Unit 5 Instruction Outline

SSUSH8- Explore the relationship between slavery, growing north-south divisions, and westward expansion that led to the outbreak of the Civil War.

  1. Missouri Compromise
  2. Reasons why
  3. Balance of free and slave states (11 and 11)
  4. 36®30” line of latitude
  5. James K. Polk fulfillment of Manifest Destiny through the annexation of Texas and Oregon
  6. What is Manifest Destiny?
  7. Annexation of TX
  8. Annexation of OR
  9. Mexican War
  10. Why?
  11. What?
  12. Result?
  13. Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo:
  14. Rio Grande River would be the border of the US and Mexico
  15. Mexico ceded California and New Mexico
  16. US paid $15 million to the Mexican government and assumed the claims of American citizens against the Mexican government
  17. Sectionalism increased
  18. Compromise of 1850
  19. Reasons why
  20. Provisions of the Compromise:
  21. New Mexico created as a state
  22. New Mexico would exercise popular sovereignty and allow citizens to vote on the issue of slavery
  23. California admitted as a free state
  24. Fugitive Slave Law
  25. Slave trade abolished in Washington D.C.
  26. Kansas-Nebraska Act
  27. Popular Sovereignty
  28. Effects of the Kansas-Nebraska Act
  29. Dred Scott v. Sanford
  30. What led to it?
  31. Court ruling
  32. John Brown’s Raid at Harpers Ferry, Virginia
  33. What happened?

SSUSH9- Evaluate key events, issues, and individuals related to the Civil War.

  1. Disparity between the North and South
  2. Industry v. agriculture
  3. The issue of slavery
  4. Population differences
  5. Railroads
  6. Tariffs
  7. Preparedness for war
  8. Lincoln
  9. Suspension of habeas corpus
  10. Emancipation Proclamation
  11. Gettysburg Address
  12. 2nd Inaugural Address
  13. Leadership of the War
  14. General Robert E. Lee
  15. General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
  16. General Ulysses S. Grant
  17. General William T. Sherman
  18. Confederate President Jefferson Davis
  19. Battles of the War
  20. Ft. Sumter
  21. What happened?
  22. Significance?
  23. Battle of Antietam
  24. What happened?
  25. Significance?
  26. Battle of Gettysburg
  27. What happened?
  28. Significance?
  29. Battle of Vicksburg
  30. What happened?
  31. Significance?
  32. Battle of Atlanta
  33. What happened?
  34. Significance?

SSUSH10- Identify legal, political, and social dimensions of Reconstruction.

  1. Presidential Reconstruction vs. Congressional Reconstruction
  2. Presidential Reconstruction under Lincoln
  3. States ratify the 13th Amendment
  4. States had to repudiate secession
  5. 10% of male voters take an oath of allegiance to the U.S.
  6. Assassination of Lincoln
  7. Johnson’s Plan for Reconstruction and his impeachment
  8. Congressional Reconstruction plan (Radical Republicans)
  9. Bureaus of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands
  10. Purpose of the bureaus
  11. Amendments
  12. Thirteenth Amendment
  13. Fourteenth Amendment
  14. Fifteenth Amendment
  15. Black Codes and Ku Klux Klan
  16. Black Codes
  17. Why were they created?
  18. Examples
  19. Ku Klux Klan
  20. Why was it formed?
  21. What did the KKK do?
  22. Election of 1876
  23. Ruther B. Hayes vs. Samuel Tilden
  24. Compromise of 1877