AmeriCorps Alums

20th Anniversary Local & National Leader Awards Communications Guide

Nominations Accepted from June 16 – August 1, 2014

A communications and resource guide for AmeriCorps Alums chapters and all national service partners, especially programs with currently serving AmeriCorps members or AmeriCorps alumni to help promote AmeriCorps Alums 20th Anniversary Local & National Leader Awards

This document is also available at

For additional information, please contact Maria Caruso, AmeriCorps Alums Communications Coordinator, at 678.399.2481


Participation Checklist

Communication Resources/Templates

National Leader Awards FAQS

Local Leader Awards FAQS

Newsletter—Long Version for Currently Serving Corps Members

Newsletter—Long Version for AmeriCorps Alums

Newsletter—Long Version for AmeriCorps Partners

Newsletter Inserts

Suggested Weekly Social Media Posts for Facebook and Twitter

20TH Hashtag & New #Iamthe20th Photo Blog Series

Letter to Corporate Partners to Encourage Them to Nominate Alums

Additional Resources from CNCS

Last Updated July 11, 2014 1

20TH Anniversary Local & National Leader Awards

AmeriCorps Alums will celebrate 20 AmeriCorps alumni nationally in honor of the 20th anniversary on September 12, 2014.We will also nationally recognize your organization’s local award winners if you choose to also select at least 1-2 leaders for local awards. Email by 8/1 if you’re planning local awards and want national recognition for your chosen leaders.
Nominations are being accepted through our 20th Anniversary site,, and we will share program and state specific nominations with you by 8/15. The nominations process will build a robust alumni story database for the national service sector to activate for ongoing communications, PR, and advocacy initiatives. Please visit for a list of20th Anniversary partners.

Participation Checklist

Dates / Activities
June 16-27 /
  • June 16: First day nominations are accepted at the National Leader Award FAQs, the Local Leader Awards FAQs, and submit nominationsof outstanding corps members or alumni from your organization. We recommend each partner submit at least 2 nominations, but encourage additional submissions to help build a database that includes stories representing your organization.
  • Email the Newsletter–Long Version for Current Corps Members, the Newsletter–Long Version for Alumni, and the Newsletter—Long Version for AmeriCorps Partners advertising the awards and encouraging nominations.
  • Encourage nominations 3-5 times on your social media platforms using material from our Suggested Weekly Social Media Posts.
  • Include one of the Newsletter Inserts on the awards in your June newsletter.

Month of July /
  • Include one of the Newsletter Inserts on the awards in your July newsletter.
  • Submit at least 2 nominations of outstanding corps members or alumni from your organization. We encourage you to submit more!
  • Encourage nominations 3-5 times on your social media platforms using material from our Suggested Weekly Social Media Posts.

August 1 /
  • Last Day to submit nominations!
  • Last Day to email that you want recognition for your Local Leader Awardees.

Sept. 1 /
  • Email the names of your Local Leader Award winners.

Sept. 12 /
  • Award recipients announced.

Mid-Late September /
  • Congratulate award winners 2-3 times on your social media platforms, blogs, website, etc. (stay tuned for communication tools!).

Communication Resources/Templates

Target Audience:All AmeriCorps Alums chapters and national service partners, especially programs with currently serving AmeriCorps members or AmeriCorps alumni

Resources: National Leader Award FAQS

Local Leader Award FAQS

Newsletter – Long Version (Dedicated E-blast) for Current Corps Members

Newsletter– Long Version (Dedicated E-blast) for Alumni of Your Program

Newsletter—Long version (Dedicated E-blast) for Partners

Newsletter Inserts

Suggested Weekly Social Media Posts

20TH Hashtag & New #Iamthe20th Photo Blog Series

Letter to Corporate Partners to Encourage Them to Nominate Alums

Additional Resources from CNCS

National Leader AwardsFAQS

  1. Who can nominate individuals?

Anyone can nominate 20th anniversary award winners—including program directors, foundation executives, AmeriCorps Alums chapters, colleagues, friends, etc. Self-nominations are accepted.

