Information about the Strategic Litigation Group

The Strategic Litigation Group was set up around 4 years ago and is formed of professionals working within the field of children’s rights, including policy leads from the voluntary sector, leading children’s organisations in Scotland, and solicitors and advocates who practice in the field of human rights and/or child law. It is a forum for connecting organisations and individuals with legal or human rights expertise and those with little or no history of using these tools to tackle discrimination and disadvantage. The Group currently meets three or four times a year.

Following a successful application to the Baring Foundation, we now have funding to appoint a part-time Strategic Litigation Group Coordinator for 1 year as part of a pilot project. The Coordinator will drive the work of the Group forward, promoting the use of law, advancing policy issues identified and making resources freely available through the use of information technology regarding the law and human rights.

The post holder will have a key role in the delivery of the following outcomes:

1.  Voluntary sector organisations will have an improved understanding of the benefits of using the law, legal processes and human rights to progress policy issues to tackle discrimination and disadvantage in relation to children in Scotland.

2.  A better link will exist between legal professional and the voluntary sector, facilitating the use of law, legal processes and human rights.

3.  Policy issues identified by the voluntary sector will be progressed by the use of the law, human rights and legal processes through the combination of campaigning work, research, legal advice, drafting amendments, individual test cases and interventions.

Community Law Advice Network, Scottish Registered Charity (SC039156), Company Limited by Guarantee (SC335011)

Legal Services provided by Clan Childlaw Ltd, Company Limited by Guarantee (SC479226)

Registered Office for Community Law Advice Network and Clan Childlaw Ltd: Norton Park, 57 Albion Road, Edinburgh EH7 5QY