February 12, 2017

Missions Sunday Today

The second Sunday of each month we receive a special offering for our missionaries and encourage you to remember them in prayer. David will share news from the mission field as well!

District Tour Coming

Our church will be host of the sectional leadership tour, Thursday, February 16th @ 6:30. This is for all sectional Pastors/wives, staff and board members. Finger food provided.

A sectional presbyter will be nominated.

Appointments:Youth To Rest Home

WedKid’s Club plans program and

visit to SandhillsCareCenter

On February 15th. Pray that we can be a huge blessing!


February 19!

Fellowship Dinner Feb. 19th

Sunday, February 19th we would like to have a carry-in dinner following the morning service to honor Bernie & Jenny Martin. They have been with us for 6 years and are now moving out of the local community. We have been very

Blessed by their presence. It might be very nice to write a letter of appreciation from as many as can.

*Annual Business Meeting*

Elections at our Annual Meeting Wednesday evening were:

Board Member (replace Bernie)-Kathy Papstein 3yr

Church Secretary-Myra Willaims 1yr

Church Treasurer-Kathy Papstein 1yr


WM president/ Myra Williams Assist/Sharon Swett Meals/Marjorie W.

Men’s Ministries/ Leader-Jerry Funk Assist/ ______

Sunday School/Superintendent- Myra Williams Assist/Vicki Graesser

Children’s Department/ Leader- Vicki Carini Assist/Tonda Biltoft

Missions Department/ Director- David Seadore Assist- Mary Moody

BGMC Coordinator/ David Carini

Communion Set Up/ Kelly Painter Assist/ Joyce Micheel

Platform Coordinator/ Chris Sease

We would like to thank everyone who is willing to serve in the ministries of the church. Your service is greatly appreciated. Special thanks and recognition were given to Tonda Biltoft and Myra Williams for their labor each week cleaning the church and keeping things looking great!

February – Birthdays and Anniversaries-

Birthdays: 5 DeAnn Nilson, 13 Vicki Graesser, 24 Darla Drake, 27 Folukae

Anniversaries: 23 Christopher & Michell Sease

Sympathies to Kyle

This past week Kyle lost his mother. We send our sympathies/prayer

to Kyle in his time of loss!


Our church and its ministries- especially pray for clear understanding of God’s vision and direction for our church this fall and winter.

Shut-ins: Norman Kurpjuweit


Diane Seadore (cancer treatments) Sue O’Hare (bone cancer)

Alyla Drake (leukemia) Judy Walz/testing & treatment

Kayla Klatt/needs God’s direction on a job (Angie’s daughter/)

Peggy Funk/recovery from knee surgery

Debbie Fairchild/knee surgery recovery

Kyle Treat/loss of mother

Olga Strait/stroke Pray for recovery from the effects of a stroke

Maykayla Hefflinger/seizures

President and Leadership/I Timothy 2:1

To publish prayer requests please write them down and get them to Tonda (387-2137) or Pastor (387-2584).

Scriptures to pray for the sick:

Isaiah 53:3-5; Matthew 8:16-17; Psalm 121; Luke 4:18

Psalm 118:17-18; Psalm 46:1; James 5:13-16