Moat Farm Infant School

Governing Board Membership &

Terms of Reference


Adopted 14th September 2016

Governing Board Membership – 2016/17

The 12 place Community School Governing Board shall consist of:

1 LA Governor

2 Parent Governors

7 Co-opted Governors

1 Head Teacher

1 Staff Governor

Current appointments are as follows:

LA (1)
Debbie Mills / 10 February 2017
Parents (2)
Dave Shoker / 2 December 2018
Head Teacher (1)
Justin Stokes / Head Teacher
Staff Governor (1)
Sian Stevens / 25 June 2018
Co-opted (7)
Vacant / 8 September 2018
Mark Hamblett / 8 September 2018
Suzanne Smith / 2 December 2018
Rob Baxter / 8 December 2019

Chair: Mark Hamblett Vice Chair: Rob Baxter

Meeting Dates 2016 – 2017

Wednesday 14th September 2016 5.30pm

Tuesday 18th October 2016 5.30pm (Staffing Pay Review)

Tuesday 13th December 2016 5.30pm

Tuesday 24th January 2017 5.30pm

Wednesday 26th April 2017 5.30pm

Wednesday 17th May 2017 5.30pm

Tuesday 4th July 2017 2.00pm



Governors Statutory Responsibilities and Functions

In all types of schools, governing boards should have a strong focus on three core strategic functions:

a)  Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

b)  Holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and

c)  Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent. (Extract from Governors Handbook January 2015)

Governors’ Handbook

Please refer to the governors’ handbook published on the Department for Education website. See web link below.

Review of board and delegation

The governing board must review the establishment, terms of reference, constitution and membership of any committee annually. In addition, the governing board must review the delegation of functions to committees and individuals annually.

Terms of Reference

The following structure established by the governing board comply with The School Governance (Role, Procedures and Allowances) (England) Regulations 2013.

The Head Teacher can attend all meetings established by the governing board but in some instances this may only be in an advisory capacity. When an issue is being discussed which directly affects the Head Teacher they must, as with any other governor in a similar position, declare an interest and physically withdraw from the meeting.

In maintained schools the quorum for a meeting of the full governing board and for any vote on any matter at such meeting, is one half (rounded up to a whole number) of the membership of the governing board at the time of the meeting not including any vacant positions. For academies and free schools please refer to their Articles of Association for quorum. In the event of equal votes the chair has the casting vote.

The legal minimum quorum for any meeting is three voting governors.

From September 2016 the governors have adopted a meeting structure dispensing with the Staffing/Finance Committee, Premises, Health and Safety Committee and Curriculum and Standards Committee.

There will be 6 Full Governing Body meetings per year. Each meeting will have a considered focus, depending on time of year and any impending deadlines. Governors may decide to conduct additional meetings should the need arise.

Staff Performance Review Committee

Governors will be appointed to sit on this meeting according to the Terms of Reference within this booklet

If the following Committee meetings are required Governors will be appointed according to the Terms of Reference within this booklet:

·  Pupil Discipline and Complaints Committee

·  Staffing Committee

·  Appeals Committee

·  Head Teacher Appraisal Committee

·  Selection Panel

Wherever possible Governors will receive appropriate reports well in advance of meetings. In order to get the most out of the meetings there will be an expectation that Governors will have familiarised themselves with the reports before the meeting. Wherever possible reports will include a summary of decisions required from Governors. Governors will be able to raise questions regarding a report or summary but Officers will not be expected to go through reports ‘word for word’. This will allow for time in the meeting to thoroughly consider any tabled reports not available prior to the meeting.


All Governors will be expected to attend scheduled meetings except the meeting to consider staff performance. Governors will need to be selected to consider staff performance therefore allowing none selected governors to be available for an Appeals Committee, should it be required.

In maintained schools the governing board can appoint associate members. Associate members can attend full governing board meetings but may be excluded from any part of a meeting where the business being considered concerns a member of school staff or an individual pupil, they can be appointed for a period of between one and four years and reappointed at the end of their term. Associate members are not governors and they are not recorded in the instrument of government. (Extracted from Governors Handbook January 2015)

No vote on any matter can be taken at a meeting unless the majority of members present are members of the governing body.

