McCarthy, Kenneth
EVAN 670 B03
October 17, 2010
Readings and discussions Insightful ...... 1
Plan of Application ……………………………………………………………………………..4
Prime Objective, Indicators and Steps to Success ………………………………………………5
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………7
Every believer should desire to developand mature spiritually and must have a plan to achieve that growth. In particular, the area of the spiritual life that seems to suffer neglect by many Christians is in the area of prayer. If prayer were understood correctly then the believer would utilize this tool at every opportunity and under every circumstance. Prayer should not be a last resort but should be the number one priority of every believer. Prayer is one of the spiritual weapons of the believer. The scriptures encourage the believer to always pray and to not faint or lose heart (Luke 18:1, King James Version). The scriptures encourages the believer to ask in Christ namethat the believer might receive and the believer's joy might be full (John 16:24). Prayer is encouraged and covers all the regions of the believer's life; whether it be the prayer of petition, praise, intercessory or praying down strongholds in the believer's life or in another's life; prayer is what is needed but sadly neglected.
Readings and discussions Insightful
2 Corinthians 10:4, announces to the believer that the believer's warfare weapons are not carnal, but in fact mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. Consistently the weekly readings and discussion boards gave importance to this and emphasized these essentials. Prayer is powerful and has the potential to change circumstances, the one praying and those that are the subject of the believer's prayer. In S.D. Gordon's Quiet Talks, it is stated that the Christian has five outlets of power and one inlet of power.[1] The inlet of power or the Holy Spirit generates the proclivity for the outward flow of power.[2] Gordon states that the five outlets of power are: through the life, through the lips, through the Christian's service, through the believer's resources or money and through the believer's prayers.[3] According to Gordon God reveals Himself through these five outlets and if the Christian keeps in line with these five outlets the Christian will experience continuously an out flowing of God's power.[4]
During the discussions it was realized consistently that everyone struggled in the area of prayer. If that same position is viewed from a larger scale then it is understood why there has been no revival in the land an why so many believer's live mediocre or ordinary Christian lives. if one were to check the history books concerning revival it will be discovered that great moves of God took place only after prayer was initiated. The revivals of the Third Great Awakening provide strong evidence that prayer is the key to any true revival.[5]These were revivals birthed in prayer and international in scope. While not well-remembered one hundred fifty years later, the number of people and church institutions impacted remains enormous.[6] The key presented here is that prayer is the foundation to all that the believer does and that prayer can have a lasting affect on a community, city or nation.
The readings and discussions help me to understand the significance and necessity of daily prayer. It was also learned and understood that one should also engage in seasons of prayer whereby one gets off to one's self and alone with God to sort out upcoming issues, get direction and to be sure where god is leading. The issue concerning prayer is that the prayer must see the impact of prayer; wasting time on things that are futile should be avoided by every believer but prayer is far from that and is the life source of every believer. The praying believer recognizes, without a doubt, that the fervent effectual prayer of a righteous man avails much or does a lot of good (James 5:16). The readings also builds hope within the heart of believer. As one prays and studies the word of God one comes to the understanding that what one is doing is a ministry that will receive the same reward as any pastor that shepherds a large flock. The prayer begins to understand that from one's knees that one's environment, community, city and nation is being changed according to the purposes of Almighty God.
The readings and discussions also brought to the forefront how through prayer the believer's life is out in the open or exposed to God. According to McMinn, prayer should be an extension of the passions of our heart.[7] Our prayer lives should be that of seeking God and opening up to Him about the whole of our lives; especially those things that we have no control and keep concealed deep within our hearts.[8] Prayer forces or encourages honesty before God because He already knows.[9] The discussions and readings have also helped me to become more patient knowing that this spirit's leading is necessary. During times when the believer does not know what or how to pray the Holy Spirit even then makes intercession for the believer and God knowing the mind of the spirit searches the believer's and understands what the believer does not governing things according to His divine will and purposes (Romans 8:26,27); this creates a boldness in the heart of the believer knowing that when the believer does not know or the mouth cannot articulate those deep things within the heart that the heavenly Father knows, understands and operates accordingly, although never outside of His will.
