Michela Manetti
Michela Manetti graduated from La Sapienza University in Rome in 1980 with a degree in Law. Her thesis, supervised by professor Carlo Mezzanotte, regarding the conflict between the State’s powers before the Constitutional Court, earned a final mark of 110/110 cum laude.
She has been a lawyer since 1983 and she’s a member of the bar of the Corte di Cassazione.
In 1981 she was selected through a public exam to join the 3th course of the Scuola superiore della Pubblica amministrazione, which she later declined in order to start a collaboration with the chairs of Public Economics Law and Public Law at the Department of Political Science at La Sapienza University.
In 1983 she took part in the research developed by the Istituto di Studi sulle Regioni called “Government Control on Regional Laws”, led by professor Temistocle Martines.
In 1983 she passed the open competitive exam and was awarded a post as Ricercatore universitario in Public law at the department of Political Science of La Sapienza University.
Between 1987 and 1990 she was the assistant to judge of the Corte costituzionale Enzo Cheli.
In 1990 she was one of the winners of the first national “Egidio Tosato” prize for young scholars of Constitutional Law.
Between 1991 and 1997 she taught the Public Economics Law and Parliamentary Law courses at La Sapienza, and the complementary Constitutional Law course at LUISS University.
In 1996 she won the national competitive exam for Professore associato of Public and Constitutional Law, and was hired by the Law School of the University of Siena to teach the Principles of Public Law course.
Between 1997 and 1999 she taught the same course at the newly inaugurated Political Science Department of the University of Siena, as well as the Comparative Constitutional Law course.
In 1998-99 she also taught the Constitutionl Justice course at the University of Perugia.
In 1999 she qualified as a full professor following the open exam for Constitutional Law. In the same year she was hired by the Political Science Department to teach the Principles of Public Law course first, and then the Constitutional Law course.
Since 2002 she has been teaching also the Free Speech course.
Between 2002 and 2007 she was the Coordinator of the Dottorato di Diritto pubblico at the University of Siena.
Between 2005 and 2007 she taught the Theory and Technique of the Legislation course for the Law School of LUISS University.
Between 2002 and 2012 she taught the Parliamentary Law course for the Department of Political Science of La Sapienza University and for the Master in European Parliamentary Institutions.
In 2006-2007 she was part of the Committee of Experts chosen by the Government to plan the reform of the publishing law, and at the same time of the Committee on the reorganization of the Independent Authorities.
Between 2006 and 2009 she was a member of the Italian Constitutionalists Association’s Executive Board.
In 2011 she was Vice-president of the University Committee for the drafting of the Code of Ethics.
In 2012 she was Director of the Legal Economic and Governmental Sciences Department (DISGEG).
In 2013 she was heard by the Camera dei Deputati about the constitutional review process.
In 2014 she was heard by both the Senato and the Camera about the Senate reform.
She is a member of the Societas Juris Publici Europaei (SIPE) and of the Institute for the Study of the Legislation (ISLE).
She is also a member of the Inter-university Center for Research on Human Rights and Immigration Law (CIRDUIS), which she directed in 2010-2011.
She is part of the Scientific Board of the journals “Lo Stato”, “Medialaws.eu” and “Nomos”.
She is part of the Executive Board of the journals “Giurisprudenza costituzionale” and “Quaderni costituzionali”.