The appointed clerk will undertake the clerking of the committee.

The minutes shall be included as an agenda item for consideration at the next meeting of the full Governing Board where appropriate.

All decisions made any meeting with delegated powers should be reported to the next full meeting of the governing board. If the minutes are not finalised a brief statement of the conclusions reached should be given.

The chair of the governing body meeting will be appointed at the first meeting of the academic year.

All governors are encouraged to attend training regularly & review training needs annually.

The governing board cannot delegate any functions relating to

¨  The constitution of the governing body (unless otherwise provided by the constitution regulations)

¨  The appointment or removal of the chair and vice chair/clerk

¨  The appointment or removal of governors.

¨  The suspension of governors

¨  The delegation of functions and establishment of committees

¨  Change of school name or status

¨  Salary range for the Head Teacher & Deputy

Full Governing Body

The Full Governing Body has responsibility for:

Ø  Review/approve all policies relevant to finance and roles of the committee.
Ø  Produce and approve the annual budget and present it to the full governing board for ratification.
Ø  Review the actual expenditure and monitoring statements at least once a term.
Ø  Receive and review financial projections.
Ø  Approve expenditure and virements of sums over £3,000, sums below that amount are delegated to the Head Teacher
Ø  Complete the Schools Financial Value Standards in Schools to be presented to the full board to ratify.
Ø  Assess the financial progress towards achieving the objectives in the School Improvement Plan.
Ø  Review of leases & contracts – including traded services.
Ø  Ensure Best Value principles apply.
Ø  Review the financial implications on the budget of the Pay & Conditions document.
Ø  Receive LA budget and outturn statement – (when published by LA).
Ø  Receive the annual accounts and certificate of audit of the school fund account and other voluntary funds held within school
Ø  Assess the schools insurance cover to ensure that it provides adequate protection against risks.
Ø  Review and approve the petty cash to be held by the school.
Ø  Ensure LA financial procedures are complied with – review annually the Fair Funding document.
Ø  Obtain quotations with a view to placing contracts./.orders, once the relevant committee has drawn up a specification.
Ø  Review/approve all policies relevant to staffing and roles of the committee
Ø  Consider applications from staff for variation to contract (secondments, early retirements, leave of absence, reduced working hours etc.)
Ø  Ensure all personnel records are held securely.
Ø  Review annually the staffing structure of the school ensuring that it meets the requirements of the curriculum and is in line with the School Improvement Plan.
Ø  Review staff work / life balance, working conditions and well-being, including the monitoring of absence.
Ø  Implement the appraisal policy and monitor teacher appraisal process.
Ø  Equal Opportunities
Ø  Establish & maintain rolling programme for Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) Checks.
Ø  Staff training and CPD
Curriculum & Standards:
Ø  Review/approve all policies relevant to the curriculum and roles of the committee
Ø  Monitor and review information on school performance to include Raise Online & Data Dashboard
Ø  Monitor and review school targets
Ø  Monitor and review in year progress for all year groups and all groups of pupils
Ø  Compare school performance against national data – see GOV.UK for annual performance tables
Ø  Reporting to parents according to statutory requirements
Ø  Monitor achievement for all groups of pupils (Inc. pupil premium)
Ø  Monitor pupils work and carry out pupil conversations
Ø  Monitor school target setting systems and how this is reported to parents.
Teaching & Learning:
Ø  Review Raise Online / Data Dashboard ensuring the school is meeting standards
Ø  Ensure targeted support and action plans are in place for all teachers who are not at least good
Ø  Monitor and review quality of teaching across the school.
Ø  Monitor teaching for groups of pupils (Inc. pupil premium)
Ø  Monitor intervention groups for all groups of pupils
Ø  Monitor homework arrangements
Ø  Ensuring the school is meeting national curriculum requirements and to review the Curriculum Policy statement ensuring it meets pupils needs
Ø  Monitor and review the curriculum with a focus on basic skills
Ø  Monitor skills coverage of curriculum in all subjects
Ø  Parental engagement
Ø  Review and update SEF (Self Evaluation Form)
Ø  Monitor and review School Improvement Plan
Ø  Monitor how school are developing pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
Review Behaviour Policy and monitor school behaviour.
Premises Health & Safety:
Ø  Review the schools Health and Safety Policy on an annual basis.
Ø  Health and Safety audit
Ø  Receive a regular report on accident statistics, near misses and incidents of violence or aggression.
Ø  Comply with current fire safety legislation and regulations: ‘level one’ fire risk assessment should be carried out by the school on an annual basis; ‘level 2’ or technical fire risk assessment is reviewed bi-annually.
Ø  Ensure risk assessments are carried out and reviewed on a regular basis.
Ø  Inspect the school site and buildings to enable maintenance and improvement, including security. (Site visit)
Ø  Review and authorise upcoming offsite activities, ensuring that health and safety planning and risk assessments that have been undertaken for them.
Ø  Receive reports and audits from Health & Safety representatives (to include Caretaking & Cleaning)
Ø  Health and Safety self-monitoring return
Ø  Ensure staff and governors undertake appropriate health & safety Training.
Ø  Monitor all safeguarding procedures.
Ø  Ensure that health and safety documents and records are up to date:
Ø  Fire log book
Ø  Asbestos on site
Ø  Premise log book (PAT Testing, Glazing Inspections, An annual check of PE Equipment / Playground Equipment
Ø  Establish and review an Accessibility Plan
Ø  Review e-safety policy & procedures
Ø  Planned building works/contractors on site
Ø  Health and safety training
Receive minutes of School Central Safety committee – if schools have received this


