Employee Quick Reference Card
Logging On To ezLaborManager
Accessing ezLM /
  1. Double click on “Internet Explorer” from your desktop
  2. In the Internet Address bar, enter:
  3. Click on “Bookmark ezLM”.
  4. This will add ezLM to your favorites
  5. On your Internet Menu, you can click on the “Favorites” tab, right click on ezLM and select “Send To”, then “Desktop. This will allow you to access the database from your desktop.

Logging On / First Logon
  1. From your desktop, double click on the “ADP ezLabor Manager” icon.
  2. The system will ask you for the Client Name. This will only happen the first time that you log on. Our client name is: YWCAOFCALGARY (all in caps).
  3. Enter your username and password. Your username and password will be your first initial, then your last name. (example: John Doe’s username and password would both be jdoe)
  4. You will be prompted to change your password. Enter your old password (jdoe) in the field provided, then enter your new password twice in the two fields provided.
Logging On (After First Log On)
  1. From your desktop, double click on the “ADP ezLabor Manager” icon.
  2. Enter your username and password.
  3. If you are new to the system your password will be “welcome”

When you access ADP ezLabor, the first page will contain the following chart. This chart applies to both salaried staff and part-time contract personnel. As a teacher you only need access the first box, which reads “Time Sheet”. Click on that box.

Once you have completed that step you will see the following:

You will select “Home”, unless it is already there. You will then see “PayDateRange” followed by a drop-down menu. You will click on the arrow and select “Current Pay Period“ if it does not already appear in the box.

Beneath this top part you will see this:

You will not have to fill in everything.

Please note that you will have to wait for the system to enter your choices. It takes a few seconds.

You will first see if your schedule has been entered correctly. If is has been, then you will click on “Select.” You have two options:

  1. If you enter your time on a daily basis or a weekly basis, you will click on the box in front of the appropriate day.
  2. If you are doing it once at the end of the pay period, you may click on the “Select” box at the top of the column which will then select all the rows in which data has been entered.

If your schedule is not correct, you will have to enter the correct hours.

You will first enter the day that you worked. Each day, and the appropriate date, will already be there. In front of the day you will see a box with a plus sign. If you worked more than one shift on any day you will need to enter the hours for each time period in separate rows. To get another row for that day, click on the plus sign and a new row will appear. (In the above example the Monday plus sign was selected and a second row was formed.) If two rows are there and you only worked one shift, just ignore the second row.

Remember that you must enter a second row if one time period was instructional time and another was non-instructional time. You cannot combinethe two.

You will then go to the next columns:

You must enter the hours either using the 24 hour clock or by entering afternoon and evening hours with a “P” after the time.

  • If you taught from 9am to 12 noon you would type in 9 under “Time In” (the AM will automatically will appear), then tab to the next box. Enter 12 under “Time Out”.
  • If you finished at 11:30, type in 1130 (No punctuation is necessary)
  • If you taught from 7 to 9 at night you would type in “7p” (or 19) for Time In, tab to the next box, then enter “9p” (or 21) for Time Out.

The number of Hours will automatically appear. If there is a mistake, type in the hours manually. E.g., 1.5 (hours).

You will not enter anything under “Out Type” and “Earnings Code”.

The next column will show you the Department. All ESL employees are in Department 5200.

You then have to enter the “Cost Centre Numbers”

You will notice the magnifying glass. Click on this and a drop-down menu will appear. It looks like this:

You will use the Blue ID numbers.

ENC instructors: click on 5200200S6 for your instructional time, and 5200E200S20 for your non-instructional time.

LINC instructors: You will look at the bottom of this page and click on “Next”. You will then click on 5200E201S6 for instructional time and 5200E201S20 for non-instructional time.

You will then notice a sticky note at the end of each row. It would be helpful if you could tell me what these hours are for.

For example:

  • Sub for xxxxxxxx
  • End of term paperwork
  • Staff meeting


If you do not work a scheduled shift simply do not check it off. If you have accidentally checked it, just click on it again and the check mark will disappear.

At the bottom of your time sheet you will see the following:

If you have made a mistake click on “Delete” and the row will disappear when you submit your timesheet.

If everything is correct click on “Submit and Calculate”. You will receive a message saying “Operation Successful”

A turquoise pentagon may appear – don’t worry, it just means it has to be approved. You have done all that you need to do.


Should you have a problem just ask for help – nobody is perfect.