  1. Who is eligible for the awards?

Any alum who has served in an AmeriCorps program, including VISTA memberspre-1994. Additionally, alums serving quarter-time and part-time AmeriCorps terms can apply, as can currently serving full-time corps members who have completed at least one term.

  1. What are you looking for in a nominee?

Nominees should model the values of the AmeriCorps pledge and be committed to a lifetime of service. Ideal nominees bring Americans together to strengthen our communities. When faced with apathy, they take action. When faced with conflict, they seek common ground. When faced with adversity, they persevere. They “get things done for America”—to make our people safer, smarter, and healthier.

We are seeking nominees from a diverse range of backgrounds, program types, ages, and service years. We are looking for nominations from a broad range of impact areas and professions, including, but not limited to: educators, politicians, nonprofit staff members and executives, former VISTA Leaders, members who served or are currently serving and have already completed one term, artists, small business owners, alums who are also military veterans, policy makers, religious leaders, environmentalists, active community members, individuals who work in a global context, disaster responders, Alums chapter leaders, and entrepreneurs.

  1. How long does the nomination process take and how do you do it?

It takesjust5 minutes to complete a nomination and you will submit nominations In advance, be sure to gather basic demographic information on your nominee listed below and be prepared to answer a few short questions about how the nominee’s AmeriCorps experience shaped him/her personally and/or professionally.

  • Correct Spelling of Name
  • Email Address
  • Current State of Residence
  • Current Zip Code
  • Year of Service
  • AmeriCorps Program Name
  • Additional Year(s) of Service and Program Names (if Applicable)
  • Current Employer
  • Current Job Title
  • Current Impact Area: Education, Environment, Disaster, Veterans, Health, Economic Opportunity, Other
  • Demographic Info of the Nominee (Optional), Including Race/Ethnicity, Gender, and Age (<30, 31-40, 40+)
  • A Photo or Video of the Nominee is Encouraged, but Not Required.
  1. When can I nominate individuals for these awards and when will winners be announced?

We are accepting nominations from June 16-August 1 and will announce award recipients on Sept. 12.

  1. How are Awardees selected?

Finalists will be determined by a diverse group comprised of AmeriCorps alums and non-alum leaders from a diverse range of backgrounds.

  1. What happens after a nominated individual is selected as an Award Winner?

National award winners will be contacted in early August, and may be required to submit additional information (e.g. additional biographical information, photographs, a blog post, etc.).

  1. What are the benefits given and expectations for award winners?

Award recipients will gain national recognition and access to leadership and public speaking engagements. Awardees will be expected to advocate for AmeriCorps Alums and serve as spokespersons and role models for young alums. These 20 alumni would participate in public relations activities for the alumni association, including participation in online job panels, the creation of blog content, and other media opportunities.

Local Leader AwardsFAQS

Gain National Recognition & Celebrate AmeriCorps Alums in Your Local Chapter, Community, or Organization!

Key Dates

8/1: Email that you’re participating in Local Leader Awards

9/1: Email your Local Leader Award winners

  1. What are the AmeriCorps Alums Local Leader Awards?

The AmeriCorps Alums Local Leader Awards offer your organization the chance to gain national recognition for your chosen local leaders. Your local leaders will be honored as a “[Your Organization Name and Location]/AmeriCorps Alums 20th Anniversary Local Leader Award Winner.”

  1. Who Can Participate in AmeriCorps Alums Local Leader Awards

We’re encouraging all our Twentieth Anniversary partners as well as AmeriCorps Alums Chapters to participate in AmeriCorps Alums Local Leader Awards.

