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WFP Video News Release 15 October 2010

World Food Day

Pakistan, Chad, Haiti

English TRT 03.02

PAL 16 :9

00:00-00:51 Muzzafargarh District of Panjab, Pakistan

30/08/10 Multan to Kot Adu

Aerials of flooded fields

26/08/10 Kot Adu

GV people crossing the road washed away by the floods

30/08/10 Rajampur

WFP helicopters landing, off loading WFP wheat flour

26/08/10 Kot Adu

WFP food distribution, beneficiaries receive 1 month ration for 7 people: cooking oil, wheat flour, high energy biscuits ( HEB ) and plumpy dose ( high nutritional food for infants and young children )

Children eating WFP HEB high energy biscuits.

00:51- 01:34 Chad/Sahel Crises Mao, Chad Shot 26Aug2010-09-16

Severly malnourished children, therapeutic feeding center

Subsistence farming of millet near Toukouli, Chad

WFP food distribution

01:34 – 02:08 SOT Nancy Roman WFP Director of Communications

“It has been a tough year for the hungry, with tens of millions pushed into hunger in Pakistan, Haiti and the Sahel, and we are calling on people from all walks of life wealthy not so wealthy, old young really to do whatever they can and one of the best you can do is participating in our on line campaign it will reach millions of children worldwide if millions of you participate

02:08 – 02:34 Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. WFP School meals 12 May 2010

GV of school children eating

02:34 – 03:02 Jacmel, South East Haiti 11 May 2010

WFP Cash and food for work project ( CFFW )

GV of debris clearing in earthquake affected areas

GV of WFP CFFW beneficiaries collecting money

Beneficiaries are paid 200 gourdes ($5) per day ( 40% of it in food – rice, beans, oil- and 60% cash), which corresponds to a family ration of 5.

WFP News Release

15 October 2010


ROME –The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) today marks World Food Day by celebrating the bold leadership and outstanding contributions of national governments toward lasting solutions to hunger and malnutrition.

“When we act together we have the power to bring about real change in the lives of millions of people who would otherwise struggle to feed their families,” said WFP Deputy Executive Director for Hunger Solutions, Sheila Sisulu. “Through our partnerships with governments, local authorities and small-scale farmers, WFP is helping to roll out innovative programmes that boost nutrition, and build sustainable solutions to hunger.”

Just last month, the government of Cape Verde took over full ownership of the national school meals programme after more than three decades of cooperation with WFP. The transition is a glowing example of a country-led solution to hunger, and maintains a programme that helps children to develop healthy minds and bodies while investing in the future of Cape Verde and its people.

“Leaders are seizing the opportunity to align effective policies, programmes and resources behind national and regional priorities,” Sisulu added, highlighting the impact of comprehensive national strategies designed to boost farm production, improve nutrition, strengthen social protection systems and ensure that children have access to the right food at the right time.

With unparalleled deep field presence in more than 70 countries around the world and more than four decades of experience meeting the food and nutritional needs of women, children and families, WFP is proud to work closely with national governments, foundations, private sector businesses, NGOs and others to inform the development of country-led food security plans and support their successful execution.

In many of the regions where WFP works, countries are leading the way in developing food and nutrition safety nets. WFP plays a vital supporting role by providing the expertise, resources to design, scale up and connect these sustainable and innovative programmes and transform a bold vision for lasting food security into a concrete reality for many in need.

The theme of this year’s World Food Day - “United Against Hunger” – was chosen to recognise efforts made in the fight against hunger at national, regional and international levels. WFP’s contribution to country-led food security plans builds on this theme through the deployment of an array of innovative tools that vary from country to country. All are focused on harnessing agricultural potential to improve access to the nutritious food that is the building block of life.

WFP is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. Each year, on average, WFP feeds more than 90 million people in more than 70 countries.
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00:00-00:51 Muzzafargarh District of Panjab, Pakistan