In the exhibition “Ways Out” gallery (AV17) presents the latest works by sculpture and installation artist Algis Kasparavičius. Exposition is formed from unseen, newest and already exhibited in other spaces artworks and sculptures. The artist pays great attention to the interaction between the work of art and the environment, so every time his installations look different and adapt to the characteristics and objects of the new space.

The sculpture installations at this exhibition can be described as scenes from the fictional past or future events that were created by the artist. For perception and meaning of these works, time plays the significant role. The author has created this exhibition while thinking about the life of the human, as limited and dependent on time. That is why he seeks to capture different time flashes, which were experienced at the important moments of life. During these flashes, the person can see the reflections of the future in the present, i.e. the person knows, what is going to happen later. In this way the temporality of human life is defeated and the moment opens to the divine eternity. In these installations the author explores not just the event as it is, but also seeks to affect the human sense of time. In this case, he consciously confuses this sense. Due to these artistic strategies artist erases the usual sense and circumstances of time, so it is more difficult for the viewer to determine the sequence of event.

The title of the exhibition “Ways out” is also important. The way out – is the solution, adopted in a given situation, but also a mental or physical transition. In the exhibition the artist emphasizes the second meaning of this word – spiritual or mental moving in time. “Ways out” are the contemplation of the described flashes and also the attempt to come to peace with inevitably running time.

Algis Kasparavičius graduated Vilnius Art Academy in 2005. Since 2000 he actively participates and makes both personal and group exhibitions in Lithuania and abroad. In 2012 artist was granted with national stipendium for culture and art. Kasparavičius works in sculpture and installation field, in his works author explores humans’ emotional and mental world also the relationship with the surrounding environment. Algis Kasparavičius uses non-traditional materials and medium, he works with concrete, textile, steel and industrial materials.

The exhibition is open 22 January - 12February.