1. To report furniture / equipment as Lost, Stolen or Destroyed, complete this 4 part INV2 form, and forward original and

two (2) copies to the Fixed Assets Department. The Fixed Assets Department will update the required inventory records. If

items reported are being requested to be replaced, the Fixed Assets Department will forward the forms to the Budget

Office for Approval.

2. The Budget Office upon approving or disapproving the request will send a copy of the report back to the originator.

3. This INV2 form will only remove furniture or equipment from your inventory. Upon receiving approval to replace Lost,

Stolen, or Destroyed furniture or equipment as AB16 or AB14, as appropriate, must be initiated to purchase desired

replacement items. A copy of approval should accompany the AB14 or AB16 to justify using the budget code provided.

Completion Instructions

Funding Source Indicate funding source of item being reported. Do not report

different types of funds on the same form.

School or Department Indicate the campus name and number.

Date Indicate date report is prepared.

Inventory Tag Number Indicate the inventory tag number assigned to this item. Inventory tag number may be a

group control number or an actual tag number affixed to the item being reported.

Item Description Indicate general description of the item (i.e. chair, table,


Serial Number Indicate the serial number assigned to the equipment item

(furniture items have no serial number).

Room Number Indicate the room number or room name to which the item being

reported was assigned.

Lost/Stolen/Destroyed Place an x in the correct block, to indicate the status of the item

being reported. (Only one block per item may be marked with an


Replacement Indicate in the appropriate block whether replacement of the item

being reported is requested. Budget Office will complete the

approval portion for each item.

Approximate Cost

of Replacement If replacement is being requested indicate the cost to replace the

item. The cost of the item reported as lost, stolen, or destroyed

may be obtained from your inventory listing or from a current

vendor pricing. If replacement is not being requested do not

complete this block.

Signature Provide all appropriate signatures as required by this report.