Section 1: Membership Applications
Applications for membership shall occur through the standard application process as directed by APCO and/or NENA and submitted directly to the National APCO Association Offices.
Section 2: Optional Chapter Membership
Those persons who live within the chartered area of one Chapter and work within the chartered area of another Chapter may hold membership in both Chapters, providing they pay dues in each chapter.
Members of the Armed Forces of the United States of America who are in good standing in the Chapterat the time of entry into the Armed Forces during a declared war, or inducted in any military program, shall be carried as paid up members in good standing for the duration of active service and six months thereafter.
The following shall be the elected officers of the Oregon Chapter: President, Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President and Secretary. The Treasurer shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.
Section 2: Qualification for Office
- Officers shall be current APCO andNENA members. Members interested in running for office shall have either chaired or been an active participant in a committee for one year.
- If the member has not served as a chair of a committee, but has been actively involved in a committee, a recommendation by the respective chair may accompany the nomination.
- The person running for office must demonstrate a high level of activity and participation in quarterly meetings in addition to their involvement in the committee outside of the quarterly meetings.
Section 3: Election of Officers
The election of officers shall be held in the following manner:
- At the Fall Conference, the Membership Committee will seek nominations from the membership.
- Approximately 30-days prior to the Winter Meeting, the Membership Committee will distribute candidate information for election consideration.
- Approximately 1-2 weeks prior to the Winter Meeting, the Membership Committee shall prepare and open the electronic voting poll.
- At the Winter Meeting, the Membership Committee shall tally the electronic votes and present the results to the Chapter President for announcement.
Section 4: Vacancies
- Vacancies in the offices of President or Vice-President shall generally be filled by advancement in rank, provided that such fulfillment shall be in ACTING capacity until time of the next regular election of officers. The time spent in ACTING capacities shall have no effect upon their normal terms of office or eligibility thereto.
- If there are circumstances in which natural succession is not an option, a recommendation may be made by the Executive Board to the membership.
- Should an elected officer of this Chapter lose their membership status, they will immediately resign theirleadership position within the Chapter.
- If circumstances warrant, a majority vote of the Executive Board may remove an officer for cause, after the findings of an investigation.
Article IV – Board of Directors
- The Board of Directors of this Chapter shall consist of the President, Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, Chapter Commercial Advisory Member, and International Association Executive Councilperson (EC).
- The Chapter Commercial Advisory Member shall be elected to serve as an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors.
Section 2: Term of Board Members
- Elected E-Board Members and duly promoted Board President and Vice-President shall assume their duties and authorities upon their being installed in office during the meeting at which they were elected.
- The President and Vice-President and 2nd Vice-President shall be limited to one-year terms, each with the Vice-President succeeding the President and the 2nd Vice-President succeeding the Vice-President at the completion of their terms.
- The position of Secretary and the Chapter Commercial Advisory Member shall be two-year terms.
- The position of Treasurer shall be appointed annually by a consensus of the incoming Board of Directors with no term limits.
- Committee chairs will be appointed annually by the incoming President, with no term limits.
- Elected International Association Executive Councilperson shallassume their duties and authorities after voting and installation of International APCO Officers position elections.
Section 3: Compensation
There shall be no compensation for serving as Officers and/or the Board of Directors for this Chapter.
Section 4: Reasonable and Proper Expenses
Reasonable and proper expenses incurred by Officers and Board Members shall be paid with the prior approval of the Board of Directors.
Article IV – Board Responsibilities
- Authority. The business and affairs of the Chapter shall be managedby the Board of Directors, which may exercise all such powers of the Chapter and do all such lawful acts on its behalf as are not forbidden by statute, or these Bylaws and are not specifically reserved to be performed byothers in these Bylaws.
- The Board of Directors shall:
- Approve an annual budget for the Chapter;
- Maintain the Chapter Strategic Plan and set goals and objectives inaccordance with such plan; and
- Report at each business meeting of this Chapter, all measures considered & action taken on notices;
- Supervise all accounts and expenses and review the required audit of the accounts of the Secretary; and
- Make definite recommendations to the Quorum on matters published and/or matters of which it has received notice.
- Perform all functions and do those acts that are not specifically reserved inthese Bylaws to be performed
C. Members of the Board of Directors shall serve from the time they are installed in office until their successors are installed in office unless they areremoved, resign, otherwise vacate the office or become ineligible.
D. The names of the elected Chapter members for the pending year shall be submitted in writing to the APCO Association Office promptly. The term of the Chapter representative shall be determined by the Chapter membership but shall not be less than one year.