The discussions also emphasized that the enemy or Satan wants to have each of us. His only purpose is to kill, steal and to destroy the believer. Satan wants us to question and doubt God. Satan wants the believer to regard prayer as a futile effort thus abandoning it or going through the motions without expectation. The readings and discussions have exposed the adversary and brought him more into the light of discernment.
Plan of Application
Practical application is a must, without practical application, according to Dave Earley, one will experience frustration.[10] As learning happens there should be a desire to seek out ways that this new knowledge can be practically applicable. As God gives insight responsibility increases. Luke 12:48 teaches that to whom much is given more is required. This new information will without a doubt be beneficial within my own prayer life and ministry. I will make a point to pray unremittingly. There will be a new confidence that my prayers do not change the purposes of God but do prompt the actions of God.[11] Like Christ I will have a consistent time of prayer, a place of prayer, and a constant spirit of prayer; a prayer life that hammers away at Satan's kingdom. As I commune with God. I will find scriptural avenues of including others in my prayers and learn to wait patiently even when the answer seems to be temporarily held up by Satan. Including others can be as simple as praying for the needs of others or praying that the unsaved might be drawn by the spirit of God. Praying for others could be seeking God's direction on how to minister to an individual and their personal needs. At times as there is an encounter with others and the inward desire to help is covered in the knowing how to proceed. Under those circumstances this is the time when the believer desperately needs to be led by the spirit of God and prayer is the key.
Boldness definitely impacts the effectiveness of the believer's prayer life. Boldness has to do with knowledge. This knowledge has to do with understanding and knowledgeof the word of truth as well as an individual solid relationship and continual effort towards maturity in one's walk with Jesus Christ. Where there is knowledge there will be confidence. Where there is confidence there will be a directness coupled with sincerity towards the one that is being addressed. Where boldness exist the supplications presented will be beyond human ingenuity and will be exclusively dependent upon the God of the universe. Boldness comes because there is an understanding of that relationship. This understanding at the same time coupled with boldness knows that within this relationship that the God of the universe wants to do exceedingly abundantly above all that is requested or can ever be conjured up in the finite mind.
And lastly making certain that what I am praying is scriptural. Some of the things that are sought, at times, may not be in line with scripture. And if not in line with scripture definitely the petitions are not in line with the plans, and purposes of God. This can only be remedied through placing an emphasis on bible study.In addition, an effort will be made to utilize being more specific when praying. Being specific helps one to determine when and if that need has been met. Praying incessantly and with confidence will be further applications utilized. As believers there are times when the believer fails or stops short in requesting or petitioning God; Lot is a prime example (Genesis 18:23-32). God desires to give His children more than could be asked for or more than the believer could ever think, but the believer falls short in the asking, the consistency and more so than not the faith to believe.
Prime Objective, Indicators and Steps to Success
The prime objective concerning my prayer life is to be in tune with what God is doing. The scriptures tell us that God no longer refer to the believer as servant because a servant does not know what his master is doing; the scriptures tell us that God calls the believer friend because of making known to the believer His will (John 15:15). My goal is to commune with God through prayer and to know exactly what it is that He requires of me. My goal is to draw near to God through the study of scripture and through prayer with the hope of being transformed and changed into being more like Christ. My goal is to be able to pray down the strongholds in the city that I currently reside and to make a difference within this city because of diligent prayer. Prayer is something that at times has no audience and is done in private, but the rewards can be immeasurable. My goal is to pray with more confidence in God's word and be able to have the confidence that He has heard me and have the assurance in my heart that my prayers will produce eternal fruit.
