Last Name: First Name:

Birth date: Sex/Gender:

Address: ______Apt: ___

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Home Phone: ______Work Phone:______Cell phone

(which is best to reach you at? IS it OK to leave a message?)

Email address:

Mother and Father Name s (minors only): ______

Emergency Contact and phone number: ______

Married Single Significant Other Do you have children? Ages:

Insurance______Phone______Group # ID#

It is your responsibility to know the extent of your insurance coverage and copays if applicable.

Present Health Concerns: For chronic, or long standing health conditions, please make a “timeline”, including important dates, medications, outcomes etc…

Please list most important health concerns in their order of significance. / Prior diagnosis of this problem? If so, what? / Indicate painful or distressed areas:

Have you ever consulted a Naturopathic physician, an Acupuncturist, a Nutritionist or a Homeopath before?

Please list prescription medications that you are currently taking, with dosages:

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

List vitamins, minerals, herbs, homeopathic remedies that you are currently taking, with dosages:
1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Please list any severe or life-threatening allergies (drug, food, environmental): :


Where did you grow up? Where have you lived in the past?

Serious Illnesses and Injuries:

Date of last physical/annual exam

Who is your Primary Care Physician? Phone and fax #

HEALTH SCREENING HISTORY: List the date of your most recent test or exam.

Mammogram ____ Pap Smear_____ Self Breast Exam ______Breast Exam by Professional ______

Self Testicle Exam _____ Testicle Exam by Professional______Prostate Exam by Professional ______

Test for Blood in stool ______Rectal Exam ______Scope of Lower Bowel (if over age 50)______

Blood tests: Cholesterol ______Blood Sugar ______Other Blood Tests______

Personal and Family History:

Please check the “yes” box next to each condition that applies to you or one of your family members. Please note whether condition applied to family member in the past or currently by denoting a “P” for past or “C” for current. Indicate the relationship or the word “self” in the “Relationship” column.

Alcoholism/Drug Addiction / Headaches
Allergies / Heart Disease
Anemia / Hepatitis
Arthritis / High Blood Pressure
Asthma / Kidney Disease
Cancer / Mental Illness
Depression / Stroke
Diabetes / Tuberculosis
Eczema / Lyme Disease
Epilepsy / Other

SLEEP: Hrs of sleep____ Fall asleep O.K?____ Sleep through night? ____Wake rested? ______

What awakens you?______

WORK: Hr/wk you work ____ Do you enjoy work?___ What do you do?______

Hr/day commute_____ Employer______

EXERCISE: Regularly?____Wha type?______How long/often?______

DIET? ______How many meals a day? ______

Are you satisfied with your diet? _____ Cravings? ______


Lunch: ______

Dinner: ______

Snacks: ______

Alcohol______Caffeine (coffee, black tea, soda) ______Tobacco______

Recreational Drugs ______

LEISURE: activities/hobbies______

REVIEW OF SYSTEMS (C= you have now: P= you had in past)

Height______Weight ______Maximum Weight ______When?______Easy Weight Gain? ____

Length of time for weight gain/loss if you are over/underweight?______

GENERAL: Night sweats____ Fatigue____ Do you tend to feel more cold/hot?______

SKIN: Rashes ____ Hives______Psoriasis_____Eczema____Warts______Infection____ Growths Hair/Nail Changes_____ Other______

HEAD: Headaches____ Head Injury____ Other______

EYES: Impaired vision______Eye Pain____ Tearing/Dryness____Double Vision_____

Poor night vision____ Floaters____ Loss of vision____ Other______

EARS,NOSE,SINUS:FrequentColds______Dizziness______Ringing______Earache______Nse Bleeds______Stuffiness______

Sinus Problems______Post Nasal Drip______Other______

MOUTH, THROAT: Frequent Sore Throat______Sore Tongue______Gum Problems______

Dental Problems____Cavities/fillings______Sores in mouth/on lips____ Teething Grinding______Hoarseness______Other______

RESPIRATORY: Cough____ Spitting up Blood____ Wheezing____ Difficulty Breathing______

Pain on Breathing_____ Shortness of Breath____ When?(night, lying down, etc)______

Mucus ______Other______

HEART/CIRCULATION: Heart Disease_____ High Cholesterol____ High Blood Pressure_____ Chest Pain _____ Swelling in Ankles_____ Palpitations/Fluttering_____ Deep Leg Pain____

Cold Hands/Feet____ Varicose Veins____ Heart Murmur _____ Other______

DIGESTION: Change in Thirst_____ Change in appetite_____ Trouble Swallowing_____ Heartburn_____ Stomach Pain_____ Nausea_____ Vomiting_____ Loose Stools_____ Gas_____ Burping____ Bloating____ How many bowel movements per day? ____ Is this a change?______Blood in Stools____ Hemorrhoids____ Fissure____ Liver or Gall Bladder Disease ______

Anal discomfort _____ Other______

URINARY: Pain on Urination______Increased Frequency or urgency____ Frequency at Night____

Inability to Hold Urine____ Bladder Infections____ Other______

NEUROLOGICAL: Fainting ____ Seizures____ Paralysis_____ Muscle Weakness____ Numbness or Tingling____ Loss of Concentration/ Memory____ Coordination problem_____ Other______

HORMONAL: Thyroid issues____ Diabetes______Heat/Cold Intolerance____ Hypoglycemia____ Other______

BLOOD/ LYMPH: Anemia____ Easy Bleeding or Bruising____ Swollen Glands ____ Other______

EMOTIONAL Depression____ Mood Swings____ Anxiousness or Nervousness___ Tension___ Anger/Irritability____ Indecisiveness____ Family History______Other______

FEMALE REPRODUCTION: Age Menses Began____ Length of Complete Cycle ____

Date of Last Menstrual Period______ndometriosis_____Excessive facial or body hair_____

Number of Days Menstrual Flow____ Bleeding Between Periods____ Excessive Flow____

Are Cycles Regular____ Cramps____ Premenstrual Symptoms:______

Abnormal Vaginal Discharge or drynesss____ Date of Last Pap Smear____ Abnormal Pap Smears? ____

Number of Pregnancies____ Number of Live Births____ Number of Miscarriages____

Sexually Active (men, woman, both)____ Birth Control____(Type ______) Pain During Intercourse_____

Sexual Difficulties____ Difficulty Conceiving____ Venereal Disease______

Number of Abortions_____(Optional) Sexual Orientation: ______(Optional)

Menopausal Symptoms______

Regular Self-Breast Exam____ Lumps____ Pain/Tenderness____ Nipple Discharge____

MALE REPRODUCTION Regular Self-Testicular Exam?____ Testicular Mass____ Testicular Pain____ Sexually Active ______Sexual Difficulties____ Prostrate Problems____ Venereal Disease____ Sores ____ Discharge____ Difficulty Urinating______

Birth Control ____ (Type ______) Sexual Orientation______(Optional)


Joint Pain/Stiffness____ Morning stiffness____ (lasts how long?______) Broken Bones____

Hernias ____ Weakness____ Restless Leg_____Motor Vehicle Accidents______

Indicate any problem areas on diagram below:


I certify that the information that I have supplied is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Printed Name ______Date ______

Signature______Relationship to Patient: ______

How did you hear about me? Newspaper? Mailer/Flyer Website Workshop/Event Medical Referral Friend/Family Insurance Co. Other: