PRESENT: Councillors Mr. Fryer (Chair), Mr. Comer, Mrs. Crane, Mrs. Gudger, Mrs. Houghton, Mr. Hutt, Mr. Morris and K. Wright (Clerk)

Councillor Mr. Sprason

799. APOLOGIES: Councillors Mrs. Camamile, Mr. Pratt and Mrs.Sanderson


1.  The Minutes of the meeting held on the 16th April 2008, having been circulated were taken as read and, with the correction that March be replaced by April in the title, accepted as a true record of the meeting.

2.  The Actions Arising sheet was filled in as per Appendix 1. Some of the outstanding actions were covered under Correspondence or specified Agenda items and Appendix 1 reflects decisions taken.

3.  Appendix 2 is the Outstanding Actions Arising sheet.


At this point in the meeting, the Chairman resigned, thanked the councillors for their help over the past year and rejoined the other councillors. Councillor Mrs. Hougton proposed Councillor Mr. Fryer remain as Chairman, this was seconded by Councillor Mr. Comer, voted upon and agreed to. Councillor Mr. Fryer accepted the proposal and resumed his place as Chairman.


At this point, Councillor Mrs. Camamile having resigned verbally to the Chairman prior to the meeting (due to absence) stepped down as Vice Chairman in absentia. The Chairman requested proposals and Councillor Mrs. Crane proposed Councillor Mrs. Camamile and this was seconded by Councillor Mrs Houghton, voted upon and agreed to. The Chairman was able to accept on behalf of Councillor Mrs. Camamile.


No interests were declared at this point.



Desford Village Hall £1000.00

HBBC £26.00

Matrix £273.00

LA Maud £2167.95

Outback Landscapes £4976.12

Sport in Desford £ 110.00

K Wright £ 950.35

Yates Smith £19.68


Bank Interest £2.69

Bank Interest £502.95

1.  The accounts were accepted and passed for payment.

2.  The quarterly accounts were discussed and the Clerk noted that these would be the basis of the end of year return to be audited. The accounts were accepter and Councillor Mrs. Crane requested that ‘Strict Baptist’ be changed to ‘Anabaptist’



1.  Letter to Chairman from the Clerk tendering resignation from 31st July 2008, however last working date will be Monday 30th June due to outstanding leave

2.  Email from Joanne Cooper, HBBC re Buttylicious which has been forwarded

3.  Email from Mr. Fryer requesting drawdown of £1000 precepted for Desford Village Hall

4.  Email to the Chairman from Councillor Mr. Smith resigning as a councillor.

5.  Email from Councillor Mr. Hutt to the Clerk requesting financial information relating to visit by software expert. The Clerk noted that, given item 1 above and the date of the 20th June for the visit of the software expert to prepare the end of year accounts, the focus of the Clerk would be on the annual return and any changes to the system should then be discussed with the new clerk. Councillor Mr. Hutt stated that in his opinion the Clerk had made changes to the account codes without always gaining his permission and that this was not what had been agreed. The Clerk replied that the clerk was the responsible financial officer and as such had the authority to add any codes as needed. Councillor Mr. Hutt stated that he would have nothing further to do with the accounts package and would ask his questions on finance based on the quaterly accounts produced.

6.  Email from Mr. Rob Parkinson HBBC re Buttylicious and lack of response to Mr. Chesterton – who has been contacted this week.

7.  Email from Councillor Mrs. Crane requesting that the graffiti at Pickard Recreation Ground be removed and noting issue with fouling of the tunnel. Councillor Mrs. Crane noted that she had just visited the site and there was no sign of any fouling. Councillor Mr. Hutt asked if the police had been informed and Councillor Mrs. Crane replied that she did not know if the resident had reported it but that she had not.

8.  Email from Mr. Richard Wightman, Transport, LCC noting that the request for a zebra crossing on Kirkby Road has been passed to him and requesting more specific details. Councillor Mr. Morris drew the clerk a sketch map and this is to be passed on to Mr. Wightman. Councillor Mr. Hutt asked which zebra crossing as he had been absent from the meeting when proposed. Councillor Mr. Morris noted that it would help reduce the parking problem.