My goal is to pray true, authentic and spirit inspired prayers. True prayer at times may not see the end result, but true prayer is founded upon God's word and confidence in that word. True prayer is persistent, specific and is patient. My goal is to be so reliant upon God through prayer that major and minor decisions pass through this avenue first and foremost.I believe that God has called me to be a leader and prayer in the life of a spiritual leader is crucial and cannot be over emphasized. I believe that God has called me to restore, inform, prepare and encourage the family; it is clearly discerned that the family is under attack. Prayer influences men by influencing God to influence them.[12] Each man or woman that are a part of the Body of Christ should earnestly desire to be influential in the area that God has placed them. There ought to be an earnest desire to influence for God every one and every situation that which is apparent as well as those things that are concealed.[13]
As a spiritual leader one will encounter a blend of people and will at times overseethose people. Each individual will present varying levels of maturity and needs. Leadership carries with it high demands and the desire of any leadership should be to maximize his impact which will necessitate a prioritized prayer life.[14] A spiritual leaders consistency in prayer will assist in minimizing or warding off some of the frustrations that will accompany his spiritual role.[15]
The spiritual leader will need insight and wisdom to know when and how to deal with specific situations, e.g. finances, ministry groups or troublesome people. That leader through prayer is also shaping his own character so as to know how to lovingly deal with those disruptive people. That leader will have daily demands placed upon him and will need wisdom so as to be able to utilize his time wisely, effectively and efficiently; prayer is the key.[16] Prayer allows for that connection to the power source so that the ministry leader can continue to experience personal growth not only for one's self but equally for those that are under that leadership.
Definite indicators of an effectual prayer life will be consistency when it comes to intercession for others, interceding more effectively by learning to focus more on the spiritual issues of eternal significance rather than the material, physical and temporal needs of the other person.[17]Perhaps the most evident indicator will be the desire to be in the Father's presence more and more each day. The first step begins by prayer and ends with prayer and in between watching God change me as a believer and secondarily the world in which I live.
As a Christian and potential leader there should be a desire to be effective, efficient and a good steward of the priceless salvation delivered to the saints. This good stewardship commences or is played out in the areas of the believer's concern or lack of concern towards a prayer life. Does the believer utilize and cultivate this prayer life. Is the believer's prayer life a first or last resort and does the believer recognize and see the fruits of their own personal prayer life. A consistent prayer life and utilizing the principles in will definitely lend more than a good start in the right direction for every believer.[18]
Dave Earley, Prayer: The Timeless Secret of High Impact Leaders (Chattanooga, TN: Living Ink Books, 2008.
Gordon, S.D. Quiet Talks. Shippensburg, PA: Mercy Place, 2003.
Hampel, Walter. “Prayer Revivals and the Third Great Awakening.” Evangelical Review of Theology 31, no. 1 (January 2007).
M.R. McMinn. Psychology, Theology and Spirituality in Christian Counseling: AACC Counseling Library. Carol Stream, ILL: Tyndale House, 1996.
Earley, Dave. Prayer: The Timeless Secret of High Impact Leaders. Chattanooga, TN.: Living Ink Books, 2008.
[1]. S.D. Gordon, Quiet Talks (Shippensburg, PA: Mercy Place, 2003).
[2]. Ibid.
[3]. Ibid.
[4]. Ibid.
[5]. Walter Hampel, “Prayer Revivals and the Third Great Awakening,” Evangelical Review of Theology 31, no. 1 (January 2007).
[6]. Ibid.
[7]. M.R. McMinn, Psychology, Theology and Spirituality in Christian Counseling: AACC Counseling Library (Carol Stream, ILL: Tyndale House, 1996).
[8]. M.R. McMinn, Psychology, Theology and Spirituality in Christian Counseling: AACC Counseling Library (Carol Stream, ILL: Tyndale House, 1996).
[9]. McMinn, Psychology, Theology and Spirituality in Christian Counseling.
[10]. Dave Earley, Prayer: The Timeless Secret of High Impact Leaders (Chattanooga, TN: Living Ink Books, 2008).
[11]. Gordon, Quiet Talks.
[12]. Earley, Prayer: The Timeless Secret of High Impact Leaders.
[13]. Ibid.
[14]. Ibid.
[15]. Ibid.
[16]. Ibid.
[17]. Ibid.
[18]. Ibid.