Wood River Mennonite Church

14988 West Husker Hwy

Wood River, NE 68883

Matt Troyer-Miller, Pastor

Cell Phone: 308-380-3852

Church Office Phone: 308-583-2087

Elders: Laurel Roth, Rod Jantzi, Judy Hostetler

February 8, 2015

Sunday School ……..………..……..Adult & Youth Classes, 9:30 a.m.

Worship Service……………………..………………………10:25 a.m.

Worship Leader…..…………….….……………………….Willis Roth

Chorister…………………………………...... Darlene Roth

Offertory…...….....……………...... Dale Cutler

Greeter……….……………………...... Nelson Winkel

  • Opening Hymns
  • Welcome
  • Call to Worship
  • Announcements
  • Tithes & Offering
  • Praise and Prayer Concerns
  • Praise and Worship
  • Scripture Reading: Acts 3.1-10
  • Message – “Walking and Leaping”
  • Hymn
  • Benediction and Doxology


Church Calendar

  • 7:30 pm, Tuesday, February 10, “Tuesdays with Dave” webinar on “How to Talk to People About Jesus”
  • 7:00 pm, February 12, Elders Meeting
  • 7:00, Wednesday, February 18, MCC work night sponsored by the MYF. There will be finger foods and fellowship following the worknight.
  • 10:00 am, Wednesday, Women’s Sewing Group

Praise & Prayer Requests

  • Martin & Elsy in Columbia
  • Sophie’s brother Gus, who is undergoing chemo


  • In the month of February, WRMC will be hosting a webinar “Tuesdays with Dave.” Please join us on February 10, and watch Conference Pastor David Boshart teach us how to answer questions like “How to talk to people about Jesus?”
  • The Outreach Committee is looking for another member. Please talk with Pastor Matt if you would be interested.
  • At our Annual Business Meeting, it was announced that 2015 is the “Year of Outreach.” As part of the Year of Outreach, each person of WRMC is challenged to bring one new person with you to church at some point during 2015. Be thinking of friends and family you can invite!
  • Next week, Pastor Matt will be preaching from Acts 4.
  • From the elders: Thank you for your participation in the Sabbatical policy discussion and vote. The vote passed with 96% of the vote.
  • Big Brother Big Sisters of Hastings biggest fundraiser of the year is BOWLING and Anne Winkel gets to recruit bowling teams! The fundraiser is an hour of free bowling @ Pastime Lanes in Hastings when a bowler raises 50 dollars. Every dollar you raise goes directly to youth in South Central Nebraska. You can bowl on February 19, 20 and 21. Talk to Anne if you would like to participate. 402-759-5035

Announcements, Cont.

  • It is time to think about donating a piece of fine art for the 2015 MCC sale! Please contact Carrie Bergen at by March 2nd so it can be listed in the quilt guide. Artwork will be accepted until sale day.
  • Did anyone read all of these? If so, please tell Pastor Matt after church to receive two points.
  • Mark your Calendar and Register for the Nebraska Women's Retreat, March 7th and 8th at the Leadership Center in Aurora, Nebraska. This year, the women of Wood River Mennonite will be hosting the retreat, and we cordially invite each of you to attend. We extend a special invitation to any new attendees and members at your churches to this annual event of the Nebraska Women. Our guest speaker is Stacey Waltner of Freeman, South Dakota. Our theme this year is Body, Soul and Sanity.We invite you to take a break from the business of life and retreat; restore a bit of sanity to your body and your soul! If you have any questions, contact Elizabeth Troyer-Miller: or 574-304-6548.

Invitation from the MYF:

Mennonite Central Committee URGENTLY needs 2,000 reliefkits. Relief kits provide valuable supplies to families whose lives have been disrupted by war or disaster. Multiple situations of crisis around the world such as Syria, Iraq, Gaza and Ukraine have depleted MCC's warehouse inventory. The Wood River MYF has decided it would like to help MCC replenish its supply so it can continue responding to needs around the world – but we need your assistance! Please consider bringing items on this list (or cash so we can purchase items). The MYF has priced one of these kits, and it will cost us around $35 dollars to provide one kit. If possible, bring items by Sunday, February 15 so we can know how many kits to plan for. You may place items along north wall of fellowship hall.

We will be hosting a work night to assemble the kits for MCC. We also will be assembling items for the Nebraska MCC Relief Sale.We plan to do this on Wednesday, February 18 at 7:00. Everyone is invited to WRMC for a fun evening of working together. We will have a time of fellowship and snacking afterwards, so please bring finger foods to munch on.

Contents (NEW items only, in original packaging)

4 large bars bath soap

1 plastic bottle shampoo (13–24 oz; place in resealable plastic bag)

4 large bars laundry soap (Some stores carry Fels Naptha®, Sunlight® or Zote® brands)

4 adult-size toothbrushes

4 new bath towels (medium weight, dark or bright colors)

2 wide-tooth combs (6–8 in)

1 fingernail clipper(good quality)

1 box adhesive bandages(minimum 40 count, assorted)

1 package sanitary pads (18–24 count thin maxi)

1 box/bag to store the items in temporarily

Funny Religious Quotes

Some people are kind, polite and sweet-spirited --- until you try to get into their pew. [George Goldtrap, Madison, Tennessee]

The good Lord didn't create anything without a purpose, but the fly comes close. [Mark Twain]

Most of us spend the first six days of the week sowing wild oats, then we go to church on Sunday and pray for a crop failure. [Fred Allen]

Do you know the three times that most people are in church? When they are hatched, matched and dispatched. [Lowell B. Yoder, Holland, Ohio]

Quit griping about your church; if it were perfect, you couldn't belong. [Msgr. Joseph P. Dooley, Martins Creek, Pennsylvania]

If a church wants a better pastor, it can get one by praying for the one it has. [Rev. Robert E. Harris]

A lot of church members who are singing "Standing On The Promises" are just sitting on the premises. [Sr. Monique Rysavy]

We were called to be witnesses, not lawyers. [Donna Maddux, Stillwater, Oklahoma]

Every evening I turn my troubles over to God - He's going to be up all night anyway. [Donald J. Morgan, Columbus, Ohio]

I don't know why some people change churches - what difference does it make which one you stay home from? [Rev. Denny Brake]

If a Savior leaves you as you are and where you are, from what has He saved you? [Rev. Denny Brake]

If your left hand doesn't know what your right hand is doing, you should consider running for a job in Washington. [Anonymous]

To err is human; to blame it on somebody else is even more human. [John Nadeau, Medford, Massachusetts]

Some minds are like concrete, thoroughly mixed up and permanently set. [Rev. Denny Brake]

Welcome to Wood River Mennonite Church!