Saturday 26th NWSA IDPA 0930
Saturday 2nd CWSA Bowling Pin Seminar 0900
Saturday 9th NWSA IDPA Practice & New Shooter clinic 0900
Saturday 9th CWSA Speed Steel Seminar 0900
Saturday 23rd NWSA IDPA 0930
Saturday 1st CWSA Bowling Pins 0900
Saturday 8th NWSA IDPA practice & new shooter clinic
Sunday 9th CWSA Falling Plates 0900
Saturday 15th HHGC Silhouette 0900
Saturday 22nd NWSA IDPA Classifier 0930
Saturday 29th CWSA Bowling Pins 0900
Saturday 5th CWSA Falling Plates 0900
Saturday 12th NWSA IDPA Practice & new shooter clinic 0900
Saturday 12th HHGC Pistol Match 0900
Sunday 13th CWSA Hanging Plates 0900
Saturday 19th HHGC Silhouettes 0900
Sunday 20th CWSA Bowling Pins 0900
Saturday 26th NWSA IDPA 0930
Sunday 27th CWSA Speed Steel 0900
Saturday 10th NWSA IDPA practice & new shooters clinic 0900
Saturday 10th HHGC Pistol Match 0900
Sunday 11th CWSA Falling Plates 0900
Saturday 17th HHGC Silhouettes 0900
Sunday 18th CWSA Hanging Plates 0900
Saturday 24th NWSA IDPA 0930
Saturday 24th CWSA Speed Steel 0900
Saturday 31st CWSA Bowling Pins 0900
Saturday 7th CWSA Hanging Plates 0900
Sunday 8th CWSA Speed Steel 0900
Saturday 14th NWSA IDPA Practice & new shooter clinic 0900
Saturday 14th HHGC Pistol Match 0900
Sunday 11th CWSA Falling Plates 0900
Saturday 17th HHGC Silhouettes 0900
Sunday 18th CWSA Falling Plates 0900
Saturday 24th NWSA IDPA Classifier 0930
Saturday 31st CWSA Bowling Pins 0900
Saturday 7th CWSA Hanging Plates 0900
Sunday 8th CWSA Speed Steel 0900
Saturday 14th NWSA IDPA Practice & new shooter clinic 0900
HHGC Pistol Match 0900
Saturday 21st HHGC Silhouettes 0900
Sunday 22nd CWSA Bowling Pins 0900
Saturday 28th NWSA IDPA 0930
CWSA Hanging Plates 0900
Saturday 5th CWSA Bowling Pins 0900
Sunday 6th CWSA Speed Steel 0900
Saturday 12th NWSA IDPA Practice & new shooter clinic 0900
HHGC Pistol Match 0900
Saturday 19th HHGC Silhouettes 0900
Sunday 20th CWSA Falling Plates 0900
Saturday 26th NWSA IDPA 0930
CWSA Speed Steel 0900
Sunday 27th CWSA Hanging Plates 0900
Saturday 2nd CWSA Bowling Pins 0900
Sunday 3rd CWSA Falling Plates 0900
Saturday 9th NWSA IDPA Practice & new shooter clinic 0900
HHGC Pistol Match 0900
Sunday 10th CWSA Speed Steel 0900
Saturday 16th Washington State IDPA Championship Match
HHGC Silhouettes 0900
Saturday 23rd NWSA IDPA 0930
Sunday 24th CWSA Bowling Pins 0900
Saturday 30th CWSA Falling Plates 0900
Saturday 6th CWSA Speed Steel 0900
Saturday 13th Idaho IDPA State Championship
NWSA IDPA practice 0900
CWSA Bowling Pins 0900
Saturday 20th NWSA IDPA 0930
HHGC Silhouettes 0900
Saturday 27th Whidbey Challenge 0900
Sunday 28th CWSA Hanging Plates 0900
Saturday 4th CWSA Speed Steel 0900
Saturday 11th NWSA IDPA Practice & new shooter clinic 0900
Sunday 12th Oregon IDPA State Championship
Sunday 19th CWSA Bowling Pins 0900
Saturday 25th NWSA IDPA classifier 0930
Sunday 26th CWSA Falling Plates 0900
Saturday 1st CWSA Bowling Pins 0900
Saturday 8th NWSA IDPA Low Light 1730
CWSA Falling Plates 0900
Sunday 9th CWSA Bowling Pins 0900
Sunday 16th CWSA Bowling Pins 0900
NWSA – North Whidbey Sportsmen
CWSA – Central Whidbey Sportsmen
HHGC – Holmes Harbor Gun Club (Langley)
>Speed Steel – Nearly the same as Steel Challenge
>Falling Plates – Man on man with 22s, any sight. Shot in a round robin. Bring 300 rounds of ammo
>Hanging Plates – Shot with 22s and a time limit per string
Also of interest are the following matches and classes
CWSA Bench Rest Rifle Matches
March 16th 100yd For info contact John Jefferies 675-3054
April 19th 200yd
May 18th 100yd
June 14th 200yd
July 13th 100yd
Aug 9th 200yd
Sept 14th 100yd
Oct 18th 200yd
CWSA will hold a Women’s firearms safety class 0900-1500 Apr 19th and a youth firearms training class 0900-1500 April 26th.
For questions concerning pistol competition contact Jim Till 675-4404, 360 739-6237 (cell) or e-mail
Check the newsletter for changes to the schedule.