All Governors
50% of governing body to be present at the time of the meeting not including any vacant positions in order to be quorate.
Chair of Committee / Mark Hamblett
Clerk / Sheila Patel

Staff Performance Review Committee

The committee has responsibility delegated by the governing board for:

Ø  Review staff pay progression in accordance with the Pay Policy and annual appraisal cycle
Committee to meet once per year in the Autumn term.


At least 3 members. Remaining Governors to be available to sit on the Appeals Committee should it be convened.
1.  Mark Hamblett
2.  Dave Shoker
3.  Rob Baxter
Chair of Committee / To be elected at each meeting
Clerk / SIPS Education

Pupil Discipline & Complaints Committee

The committee has responsibility delegated by the governing board for:

Ø  Review the use of exclusions within school, including exclusions of more than 15 schools days and exclusions which would result in a pupil missing the opportunity to take a public exam
Ø  Receive and consider any representations lodged by parents of pupils who have been excluded for a fixed term or permanently
Ø  Comply with exclusion procedures in accordance with the LA & DfE Guidance
Ø  Hear any stage two complaint made under the school Compliments and Complaints Procedure
Ø  Any item referred by the full governing board


·  To be made up of members who have no awareness of the original incident and are not known personally to the appellant parents, pupils and complainant
Minimum of three members required
Chair of Committee / To be elected at each meeting
Clerk / SIPS Education

Staffing Committee

The committee has responsibility delegated by the governing board for hearing:

Ø  Staff grievance and discipline (in line with school policies)
Ø  Staff dismissal, redundancy and redeployment
Ø  Staff capability/management of absence


·  To be made up of members who have no awareness of the original incident and are not known personally to the member of staff
Minimum of three members required
Chair of Committee / To be elected at each meeting
Clerk / SIPS Education

Appeals Committee

The committee has responsibility delegated by the governing board for hearing appeals with regard to:

Ø  Pay
Ø  Redundancy
Ø  Staff grievance
Ø  Contractual variation requests
Ø  Staff dismissal
Ø  Any Item referred by the full governing board
When dealing with an appeal the committee should be equal to or greater than the original committee that made the decision.


·  To be made up of members who have no awareness of the original incident, are not known personally to the appellant and who have not sat on the Staff Performance Review Committee or Staffing Committee.
Minimum of three members required
Chair of Committee / To be elected at each meeting
Clerk / SIPS Education

Head Teacher Appraisal