October 21, 2004

A meeting of the Kentucky Occupational Therapy Board was held at the Division of Occupations and Professions, Frankfort, KY on October 21, 2004.


Kelly Nash Karen M. Robinson, Board Administrator

Laura Strickland Susan Ellis, Fiscal/Financial Operations Supervisor

Dale L. Lynn John Parrish, Division Director

Christianne Janes


James Grawe, Office of the Attorney General

Linda Freudenberger, KOTA Representative

Acting Board Chair, Kelly Nash, called the meeting to order at 9:06 A.M.

The Oath of Office was administered to new Board member, Christianne Janes, by Susan Ellis, Notary Public.

Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the September 16, 2004 meeting were presented for the Board’s review. A motion was made by Laura Strickland to approve the minutes as amended. Motion, seconded by Dale Lynn, carried.

Approval of Financial Statement

The Board reviewed the financial statement for July 1, 2004 through September 30, 2004. After review, Laura Strickland made the motion to accept the financial statements as presented. Motion, seconded by Dale Lynn, carried.

The Board reviewed email correspondence from Susan Ellis, Fiscal/Financial Operations Supervisor which explained that the Board’s Memorandum of Agreement with Eastern Kentucky University states that persons employed by EKU to investigate complaint cases shall be licensed as an occupational therapist in the Commonwealth.

Licensure Status Report

A licensure status report for the month of September 30, 2004 was provided for member information. The report showed that there are currently 1435 licensed OTs and 359 OTAs along with 215 OTs and 11 OTAs certified to practice in Deep Physical Agent Modalities.

New Business

The Board reviewed a schedule for the 2005 Board meetings. After a brief discussion, the Board decided to take the schedule with them and make a final decision at the November meeting so that they may check their calendars at home.

Dale Lynn made a motion to move the November 18, 2004 Board meeting to November 15, 2004. Motion, seconded by Laura Strickland, carried.

Laura Strickland made a motion to approve changes made to the Letter of Supervision for Issuance of a Temporary Occupational Therapist or Occupational Therapy Assistant Permit form to reflect the most recent edition of 201 KAR 28:180 Temporary Permits regulation. Motion, seconded by Dale Lynn, carried.

The Board requested Karen Robinson to respond to Sadashio Nandanwar, OT/L regarding occupational therapists using anodyne therapy. The Board agreed that at the present time, they do not consider this a deep physical agent modality. The Board will continue to investigate the components of this type of therapy.

Old Business

Laura Strickland will forward information concerning infrared light to the rest of the Board before the next scheduled Board meeting for further discussion.

Jim Grawe submitted a draft to the Board of the Low Vision regulation. The Board agreed that Mr. Grawe send Karen Thomas-Lentz a copy of this draft.

The most recent draft of the Low Vision regulation was sent to Karen Thomas-Lentz, the Kentucky Occupational Therapy Association and the American Occupational Therapy Association. Dale Lynn made a motion that a draft of this regulation be presented to the Kentucky Board of Optometric Examiners as written. Motion, seconded by Christianne Janes, carried.

The Board reviewed correspondence from Mr. John Breiwa, President of KY Board of Optometric Examiners concerning the Board’s regulation on Low Vision therapy. Laura Strickland stated that she will contact Connie Calvert, Executive Director of KBOE regarding this regulation.

Pending Complaints

Laura Strickland made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss complaints. Motion, seconded by Christianne Janes, carried.

Christianne Janes made a motion to come out of Executive Session. Motion, seconded by Dale Lynn, carried.

The following actions were taken on the complaints discussed in the Executive Session:

OT-2003-01 - A hearing has been scheduled for January 20, 2005 at the Division of Occupations and Professions office to begin at 9:00 a.m.

OT-2004-01 – Dale Lynn made a motion to file a formal complaint and hearing and authorize settlement authority. Motion, seconded by Christianne Janes, carried.

OT-2004-03 – Laura Strickland made a motion to initiate an investigation. Motion, seconded by Dale Lynn, carried.


Laura Strickland made a motion that she would draft a letter and send it to Karen Robinson to forward to Dawn Castel, Accelerated Care Plus regarding the Board’s reconsideration of the partial approval of DPAM courses offered by ACP. Motion, seconded by Dale Lynn, carried.

