this meeting and the rest of the meeting started to add detail;
- 1.4 is ‘on-going’. There is still a need to check DEX3 against any other related standards;
- 1.5 is ‘complete’ as it was discussed, at this meeting, as part of the detail work;
- 1.6 is ‘on-going’. The Frigates reference data is currently not available but should be by the next meeting in Stockholm
- The structure, as shown below, was discussed and accepted.
- The membership, as shown in the structure below, was accepted. Additionally, Denny Raitz asked to be added to the Development group.
- The timetable, shown below was accepted. The next meeting will be held at the World Trade Centre, Stockholm – 21st, 22ndJune 2005. Details to follow.
- At the June meeting it will be necessary to decide on who will document which parts of the DEX. Attendees should be ready to indicate their input to this documentation exercise.
- The exact date for the Sept meeting will be confirmed, by the modellers, at the Aug meeting. The Sept meeting will depend on progress up to Aug.
- It was agreed that there was a need to ‘map’ the scope of DEX3 to the approved AAM. Action Leif Gyllström
- During discussions of the high level scope it was agreed that we should develop a “Task Information” DEX that would provide a mechanism to exchange a single task (although this task would be able to reference other sub-tasks). This would simplify our task and allow us to produce a usable DEX more quickly.
- The development of a “Task Set” DEX that would provide a ‘collection of tasks’ will be dealt with later. It might even be possible to deal with a task set via the Management Plan DEX (DEX5).
- It was also agreed to focus on Task information from the main developer to the customer (as this was more straightforward than an exchange between developers).
- After further debate, the high level scope was agreed and set out in the “DEX3 Requirement – Business Scope FINAL V01 May 2005”
1st Jun (pm)
- Trine Hansen put forwardsome of the task requirements for the Norwegian Frigate so that the group could debate them with respect to the agreed high level scope. This was taken as the first input to the detailed requirements but was also valuable in validating the scope.
- Whilst some of the Frigates requirements where identified as being appropriate for the Task Set DEX, we were able to place all other requirements into the high level scope (adding a new ‘reference documents’ requirement to the scope).
- During these discussions Sean Barker said that needed to be clear about our requirements for the use of classification and properties so that the modellers could model in a consistent manner.
2ndJun (am)
- Denny Raitz proposed more details for the ‘Resources’ scope requirement (No: 3). The next version of the detailed requirements will include these proposals.
- Everyone agreed to take the next version of the detailed requirements and add details as required by their existing systems and standards. Action All.
- It is important that the action at paragraph 17 is completed in time for the next meeting. All inputs must be ready for 21st Jun. Inputs should be sent to Phil Rutland by no later than Wednesday 15th June (so that they can be consolidated).
- Leif Tonning put forward more Frigate project requirements and these were discussed. All were placed within the high level scope.
- There followed a discussion on reference data. It was agreed that we should propose reference data during the exercise of developing detailed requirements.
- Whilst the generic nature of PLCS (and therefore DEXs) was accepted it was agreed that we should concentrate our efforts around the participants’ community (Defence and Aerospace) by ensuring that participants’ requirements (including National and International standards) were covered by DEX3. The modellers will strive to ensure the broadest possible use of DEX3 without compromising our requirements.
- None.
Action No. / Description / Status2.1 / ‘map’ the scope of DEX3 to the approved AAM / Leif G
2.2 / Check current DEX3 detailed requirements for completeness (S1000D, LSAR, UK MoD WSA Task DB, etc…) / All,
2.3 / Request relationship mapping between DEXs / Phil
2.4 / Detail reporting requirements / Denny
2.5 / Find and update DEX relationship diagram / Leif G
Action No. / Description / Status
1.1 / Agree the modified structure and membership of the Business Group and Development team (see Annex A). Future meetings and correspondence will be conducted only with those listed at Annex A. Members will be expected to pass on relevant information to others in their organization / Complete
1.1a / Identify anyone else who must bea cc addressees for correspondence / All
1.2 / Confirm attendance at appropriate meetings (see Annex B) / Complete
1.3 / Check the agreed top level scope and propose more detailed requirements under each heading (see attachment 3 - DEX3 Status 2005 Apr) / Complete
1.4 / Check the relationships between DEX3 and other standards and highlight issues resulting from this analysis / All
1.5 / Review Frigate Project requirements for DEX3 (as supplied by Trine) with respect to the current scope of DEX3 / Complete
1.6 / Review the Frigate Project DEX3 reference data (also supplied by Trine) and consider potential sources for that data / All
Structure for DEX3 Development (Agreed at Meeting 2)
Annex B to DEX3 01 meeting (start up) - Minutes
Timetable for DEX 3 Meetings (Agreed at meeting 2)
Date / Place / Members / Aim31 May 05 / Oslo / Business Group / Agreed requirements scope
01 Jun 05 / Oslo / Domain experts (& Modellers) / Elaborate on requirements
02 Jun 05 / Oslo / Domain experts (& Modellers) / Elaborate on requirements
21 Jun 05 / Stockholm / Domain experts (& Modellers) / Elaborate on requirements
22 Jun 05 / Stockholm / Domain experts (& Modellers) / Elaborate on requirements
23 Aug 05 / Glasgow / Business group and Development team / Full meeting. Review
24 Aug 05 / Glasgow / Modellers (& Domain experts) / Develop DEX
25 Aug 05 / Glasgow / Modellers (& Domain experts) / Develop DEX
xx Sep 05 / Oslo? / Modellers (& Domain experts) / Develop DEX
xx Sep 05 / Oslo? / Modellers (& Domain experts) / Develop DEX
1 Nov 05 / Stockholm / Business group and Development team / Full meeting. Final report