  1. What are the benefits?

Help build a movement while gaining national recognition for YOUR chosen local leaders from AmeriCorps Alums. Our 20th anniversary website, can be used to collect nominations from which you choose winners. We are sending back nominations related to your program by 8/15. We will feature your Local Leader Awardees on our website, blog, and social media. In addition, we will send each winner a personalized letter from Mary & Ben, a digital badge, and an Awards Certificate!

  1. How Do We Sign Up for AmeriCorps Alums Local Leaders Awards?

Email by 8/1 to let us know you’re participating!

  1. Can you Share a Step-By-Step Process for Honoring a Local Leader?

We invite you to develop your own procedure, adapt our process outlined in the National Leader Awards FAQs, oruse these three steps as a guide.

Step 1: Decide Who Can Nominate Awardees & How Winners Will Be Selected

How you select a local leader - or leaders – to honor within your organization on the 20th Anniversary is up to you! We encourage you to accept nominations from a range of sources. You could have a selection committee and a voting process, or have your executive team /chapter leadership decide at a meeting. Later in these FAQs we provide some guidelines you can use for selecting award winners.

Step 2: Submit & Encourage Nominations Until 8/10.

We encourage you to use for nominations. We will share any nominations from your organization/chapter that we receive with you by 8/15, so that you can select a winner by 9/1.

If your chosen local leader(s) are not in the batch of nominations by 8/15 – that’s okay! Just be sure to add them by 9/1.

Step 3: Select & Honor Local Award Winners

By 9/1, email your awards announcement. Also upload your winners’ stories into the database even if you did not collect your winners through our database. If you used our website to collect nominations, we still need winners identified and re-uploaded into the database to identify and celebrate your Local Leaders.

To identify these Local Leaders, you must click “Yes” to the question, “Are You Nominating Someone Else for This Award,” and in the box next to “Your Relationship to the Nominee,” type, “[Your Organization Name and Location] Local Leader Awardee.”

  1. How many local leaders?

This is up to you! Depending on the size and history of your organization, it could make sense to honor 1, 20, or somewhere in between!

  1. How Will AmeriCorps Alums Help Us Honor Local Leader Award Winners?

AmeriCorps Alums will provide a communications guide (coming soon!)for honoring local award winners. When you confirm your Local Leader award winners with AmeriCorps Alums, we will offer feature your award winners on our blog, website, and social media, and present winners with a digital badge as well as customizable letter of congratulations co-signed by AmeriCorps Alums Co-Executive Directors honoring them as a “[Your Organization Name and Location/ AmeriCorps Alums20th Anniversary Local Leader Award Winner.”

  1. What Selection Criteria is AmeriCorps Alums Using to Choose National Award Winners, and Can We Use It Too?

We’re happy to share our selection criteria and organizations are welcome to use our criteria as a template for Local Leader Awards. Also see the National Leader Awards FAQ for more information.

AmeriCorps Alums uses the values of the AmeriCorps pledge to guide the national selection process. Nominees should be committed to a lifetime of service. Ideal nominees bring Americans together to strengthen our communities. When faced with apathy, they take action. When faced with conflict, they seek common ground. When faced with adversity, they persevere. They “get things done for America”—to make our people safer, smarter, and healthier.

We are seeking nominees from a diverse range of backgrounds, program types, ages, and service years. We are looking for nominations from a broad range of impact areas and professions, including, but not limited to: educators, politicians, nonprofit staff members and executives, former VISTA Leaders, members who served or are currently serving and have already completed one term, artists, small business owners, alums who are also military veterans, policy makers, religious leaders, environmentalists, active community members, individuals who work in a global context, disaster responders, Alums chapter leaders, and entrepreneurs.

  1. When Will AmeriCorps Alums Local Leader Winners Be Announced?

AmeriCorps Alums will announce national and local award recipients on 9/12.

