Table S1. Clinical scores of A/Anhui/1/2013-inoculated cynomolgus macaques. Animals were observed twice daily and clinical parameters were recorded.

Day 0 / Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6
H7N9-1 / 5
food intake↓ (5) / 9
food intake↓ (7); stool↓ (2) / 12
food intake↓ (10); stool↓ (2) / 25
respiration↑ (5); piloerection (5); food intake↓ (10); stool↓ (5) / n/a / n/a / n/a
H7N9-2 / 0 / 3
food intake↓ (3) / 10
respiration↑ (5); food intake↓ (3); stool↓ (2) / 20
respiration↑ (5); food intake↓ (10); stool↓ (5) / n/a / n/a / n/a
H7N9-3 / 3
food intake↓ (3) / 5
food intake↓ (5) / 12
abdominal breathing (5); food intake↓ (5); stool↓ (2) / 20
irregular breathing (5); food intake↓ (10); stool↓ (5) / n/a / n/a / n/a
H7N9-4 / 0 / 12
abdominal breathing (5); piloerection (5); stool↓ (2) / 12
abdominal breathing (5); piloerection (5); stool↓ (2) / 2
stool↓ (2) / n/a / n/a / n/a
H7N9-5 / 0 / 10
respiration↑ (5); food intake↓ (3); stool↓ (2) / 10
respiration↑ (5); food intake↓ (3); stool↓ (2) / 13
piloerection (5); food intake↓ (3); stool↓ (5) / 17
depressed (5); piloerection (5); food intake↓ (5); stool↓ (2) / 7
food intake↓ (5); stool↓ (2) / 2
stool↓ (2)
H7N9-6 / 0 / 5
food intake↓ (3); stool↓ (2) / 7
food intake↓ (5); stool↓ (2) / 15
depressed (5); piloerection (5)
food intake↓ (3); stool↓ (2) / 7
depressed (5); stool↓ (2) / 0 / 2
stool↓ (2)
H7N9-7 / 0 / 10
piloerection (5)
food intake↓ (3); stool↓ (2) / 12
piloerection (5)
food intake↓ (5); stool↓ (2) / 15
piloerection (5)
food intake↓ (5); stool↓ (5) / 15
depressed (5); piloerection (5)
food intake↓ (3); stool↓ (2) / 15
depressed (5); piloerection (5)
food intake↓ (3); stool↓ (2) / 15
depressed (5); piloerection (5)
food intake↓ (3); stool↓ (2)
H7N9-8 / 0 / 3
food intake↓ (3) / 10
food intake↓ (5); stool↓ (5) / 27
nasal discharge (5); cough (5)
piloerection (5)
food intake↓ (10); stool↓ (2) / 30
nasal discharge (5); hunched (5); piloerection (5)
food intake↓ (10); stool↓ (5) / 30
hunched (5); piloerection (5); cough (5)
food intake↓ (10); stool↓ (5) / 25
hunched (5); piloerection (5); cough (5)
food intake↓ (5); stool↓ (5)

Numbers in bold indicate total clinical score. Scores in parenthesis are based on the previously described clinical scoring system(1)used to determine humane endpoints in potentially lethal infectious disease models of nonhuman primates where a total clinical score of 35 indicates the need to relieve pain or distress through clinical intervention or euthanasia.

n/a: not applicable (animal euthanized before this time point)

Respiration↑: increase in respirations/minute

Stool↓: (2) decreased feces; (5) feces absent

Food intake↓: (3) eating less than half the biscuits; (5) eating fruit but no biscuits; (7) eatingpart of the fruit; (10) no food intake


1.Brining DL, Mattoon JS, Kercher L, LaCasse RA, Safronetz D, Feldmann H, Parnell MJ. 2010. Thoracic radiography as a refinement methodology for the study of H1N1 influenza in cynomologus macaques (Macaca fascicularis). Comparative medicine 60:389-395.