Academic Intervention Services
English Language Arts
Miss Enos
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” – Dr. Seuss
Welcome to 8th grade AIS for English Language Arts. This program has been designed to help students better their skills in English Language Arts while addressing the skills and concepts learned in core ELA class. The purpose of this class is to provide students with an additional opportunity to work on skills and strategies that will strengthen their critical thinking and problem solving abilities. Students will work on various activities both individually and in small groups throughout the year. Instruction is designed to engage students and make each assignment as meaningful as possible.
This class is aligned with the Common Core. Topics will be similar to those covered in regular ELA classes, though they may not be covered at the same time or in the same order. Students will practice reading skills such as predicting, making inferences, cause and effect, compare and contrast, sequencing, drawing conclusions, using context clues, identifying main idea, identifying text-based evidence, making connections, summarizing, and author’s purpose. Students will also develop writing skills and focus on the writing process. Throughout the year students will develop reading and writing skills in order to interpret, analyze, collaborate, create, and communicate effectively.
Required Supplies:
· Writing utensils (pens and pencils)
· Folder (this will be kept in the classroom)
· Loose leaf paper
· Index Cards/Post-its
Students will be evaluated both formally and informally on a variety of levels throughout the year. Assessments will be based on specific requirements and according to the Common Core standards. Students will be assessed according the quality and presentation of each classroom task as well as class participation.
Expectations and Policies:
1. Respect: students will respect each other, the teacher, and all school property.
2. Due to the fact that we have limited class time, each class period must be productive. In order to achieve this students are expected to follow the daily routine:
a. Be on time and prepared for class. This means seated with all materials when the bell rings.
b. Complete any bell work activity or any seatwork silently and independently.
c. Focus on the task at hand and follow directions
3. Assignments: students must complete all assignments ON TIME and to the best of their ability.
4. Plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated. This includes copying or sharing class assignments.
5. It is up to the student to make up missed work after an absence.
6. Every student is required to have an independent reading book with them AT ALL TIMES. It must be appropriate for your reading level and can be approved by a parent/guardian.
7. All school rules apply in class.
In the event that expectations and policies are not followed, consequences may include:
· Warning
· Phone Call/E-mail Home
· Lunch Detention
· Referral
Contact information:
Teacher: Miss Enos
Phone: (845) 227-1700 ext. 51234
Miss Enos AIS – ELA – 8th Grade
2015-2016 School Year
Please return this sheet as soon as possible. The course outline should be kept at home or in the student’s folder for future reference.
***These signatures verify that we have read the course outline and understand the procedure and policies of AIS for English Language Arts.
Student name (print) Student signature
Class Period: ______Days: ______
Parent name (print) Parent signature