S – Spiritual History

What were the spiritual/religious beliefs and practices of your parents, if any?

What were the most important spiritual beliefs in your family, if any?

How do these beliefs or practices impact you today?

What people, events, ideas, books, etc. have most influenced your views of life?

P – Present Spiritual Environment

Have your spiritual and/or religious beliefs changed since childhood?

What events or experiences influenced this change, if any?

What is the spiritual orientation of your significant other(s)?

Do you and your significant other(s) share a similar spiritual orientation?

In what do you have faith?

What spiritual beliefs/practices are currently most important to you on a regular basis?

I – Important Life Experiences & Meaning

What gives your life meaning?

How have you mattered to others?

To whom do you currently make a difference?

What is your greatest hope?

What nourishes you or gives you strength?

How do you maintain a sense of hope?

What has been a peak experience in your life?

What do you still hope to get out of life?

What is life still expecting of you?

When do you feel most whole or centered or fulfilled?

How has your life been significant?

What is especially meaningful to you now?

What do you believe your purpose in life is?

R – Religious Practices & Concepts of God

Do you believe in a Supreme Being or Higher Power(s)? What does your belief mean to you?

Do you have a specific religious affiliation? Specify.

What does religion mean to you?

Do you participate in religious activities and practices (i.e., attend services, pray, rituals)? If so, how frequently? What impact do these practices have on your life?

Do you find prayer or other practices helpful/important to you? What do you pray for?

Are your religious beliefs and practices of support to you?

What religious beliefs are currently most important to you?

What is sacred or holy to you?

What do you believe about death?

Do you believe in life after death? What do you believe it will be like?

What religious books, practices, or rituals are important to you?

What lifestyle practices are encouraged or forbidden by your religion?

How would God/higher power/cosmos describe you?

I – Inspiration, Hope & Strength

What is most helpful and beneficial to you about your current spiritual beliefs and practices?

Who or what comforts and encourages you most in life?

Who or what inspires or motivates you?

Do you have any other beliefs or philosophy of life which help you? Describe.

To who or what do you turn for help, strength or hope? In what ways are you helped?

What helps you when you are afraid?

Where or with whom do you feel connected?

What aspects of your religion/spirituality would be helpful for me to know in treating (caring for) you?

What does your faith/belief system say about trials and hope?

Do you have other sources of spiritual/religious supports that I have not yet asked about?

T– Troublesome Concerns

Do any of your spiritual or religious beliefs concern you in any way (i.e., feel restrictive or contribute to guilt, anger, blame)?

Is forgiveness something you need to receive or give at this time?

What spiritual or religious issues, if any, have caused problems/concerns in your life?

What do you fear?

What do you worry about?

Describe the beliefs or practices you do not accept or find helpful.

Do you have other concerns that would be helpful for us to know?

Where do you feel stuck?

Have you thought about what you hope for not occurring? Tell me about that?

L– Link between Spirituality & Health

What has troubled you about being sick (or about what has happened to you)?

How do you answer the question “why”?

What meaning do you give to what has happened to you (or to your illness)?

How has your illness (what has happened to you) impacted your beliefs?

What do you believe will happen to you in the future?

What do your faith/beliefs say about trials, suffering and sickness?

What do you want to accomplish through your illness/what has happened to you?

Tell me about an experience that has stood out for you during your experience/illness?

What does wellness mean to you?

Debra Mattison, LMSW, ACSWBarbara Giles, LMSW, ACSW

University of Michigan Health SystemJewish Home & Aging Services

Ann Arbor, MichiganWest Bloomfield, Michigan

updated 10/2007