E. In the event of the inability of the elected Chapter member of the Board of Directors to attend a meeting of the National Associations and/or APCO Western Regional Consortium, the Chapter President may appoint an alternate to represent the Chapter at that meeting. The alternate delegate shall be furnished proper written credentials authorized by the Chapter President, a copy of which shall be submitted to the proper representatives.
- Duly elected Chapter representatives to the Board of Directors are eligible to succeed themselves.
- Authority is hereby provided for the Board of Directors to:
- Perform all functions and do all acts, between meetings, which this Chapter might do or perform except it shall not have the power to amend the Constitution and/or Bylaws. During such interim period, its decision shall be final in matters determined "reasonable and proper." It has the power to convene or poll itself by majority vote.
- The Board of Directors shall convene at such time and place as is determined upon the call of the President or as self-convened. Two weeks written notice shall be given members thereof except when this Chapter is in a scheduled meeting, or except when otherwise provided by a majority vote of the committee members.
- A majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a QUORUM.
- In the event of an actual conflict of interest, the affected Director is to declare the conflict and abstain from voting. When there is a potential conflict of interest, the affected Director is to declare the conflict and state whether such potential conflict of interest has created a bias or prejudice for or against the matter at issue and, if so, the Director must abstain from voting.
ARTICLE V–Board Responsibilities by Position
Section 1:President
- In addition to such other authority, the President’s duties shall include the following:
- Preside at all meetings of this Chapter and serve as Chair of the Board of Directors;
- Make appointments to fill vacanciesas needed;
- Carry out the purposes of this Chapter as set forth in its Constitution and Bylaws;
- Keep membership appropriately informed of Chapter matters.
- The President’s powers shall include authority to:
- Carry out duties as delegated in this Article and those policies duly adopted by the Quorum and the Board of Directors;
- Appoint special committees to perform tasks deemed necessary during their term of office;
- Incur reasonable and proper personal expense;
- Authorize reasonable and proper expense of any member for the purpose of specific Chapter duties; and
- Call any committee into session at any time.
- The President’s decision upon the floor shall be final, provided it is not in conflict with the rules of this Chapter and for other matters by Roberts Rules of Order to the extent practicable.
Section 2: Vice-President
- It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to perform all the duties of the President in his/her absence, and they shall serve in the absence of the President.
- The Vice-President is hereby empowered to act in a reasonable and proper manner to perform duties delegated in this Article and in particular, in a manner consistent with the direction of the President and consistent with the policies of the current administration.
Section 3: 2nd Vice-President
- It shall be the duty of the 2ndVice-President to perform all the duties of the Vice-President in his/her absence, and they shall serve in the absence of the Vice-President.
- The 2ndVice-President is hereby empowered to act in a reasonable and proper manner to perform duties delegated in this Article and in particular, in a manner consistent with the direction of the President and consistent with the policies of the current administration.
Section 4: Secretary
- It shall be the duty of the Chapter Secretary to:
1.Keep a complete roll of the membership of this Chapter, in cooperation with the Membership Committee;
2.Maintain the records, files, and library of the Chapter and handle its general correspondence;
3.At each session make a full report of their activities to the Membership;
4.Promptly deliver all books and papers to whomever the Board of Directors may designate;
5.Provide for the notice and keeping of minutes and records of the sessions of the Chapter; supervise the general conduct, planning and activity of the quarterly sessions; and provide for the official requirements of the Board of Directors during these and other meetings of such bodies;
6.Serve as the Secretary of the meetings of the Board of Directors;
7.Assist the committees of the Chapter by furnishing them with information.
- Subject to the policies determined by the Board of Directors, authority of the Secretary in the discharge of duties includes the power to:
1.Provide for printing and recording facilities;
2.Provide information and other services as necessary to perform duties;
3.Incur reasonable and proper expense in the performance of duties and the operation of office.
Section 5: Treasurer
- It shall be the duty of the Chapter Treasurer to:
1.Receive all funds due this Chapter and maintain bank accounts for the orderly processing of all funds in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws;
2.Promptly deliver all funds, books and papers to whomever the Board of Directors may designate;
3.Furnish a financial and budget report, containing comments and recommendations as of December 31 of each calendar year, to the members of the Board of Directors;
4.Keep complete records of all moneys owed to the Chapter and of expenditures incurred by the Chapter and take all appropriate measures to assure the prompt collection of, payment of, and accounting for Chapter funds.