Newsletter—Long Version for Currently Serving Corps Members

Subject line: Nominate a Service Champion for AmeriCorps Alums’ Leadership Awards

Dear Corps members,

Thank you for your service with AmeriCorps. AmeriCorps Alums is proud to celebrate and bring national recognition to your civic leadership. In honor of AmeriCorps’ 20th Anniversary, we are seeking nominations for the AmeriCorps Alums 20th Anniversary Leadership Awards—and encourage you to self-nominate or nominate a friend, peer, mentor or colleague. Tell us your story of service!

Nominations can be submitted at from now until August 1st—and it takes less than five minutes to complete. Twenty award recipients will be announced by AmeriCorps Alums on September 12th, and many states and organizations will be running additional recognition programs! Nominees should model the values of the AmeriCorps pledge, by “getting things done for America”—their year of service and beyond. Long after their service year, they have continued to bring Americans together to strengthen our communities. We are seeking nominees from a diverse range of backgrounds, program types, ages, and service years. Only alumni of AmeriCorps are eligible.

Self-nominations are welcome, and we also encourage you to nominate 3 fellow Corps members and alumni.Award recipients gain access to professional development and networking opportunities designed for them. Additionally, they gain the opportunity to be a leader in the AmeriCorps alumni community of nearly 1 million individuals. They will help represent the AmeriCorps Alums’ voice and participate in public relations campaigns and advocacy initiatives. All nominees have the opportunity to be featured in AmeriCorps Alums social media throughout the year.

We look forward to celebrating the 20th anniversary of AmeriCorps—and sharing your stories of impact and service with the nation. Help reveal our untapped potential to transform our country, and tell your story!

Yours in Service,

-Mary Bruce & Ben Duda
Co-Executive Directors
AmeriCorps Alums

P.S. Did you know our chapter leaders are serving on state commissions and neighborhood councils? If you know an alum leading his/her community, nominate them today!

Newsletter—Long Version for AmeriCorps Alums

Subject line: Launching AmeriCorps Alums’ Leadership Awards

Dear Alum,

AmeriCorps Alums is proud to celebrate and bring national recognition to your civic leadership. In honor of AmeriCorps’ 20th Anniversary, we are seeking nominations for the AmeriCorps Alums 20th Anniversary Leadership Awards.We know alums like you are doing incredible work all across the country—and we want to hear from you!

Nominations can be submitted at from now until August 1st—and it takes less than five minutes to complete. Twenty award recipients will be announced by AmeriCorps Alums on September 12th, and many states and organizations will be running additional recognition programs! Nominees should model the values of the AmeriCorps pledge, by “getting things done for America”— their year of service and beyond. Long after their service year, they have continued to bringAmericans together to strengthen our communities. We are seeking nominees from a diverse range of backgrounds, program types, ages, and service years. Only alumni of AmeriCorps are eligible.

We welcome self-nominations and also encourage you to nominate 3 fellow alums.Award recipients gain access to professional development and networking opportunities designed for them. Additionally, they gain the opportunity to be a leader in the AmeriCorps alumni community of nearly 1 million individuals. They will help represent the AmeriCorps Alums’ voice and participate in public relations campaigns and advocacy initiatives. All nominees have the opportunity to be featured in AmeriCorps Alums social media throughout the year.

We look forward to hearing from you— and sharing your stories on September 12th and throughout the year! Help reveal our untapped potential to transform our country, and tell your story!

Yours in Service,

-Mary Bruce & Ben Duda
Co-Executive Directors
AmeriCorps Alums

P.S. Alums are launching new nonprofits each year. Do you know an alum who is an entrepreneur? Nominate them today!

Newsletter—Long Version for AmeriCorps Partners

Subject line: Launching AmeriCorps Alums’ Leadership Awards

Dear Friends,

Since 1994, nearly 1 million Americans have served more than 1 billion hours at more than 15,000 community-based organizations. We’re celebrating the legacy of AmeriCorps—and we want to hear from you! For AmeriCorps’ 20th Anniversary, AmeriCorps Alums is seeking nominations for outstanding alumni of AmeriCorps to win their AmeriCorps Alums 20th Anniversary Leadership Awards.