IDAVOAD Meeting Minutes
Date: January 8, 2015
Location: American Red Cross and Conference Line



  • Dave Tish, Church of the Nazarene
  • Mary Marsh, BHS
  • Wade Gayler, ARC
  • Lisa Spanberger, CDHD
  • Dan & Jessica Gasiorowski, Episcopal Diocese of ID
  • Jackie Roe
  • Crash Marusich, ACEM
  • Dennis Lawson, ACEM
  • Natalie Bodine, CDHD
  • Todd Herrera, BHS
  • Dave McCune, LDS Church
  • Sean Lunsford, ARC
  • David Schorzman, Canyon County EM
  • Jerry Royster, HUD (conf line)
  • Clint Blackwood, Jerome County EM (conf line)
  • Mike Bullard, Inland NW VOAD (conf line)



Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes

Dan Gasiorowski moved to accept the previous meeting minutes, Wade Gayler seconded, and all approved. Natalie will update budget numbersfrom Russ Dunn if needed.

Treasure’s Report

Russ Dunn was not present at the meeting therefore no treasure’s report was given.


Wade provided information for the group on SureID. SureID is an identity management program that is available to agencies. If interested in more information you can contact; Warren Brown, Regional Account Manager, 503.924.5390 (phone),

Evaluation Summary and 2015 IDAVOAD Conference Committee

Natalie provided copies of the evaluation summary for the 2014 IDAVOAD annual conference. The evaluation was completed on Survey Monkey by 15 participants to date. Natalie will leave the survey open online for others who would still like to fill out the evaluation. A committee was formed to begin planning for the 2015 conference. The committee includes; Mary Marsh, Lisa Spanberger, Jessica and Dan Gasiorowski, and Jackie Roe.


Lisa provided a template of the summary from the Matrix survey. 22 agencies responded to the survey providing information on their primary and secondary roles along with contact information for their agency. Lisa will send an electronic copy of the matrix to everyone. She is open for feedback and comments regarding the presentation and layout of the information so please forward those to her.

There was a proposal to possibly load data into a GIS platform in the future (WebEOC?).

IDAVOAD Business Card Template

Jackie Roe provided a draft template of an IDAVOAD Business Card for review. Dan Gasiorowski moved to make IDAVOAD funds available for printing costs, Sean Lunsford seconded the motion, and all approved. Jackie will also send the electronic version of the template to others so that they can print copies on their own

Dave will contact the standing Co-Chair, Mike Lovett, to confirm his availability and status as the Co-Chair for IDAVOAD.

DCS System (Disaster Cycle Service) Operations System

Sean provided an overview of the DCS operations system that Red Cross is currently using to help them track how they deploy and how they respond to disasters. The group discussed ways that a system such as this could be used by IDAVOAD and what data would be beneficial. More discussion to come.

Meeting Schedule & Locations

March 12, 2015 – Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security

May 21, 2015 – Ada County Emergency Management(Date change for the May meeting)

July 9, 2015 – Central District Health Department