Approved 11/14/16

Flora Public Library Board Minutes
Monday, October 10, 2016

Call to order:7:00 PM – by President Maralee Johnson

Present were Maralee Johnson, Robbin Dickey, Dr. Robert Marley, Becky Stocke, Joe McCoy, Library Director Donna Corry and Bill Atwood.

Absent: Karen Briscoe, Ellen Erwin and Pat Booth

Recognition of Visitors: None noted.

Correspondence: None noted

Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve September minutes made by Becky Stocke, seconded by Dr. Robert Marley. Motion approved unanimously.

Treasurer Report: Motion to approve the Treasurer report made by Bill Atwood and seconded by Joe McCoy. Motion passed unanimously.

Library Director’s Report

-Comments on reports:

-2 City checks $53,424.82 ($38,800.10 RE Taxes + $14,624.72 Income Tax) and $1250.00 Utility funds

-Interest added to BF Savings (.44), Duff CD #1 (608.95) and Savings (.16), Endowment CD#1 (285.45)

-Total donations to the Endowment fund in memory of Bernadine now total $2910.00

-The Henson family donated $2000.00 to the Endowment Fund in memory and honor of Floyd and Priscilla Henson.

-The digital microfilm reader is going to be installed Thurs., Oct. 13. The ScanPro3000 rep and Lazerware will work together on the installation, then the rep will train the staff. Forms are in with the checks tonight to transfer the funds.

-Our Food for Thought Food Drive for the Food Pantry begins Oct. 31. I was wondering if this year we could do Food for Fines in conjunction with that during the month of November. I saw where another library had done that. People can bring in non-perishable food items and receive $1.00 per item credit towards any outstanding fines. Fees for lost items and processing fees wouldn’t be included.

-We have sent off the Clay City High School Claytonian yearbooks to be digitized. There is free shipping to the OCI facility. They should be back in 4-5 weeks. In exchange for sending them in, we get to keep a digital copy.

-We started selling the digital copies of Flora’s HARSTAN yearbooks. We have sold 4 so far

Committee Reports: None

Payment of Bills: Motion to approve by Bill Atwood and seconded by Dr. Robert Marley. Motion passed unanimous.

Unfinished Business:

1) Leaks –None

2) Other unfinished business – None noted

New Business -

1) Mini Construction Grant – New Pendant Lights – Donna to write a grant to include the cost of updating and replacing the present undependable lights.

2) Zinio for Libraries (e-magazines) FYI- new databases magazines – 76 subscriptions – July to June could run $1350. Again this is FYI.

3) Review of Chapter 6, “Access” of Serving Our Public 3.0 – Core Standards are noted on the handout. Pages 8/9/25/26

4) Equipment Replacement – List of computer equipment to help see the need to replace certain items being used presently. Some of these units are from 2008. Updates for public and staff computers are needed.

5) Other New Business – None Noted


1) Friends of Library raised over $800 in their recent book sale. Friends of Library is such a great asset to the Flora Library, they are not only a source of funding but great ambassadors on behalf of the Flora Library. We are very blessed to have them.

2) Pat Booth, at age 75, has given notice that he will be retiring from the Flora Library Board. He has served from November 1983 to present a span of 33 years.

3) Thank you to Maralee and Dave Johnson, Robbin Dickey and Donna Corry for their work in changing out the ceiling tiles and making the Library look refreshed.

4) Meeting room carpet being cleaned Oct.17, by Frutigers.

Upcoming Meetings /events:

Saturday, Oct. 29. 1-3PM – Kyle Packer book signing children’s books and adventures.
Saturday, Nov. 05, 10am-2PM – Denise Tadlock Art Show.

Meeting adjourned at 8PM
Next meeting will be November 14, 2016.