- The Treasurer shall have the authority to:
1.Establish credit when directed by the Board of Directors;
2.Establish banking facilities and prepare checks for the expenditure of funds to cover the Chapter’s indebtedness and deliver them to the President for counter-signature with the provision that separate bank accounts may be established pursuant to the direction of the Board of Directors to meet day-to-day operating expenses which will not require a counter-signature except for required reimbursement purposes;
3.Incur reasonable and proper expense in the performance of duties and the operation of their office; and
4.Employ such staff and incur such other expense as the Board of Directors, in its budget, shall authorize.
Section 6: Chapter Commercial Advisory Member (CCAM)
- The CCAM provides a liaison between the Oregon Chapter Board of Directors and the commercial members of the Chapter. In addition, the CCAM provides a liaison with the Chapter’s Commercial Advisory Committee. The CCAM provides a means of establishing open communication lines between the Chapter Commercial Members, the ChapterCommercial Advisory Committee, the Chapter Board, and the Chapter non-commercial members.
- The CCAM shall have voting privileges during the Chapter Board Meetings.
- An APCO International Association Executive Representative shall be elected to serve a four (4) year term to represent the Chapter on the International Association Executive Committee.
- The Board will accept nominations and a vote as prescribed by in the Bylaws when filling this position.
- If an Executive Council Representative is elected to serve a second term, they shall serve a two (2) year term to represent the Chapter on the International Association Executive Committee.
- The Executive Council Representative shall inform the Membership of issues being discussed with impact to the local Chapter.
Section 1: Standing Committees
- The standing committees of this Chapter shall be Technical, Awards, Membership/Bylaws, Legislative, Training and Public Education;
- Special committees shall be as directed by the President.
- Members of standing committees shall serve at will until the Board is notified in writing by the current President of the names of their authorized successors.
- The President shall appoint the Committee Chairs and accept the list of members for each standing committee.
- Standing committees and their Chair shall determine the matters they shall consider, subject to such direction as the President shall deem desirable in order to achieve the purposes of this Chapter, provided no Presidential limitation shall be placed upon the Board of Directors.
- A quorum of a committee, except as otherwise provided for, shall be its Chair and any members participating in a meeting or a membership poll.
- Awards Committee
This committee shall coordinate the Chapter Awards/Recognition program through ongoing solicitation of nominations, annual review of nominations and selection of award recipients. This committee shall plan the awards banquet and presentation.
- Legislative Committee
This committee shall monitor proposed legislative initiatives and other legislative activities for items that may impact emergency communications. The committee shall develop strategies and make recommendations to the Chapter regarding an official position against or in support of initiatives or activities. At the direction of the Board of Directors, this committee may work with a professional lobbyist on legislative matters, including taking a position on behalf of the membership.
- Membership/Bylaws Committee
This committee shall explore the field of new membership by devising methods, plans, projects, and items of interest. It shall encourage formative groups and work with other Chapters. It shall attempt continued re-enrollment of persons who have allowed their membership to lapse;
- Assist in matters concerned with amending the Constitution and/or Bylaws when they are referred to it by the Board of Directors. The Committee shall also prepare, other than amending type, resolutions as may be requested of it and arrange for, but not provide, the means of quantity reproduction of all resolutions, which are to be considered;
- Working with the Board of Director’s, this committee will seek nomination for annual officer elections and conduct the election process.
- Technical Committee
This committee shall be responsible for monitoring and updating the Chapter membership on new and developing technologies and the impacts on or application in emergency communications environments. This committee will recognize a Frequency Coordinator for the Chapter annually who shall, at the direction of the President, be the Chapter liaison with the Association and other organizations engaged in connection with the coordination of frequencies in the public safety radio services.
- Training and Public Education Committee
1.This committee is responsible for planning and scheduling training sessions or speakers for the quarterly Chapter meetings. The Chapter may conduct schools or other formal activities for the purposes of education, training, and otherwise enhancing the Public Safety Communicators professional level of skills for Chapter members and non-members.
2.If a training conference or similar is sponsored by the Chapter, the Chair of this committee is responsible for structuring, scheduling, and facilitating the training. They shall submit the curriculum, budget, final report and audit to the Chapter for approval. The Chair is authorized to establish a separate account for the purpose of conducting training and accounting for funds received and expended. A final audit and report shall be submitted no later than three months after the conclusion of the training class.
3.This committee is also responsible for unifying the 9-1-1 public education message delivered across the state so that there is consistency in the information being provided; for collecting information on the various public education activities being carried out by agencies throughout the state; collecting and sharing information on education activities occurring outside of the state and in other public safety agencies; developing informational handouts and brochures.
Section 2: Special Committees
- Special committees may be appointed by the President for specific tasks, as they deem necessary.
- Members of these committees shall serve at the pleasure of the President, and their terms shall expire concurrently with that of the President.