The Wyndmere City Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday, September 5, 2017.
Council Members present: Mayor Brandt, Hetland,Phalen,Bell, Volesky,Olmsted - City Superintendent, Anderson - City Auditor, Barry Johnson – City Engineer, Brittany Hatting – City Attorney,Jesse Arhends – City Building Inspector,Community Members present: Don and Kathy Fluto
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM. The regular meeting was suspended for the “Notice of Hearing” for the building abatement of401 Ash Avenue. The Hearing was conducted by Brittany, Arends was sworn in to answer the findings/conclusion for the questions about the building abatement. Anderson was sworn in to answer questions about Exhibits. A roll call vote to order the demolition of a dangerous building was taken with Phalen, Volesky, Hetland, Bell and Brandt all voting in favor.MC The Hearing was closed at 7:30 PM. The regular meeting resumed at 7:32 PM
Approval of Minutes – Motion by Bell, seconded by Hetland MC (August 7)
Motion by Hetland, seconded by Volesky MC (August 17)
Approval of Bills – Motion by Bell, seconded by Volesky MC
Auditor Report–Discussion on overdue water bills – Financials were discussed. Will be attending training September 14 in Mapleton, Annual Conference in Fargo – September 28 & 29. Updating Neptune Software
Superintendent Report – Fraedrich Transport will have extra totes for the Fall Festival, Fall Cleanup will be October 13 & 14, Les from Rural Water took pictures of the storm drain that has tree roots growing into it for documentation, tree pile was burned, fixed the ignition in the Chevy, Dollar General started with the project today.
Old Business – Community Development Corporation–tabled until next meeting, Mayor and Council members to meet with Bob Wurl. Building abatement–Notice of Hearing was held.Discussion on Preliminary Budget.
New Business– Motion by Volesky to approve the Demolition Permit for Dollar General, seconded by Hetland. MC Motion by Bellfor Mayor Brandt to approve and sign the special event permit for the Wyndmere Fall Festival committee to include the City of Wyndmere also in the insurance coverage, seconded by Hetland. MC
Barry discussed the Dollar General Plan review and the costs associated with it. He also discussed the possible storm sewer capital improvements.
Bell made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 PM, seconded by Phalen MC
Next Meeting – October 2, 2017