A.N. Author¹, A.N. Other2 and A.N. Other²

  1. Author’s Affiliation, e.g. Department of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Institute of Technology, Sligo, Ireland.
  1. Cook Ireland Limited, National Technological Park, Limerick, Ireland.


Please start with an Abstract of up to 150 words giving a brief account of the most relevant contributions of the paper. The word ABSTRACT, in Capitals, should appear as a title, as above.

KEYWORDS: (Up to three separated by a comma)


The maximum length of your paper is 8 pages (including appendices). Papers are required to have the following structure: (a) Title, (b) Names of Authors and their Affiliation, (c) an Abstract and keywords, (d) Main Text, (e) Conclusion(s), (f) Acknowledgements, (g) References and (h) Appendices (if any).

Manuscripts for IMC34 should be in MS-Word format only and formatted as per this document. Completed manuscripts should be uploaded using the manufacturingcouncil.ieonline submission system :

The manuscript you submit will appear un-edited in the Conference Proceedings; therefore it is essential that it is error freeand appropriately formatted. Please ensure that your document is thoroughly proof read prior to final submission.

1.1Page Layout

Manuscripts for IMC34 should be formatted in a manner identical to this document which should be used as your manuscript template. Page size is set to 16.83cm wide and 26.03cm high. The margins are set to: Top 19 mm, Bottom 19 mm, Inside12.7 mm, and Outside19 mm from the paper edge, with a ‘gutter’ of 8.9 mm. The title should be typed in capitals and centrally aligned and if possible it should be limited to ten words. The author’s name(s) should be typed in upper and lower case and also be centred. Affiliation(s) should be typed upper and lower case but should be left aligned. The text should be typed in 11pt, Calibrifont. Single line spacing should be used except where additional spaces will enhance readability such as above and below drawings, photographs, equations etc. Additional exceptions to the single line spacing requirement are stated in the following sections.

The manuscript text should be justified. The starting line of a paragraph should be indented by 10 mm and there should not be any blank line spaces between paragraphs. Main headings should be in upper case and sub-headings should be in upper and lower case. A blank line space should be left above main and sub-headings and a blank line should be placed between all main headings and the text. However, the text should follow sub-headings without any additional line spaces. Main headings should be numbered and sub-headings should carry the number of the main heading followed by a number indicating the sub-heading number.

1.2Figures, Photographs, Equations and Tables

All figures and photographs should be numbered consecutively and located as close as possible to the relevant text. The caption of a figure should be separated from the following text by two line spaces. Coloured diagrams and photographs are accepted and will appear in colour in digital conference media.However, please ensure colour choices for all figures provide appropriate contrast and readability as the proceedings may be available in black and white only.

Equations should be numbered in parentheses and aligned to the right. Tables should be located as close to the relevant text as possible and should be numbered consecutively.

The insertion of page breaks helps to retain the document format.


Published literature cited in the text should be quoted using a number in square brackets or where appropriate, by author’s name followed by a number in square brackets. For more than two authors it should be cited: first author et al [number]. The references should be located at the end of the text and they should be in numerical order and formatted as shown below. Single spacing must be used. Journal titles should be abbreviated in the style of the 4th edition of the World List of Scientific Periodicals and references should be arranged thus:

[1]M.A. El Baradie A fuzzy logic model for machining data selection, Int. J. Mach. Tools Manufact. Vol.37 (1997), 1353-1372

[2]A.M.S. Hamouda and M.S.J. Hashmi, Development of one-dimensional constitutive equation for metal subjected to high strain rates and large strains. J. Strain Analysis, Vol. 29 (1995) 117-127

[3]R. Jain, R. Kasturi, B. G. Schunck, Machine Vision, McGraw-Hill International Editions (1995)

[4]A.J. Russell and K.N. Street. Factors affecting the interlaminar fracture energy of graphite/epoxy laminates, in T. Hayashi, K. Kawata and S.Umekawa (eds). Proc. ICCM-IV, Tokyo, 1982, 279-286.

[5]E.M. Trent, Metal Cutting, Butterworths, London, (1984).