Technology Applications in the Classroom

This is just a partial list of possible uses for each type of available technology into your current classroom.

  • Students create podcasts to amplify verbal reports of content learned or research and findings.
  • Create a photo montage of real life examples of content.
  • Create a photo story which demonstrates understanding of content, it’s history or current research.
  • Create a commercial
  • Perform a NewsBroadcast
  • Record Lessons for absent students or independent student pacing.
  • Create a video Montage summarizing concept or capturing real life examples.
  • Prerecord skits, songs or student performances for playback during class.
  • Students create a wiki summarizing content with provided outline.
  • Collect information from all students on various topics learned.
  • Use as year end project assigning various topics to small groups.
  • Have future students organize, add and edit previous data.
  • Students create individual topic webpages.
  • Publish student created work to current webpages or authentic audience.
  • Have students evaluate functioning websites based on subject criteria learned while providing rationale for grading.
  • Students create webquests reviewing content & GPS.

  • Post discussion questions from class requiring response counter quest. from students.
  • Keep an ongoing discussion log of learned content.
  • Offers locations for student questions on assignments or content.
  • Online Internet Debates
  • Have students create a blog in defense of their own perspective of controversial research on content.
  • Receive Text answers from shy students or for Team Quiz Game play.
  • Increase student/teacher/ parent communication.
  • Capture photo or video footage of real life examples for creating assessment products.
  • Instant computer access for data searches.
  • Online survey’s for students with immediate classroom results.
  • Excellent means of student assessment.
  • Have students create online games through Quia or other game site providers.
  • Vary pacing per student by allowing independent review.
  • Students create database of review games for GPS on content. Create links page on webpage.
  • Interview subject matter experts via webcast.
  • Host Class to Class Competitions with other schools.
  • Live Broadcasts from On Site Locations around the world.
  • Collaborate with Similar Classrooms from around the globe. Provide live audiences for presentations.
  • Share data with other classes to compare data to form viable solutions.