Name of Teacher: Brendan HaleyRoom Number: J 713
Name of Course: Social StudiesGrade Level: 6th
Length of Syllabus: 36 weeks
E-Mail Address:
Phone Number: (425) 844-4632
Description of Course: This course is a geographical and cultural study of the world. Created in partnership with scholars from the National Council for Geographic Education, Geography Alive! Regions and People creatively challenges students to use the tools of geography to view, analyze, and understand the world around them.
Objectives of the Course:
- Understanding how the past affects the present and future
- Learning similarities and differences between cultures
- Understanding the interdependency between nations
- Develop an awareness of current world events and their impact on our own society
- Learning problem-solving techniques to apply to modern-day problems
- Use maps to understand spatial relationships between populations, places, and environments
Major Units of Study/Projects/Timelines:
1.The Geographer’s World
2.Canada and the United States
3.Latin America
4.Europe and Russia
6.Southwest and Central Asia
7. Monsoon Asia
8.Oceania and Antarctica
Please note: Students will receive a time schedule for all class projects.
Grading Scale:
Grading Policy:
Students are encouraged to take responsibility for meeting deadlines for every assignment. Students will have an opportunity to earn full credit only when assignments are turned in on time. Students will receive ½ of their earned score for all assignments turned in after the due date.
Late work will be handled in the following manner:
Quarter 1: Students have only 3 school days after the original due date to submit an assignment for ½ credit.
Quarter 2: Students have 2 school days after the original due date to submit an assignment for ½ credit.
Quarters 3: Students have only 1 day after the original due date to submit an assignment for ½ credit.
Quarter 4: There will not be any late work accepted for ½ credit. All late work will receive a score of zero.
In the situation where an assignment is handed out when a student is absent due to an excused absence, the student will have one day, for every day missed, to make up the work. Long term assignments are not affected by this rule.
Behavioral Expectations and Plan:
It is expected of all students to take responsibility for their learning by completing all assignments to the best of their ability and turn them in on the assigned due date. They are to show respect for themselves, each other, and all staff members. Please refer to the Student TMS Agenda Book.
Opportunities for Volunteers:
We would enjoy having volunteers for field trips, to assist with research projects in class or the LRC, to help students edit writing assignments, to donate supplies for celebrations, or to share experiences from a trip taken to any of the countries being studied this year. Please call or email me if you are interested.
Resource Materials:
Textbook: Geography Alive ,Teachers’ Curriculum Institute
Atlas: Classroom Atlas, Rand McNally
At Tolt, we understand that attendance affects what we learn in our classes. We know it is essential to attend school regularly and to be on time to every class. When it is necessary for your student to miss school for a legitimate reason, a parent or guardian must excuse the student by calling the Attendance Office at 425-844-4606 and stating the reason for your legitimate absence.
The parent/guardian must call as soon as possible on the day the student is absent to notify the school of parent/guardian knowledge of their child’s legitimate absence, or the student must bring a note to the Attendance Office prior to first period when they return to school. The note must state the legitimate reason for their absence or for any part of the school day that you miss. Parents/guardians have 48 hours to clearunexcused absences.
Please refer to RSD #407 Board Policy P3005-5, Student Procedures (found on the District’s website) to help clarify the difference between the legitimacy of excused and unexcused absences. Please remember, we look forward to seeing your child on time each and every day we are in session at ToltMiddle School.