A motion was made by Dale Lynn to approve the following deep physical agent modality applications as discussed. Motion, seconded by Christianne Janes, carried.

DPAM Specialty Certification (OT) - Aida Ajanovic, Rebecca L. Allison, Greta B. Baxter, Sara L. Bisher, Melissa D. Bower, Elizabeth C. Brown, Shannon M. Browning, Aleta G. Cannon, Jennifer C. Carter, Carolyn E. Cason, Tara L. Cavitt, Lori K. Distler, Joelana L. Dowell, Misty M. Gordon, Kathy L. Gregory, Cynthia A. Habas, Andreas S. Hubbard, Juliane Jones, Jyoti J. Khiani, Joshua A. King, Morgan R. Lanham, Tara J. Long, Dana M. Madalon, Niraj Mathur, Nancy J. Miles, Annette H. Myers, Gina R. Naehr, Gretchen Y. Olds, Minesh R. Patel, Chastity F. Russell, Mark J. Russell, Kristy J. Salmon, Reena H. Sharma, David L. Sheeks, Patrick R. Stotler, Natalie J. Tinsley, Megan M. Turner, Angela G. Watts, Karen A. Wheeler, Amanda S. Willoughby, and Laura B. Wyler.

Bradley A. Bickett, OT/L was denied approval for a DPAM specialty certification because there were only four supervised treatment sessions completed and five sessions are required. Once the fifth treatment session is completed, the Board will again review Mr. Bickett’s DPAM certification application.

DPAM Specialty Certification (OTA) - Kelley L. Basham and James A. Nieman.

DPAM Course, Workshop, or Seminar Provider

Application from Minesh Patel, OT/L was denied approval for 23 hours of continuing education credit for the course “Therapeutic Modalities” held March 19-21, 2004 because information in methods of documenting, equipment operation/care, and application storage were not submitted with the approval form.

Application from Natalie Tinsley, Rehab Management and Gateway Rehabilitation was approved for 18 hours of continuing education credit for the course “DPAMs for the OT and OTA Part II ” held September 18-19, 2004.


A motion was made by Laura Strickland to approve the following applications as discussed. Motion, seconded by Christianne Janes, carried.

OT TEMPORARY PERMIT – William E. Danner, Julie A. File, Jana R. Prichard, Dana M. Smith, and Marcy R. Stock.


OTA/L – Jamie M. Augustine, John J. Capraro, Christie D. Dotson, and Melanie Redmon.

OT/L – Crystal G. Case, Rebecca L. Clarke, Donn E. Crouse, Amber R. Dempsey, Amber E. Haney, Angela R. Horn, Jana L. Isgett, Michele R. Knab, Rosemary I. Kwako, Jeffrey P. McRae, Vickie R. Noel, Rachel R. Pirkle, Brittany A. Shain, Crystal G. Sullivan, Lisa M. Wright.

Tricia A. Freyer was approved for an occupational therapist license pending receipt of verification letters from the states of Iowa and New York. Once the verification letters are received, the Board will issue Ms. Freyer her license.

OT/L Reinstatement – Kathy J. Clark, Kimberly A. Datillo-Cassaro, Andrea M. Hooper, Colleen M. Schneck, and Amy E. Sutfin.

OTA/L Reinstatement – Ann Little

Melissa J. Robinson was denied approval for reinstatement of her occupational therapy assistant license because all of the Final Order requirements had not been completed. Once these requirements are met and the proper documentation is submitted to the Board, her file will be reviewed again at the next scheduled Board meeting for reinstatement.

Continuing Education Approval

A motion was made by Christianne Janes to approve requests of continuing education courses as amended for today’s meeting. The motion, seconded by Dale Lynn, carried.

Approval of Travel and Per Diem

A motion was made by Laura Strickland to approve travel and per-diem for today’s meeting. The motion, seconded by Dale Lynn, carried.


With all business completed, the meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.

A special meeting of the Kentucky Board of Licensure for Occupational Therapy will be held at 9:00 A.M. November 15, 2004 at the Division of Occupations and Professions, Frankfort, KY.

Approved by the Board

Board Chair