DMC/DC/F.14/Comp.555/2009/ 3rdSeptember, 2009
The Delhi Medical Council examined a complaint of Dr. Kirti Bhushan, OSD RCH, Directorate of Family Welfare, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, seeking verification of genuineness of a medical certificate dated 1st July, 2008 issued by Dr. Alamgeer Shams to one Ms. Anita Saini,
The Delhi Medical Council perused the complaint, written statement of Dr. Alamgeer Shams and heard Dr. Alamgeer Shams in person.
Dr. Alamgeer Shams in his written statement averred that he had issued a medical certificate to Ms. Anita Saini d/o. Shri Laxmi Chand Saini r/o. C/370, Dwarka, Sector-7, Delhi, as she was under his treatment at Patliputra Polyclinic, C-137, Gali No.6, Mahavir Enclave, Part-III, New Shukra Bazar Road, Near Dwarkapuri Bus Stop (Power House), New Delhi – 110059, on OPD basis for “fever with generalized body ache vertigo” from 18.2.2009 to 20.2.2009 (three days). He also issued a separate fitness certificate alongwith medical certificate on request of the patient, the genuineness of which is being questioned. He also submitted a carbon copy of medical certificate issued to Ms. Anita Saini, which was kept for record at the clinic.
The Delhi Medical Councilobserves that copy of the certificate whose propriety is being questioned by the complainant, in fact, as per Dr. Alamgeer Shams, is a fitness certificate which was issued alongwith a medical certificate, a carbon copy of which has been submitted by Dr. Alamgeer Shams to the Delhi Medical Council. The explanation put forth by Dr. Alamgeer Shams is found to be reasonable and satisfactory. The medical certificate which was issued by Dr. Alamgeer Shams in spite of fulfilling the basic requirement of a standard medical certificate by detailing the nature of the illness as well as duration of treatment, failed to comply with some
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of the other requirements of a standard medical certificate prescribed under Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics), Regulations, 2002 namely:- no signature or identification mark of the patient nor the date on which the medical certificate was issued, is mentioned in the certificate.
In light of the observations made hereinabove, the Delhi Medical Counciladvises Dr. Alamgeer Shams, in future, to adhere to the prescribed format for issuance of a medical certificate as provided under the Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics), Regulations, 2002.
Complaint stands disposed.
By the Order & in the name of
Delhi Medical Council
(Dr. Girish Tyagi)
Copy to :-
1)Dr. Alampeer Shama, L-51, Chanakya Place, Part-II, 25-feet Road, Near C-1 Janakpuri Bus Stop, Delhi - 110059
2)Dr. Kirti Bhushan, OSD RCH, Directorate of Family Welfare, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, BhagwanMahavirHospital Complex, Road. 43, Pitampura, Delhi – 110034 – With reference to letter No. F.20(20.37)/RCH-II/DFW/2007/3174 dated 19.3.2009
(Dr. Girish Tyagi)