Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee

General Meeting

May 12th, 2010

7 PM


I. Call the meeting to order at 7:05pm

Parliamentary Procedure

II. Introduction of Visitors and Guests: Jon Korigan, Frank Rojas, Parke Bostrom, Melvin McKinney, Richard Marshall, Isabella Phipps, Kaye Strickland, Debra Broner and Henry Beck. Associate members present were Sid Berg, Linda Atkins, Mark Greenleaf and Larry Glass.

III. Roll call of members: Kristina Renner, Michael Winkler, Brandon Chapin, Steve Newman and Zuretti Goosby were unexcused absent.

IV. Minutes and Secretary’s report: Roger Smith made a motion to accept, Pam Cahill seconded. Motion passed

V. Treasurer’s Report

A. Year-to-date balances: $48,903

VI. Announcements from Members/Associates: Julie Timmons spoke about Democrats in

the obituaries. Brew at the Zoo May 22nd. 59th annual flower show in Sunday May 16th 1-4pm Agnes in Weott. Mark Fernleaf announced Central Labor Council endorsement of Leith Gil, SEIU organizer. Pam Cahill announced May 21st Eureka Symphony. Roger Smith spoke about KMUD net roots nation. Brendan Wagner announced recology recycling Saturday. Sid Berg announced good news for Building Trades with Warsilla pointing out a good job on PGE repower project. Chris Beresford announced May 23rd 10am Humboldt Botanical Gardens.

VII. Chair’s/Executive Board Report: Milt Boyd sent a card to Ed Albert family. Thanked the League of Women voters for lunch gathering. Made vote by mail announcement. Last day to register for June 8th Election is May 24th. Headquarter to be open from 10am to 4:30pm on May 24th to register voters.

VIII. Elected Representatives Reports: Liz Murguia said thanks to all for the Mike Thompson pasta dinner. Friday Mike will be here for HSU nursing grads.

IX. Nominations, Elections, Appointments: Phillis Seawright made motion and Roger Smith seconded to seat Isabella Phipps as Associate Member. Motion passed.

X. Committee Reports/Action

A. Community Outreach and Voter Registration – Boyd Fourth of July events coming up.

B. Ways and Means – Charlene Cutler-Ploss Chicken by the Sea update. DOTY in planning stages for the second Friday in September and there are 2 nominations. Next meeting will be Tuesday May 18th.

C. Campaign Services – Chris Beresford Chris Beresford working on Democratic endorsement list. Phillis seawright, James Topping and Chris working on web site.

D. Operations – B. Service Open three days a week. 11-3 Tues Thursday and Sat. Meeting was held with Organizing for America. Floor was cleaned. Bette Boyd going to India in June.

E. Communication and Education – (Note: This Committee report was moved to be first of the reports.) Railroad resolution was discussed. North Coast Rail Authority (NCRA) and Eureka City Councilperson Linda Atkins gave an update on the NCRA finances. Much discussion pro and cons. Motion was made by Bob Service to table this item and was seconded by Pam Cahill. Motion passed 13-7. Resolution tabled. Nuclear Plant resolution-Discussed by committee. Vote taken by committee, 17 Yes, 2 No and one abstention. Resolution passes.

XI. Other Pending/Unfinished Business- Talked about California Convention. Will Skarrup is Pro Tem lead person. Roger says breakfast was good. Pam went to the Elderly senior caucus. Wes got a bigger hand than any of the officers at environmental caucus. Chris Beresford garnered many signs and buttons.

XII. New Business and Special Resolutions- By law changes brought forward by Andrew Bird. Lower to 60% on endorsements. 2.4 add simple qualifications 120 days and go to 3 meetings. Del Norte just changed to 60%. Debra will check others.

XIII. Adjournment Zuretti Goosby made a motion to adjourn, Roger Smith seconded. Motion passed.