9.  Email from Mr. Grierson, Highways and Footpaths, LCC noting that

a)  There is some confusion over the ownership of the hedge at Pickard jitty (by the cycle gates) but that once this has been rectified, a letter will be sent requesting the hedge be cut.

b)  The gully on Station Lane will be relayed following the work on Lindridge Lane (one to three months time)

c)  The resurfacing on Leicester Lane has been marked out with yellow paint for slurry sealing this summer

d)  The request for a zebra crossing has been passed on (see above)

e)  The holly hedge at 27 Peckleton Lane will be requested to be cut back

f)  The footpath along Hunts Lane will be inspected and reported back on

g)  The jitty along Pickard will be inspected and reported back on

h)  The yellow lines on High St will be considered for renewal in the next programme

10.  Email from the conservation officer, HBBC re the Bulls Head stating that it was a case for advertisement enforcement and that the wall has now been painted white.

11.  Letter from HBBC inviting the Clerk to a meeting with Ms. Katanya Barlow to discuss any relevant issues. The Clerk attended the meeting on Monday 19th May.

12.  Annual return form from Clement Keys and notice that the annual return is due on the 7th July. The Clerk noted that this date would not be feasible given the date arranged for the end of year accounts preparation and it was agreed that the Clerk is to request a date at the end of July

13.  Two letters from Mr. Sidwell, Newbold Road re lack of reply from HBBC on parking issues. Clerk has contacted HBBC and Mr. Sidwell and the matter is now being looked into by the PA to the Chief Executive.

14.  Letter from Mr. Atkinson, HBBC re Buttylicious re legal standing of change of use and signage in conservation area

15.  Newsletter from the LRALC stating that the 2008/09 pay negotiations were ongoing.

16.  Estimate from LA Maud to wire brush and repaint colliery wheel of £180.63. It was agreed to wait for the second estimate requested by the Chairman. Councillor Mr. Hutt noted that young offenders had painted the railings and the Chairman is to look into this.

17.  Request for donation from Crimestoppers. The Chairman proposed a donation of £100 and this was voted and agreed to. Councillor Mr. Hutt also requested more information and requested a joint presentation with the new Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator to increase awareness; and the Chairman is to look into this.

18.  Letter from Highways, LCC re pedestrian refuge on Manor Road. The traffic survey does not support the need for a refuge but Manor Road has passed prelimary assessments for the programme to ‘reduce the impact of traffic’ scheme and more detailed assessments will be carried out in the coming months.

19.  Letter from HBBC on the local development framework public consultation – play and open space development supplementary planning document (revised). The consultation period is from 8th May – 5 June and copies are available online and in the library.

20.  Invitation to the Hinckley and Bosworth Parish Forum 9th June – RSVP by the 30th May

21.  Consultation on Voluntary and Community Sector infrastructure organisation – deadline is the 29th July


23.  Copy of Diary of Village Events and Guided Walks 2008 – put in library

24.  Announcement of the Climate Friendly Communities Project – small amount of funding available

25.  HM Revenue employer Bulletin

26.  Notice of Lindridge Lane closure from 6 May for roughly six weeks

27.  Notice of Green Space Workshop on the 28th May 2008 6pm

28.  Notice from HBBC of free swimming sessions for the over 60’s

29.  Email from Councillor Mr. Sprason updating re yellow line request – email has been circulated.

30.  Letter from Dr Evans, Station Road objecting to planning application. Clerk has contacted Dr. Evans to say that the parish council had already sent in objections.

31.  Notice from the SLCC of a regional conference on the 17th July

32.  Email from Mrs. Beynon, Leicester Lane to say that the new light is now working but is on 24/7. Clerk has contacted company to request time switch be set correctly.

33.  Notes from the meeting of the Scout Working Group 17/4/08

34.  Email from HBBC re annual canvass vacancies – email has been circulated

35.  Informational brochures from HBBC on home composting promotion

36.  Copy of A2B school travel plan news

37.  Copy of the Playing Field

38.  Letter from Mr. S. Hanspal objecting to planning application. Clerk has spoken to Mr Hanspal to say that the parish council had already sent in objections.

39.  Copy of LRALC May newsletter – the employment advice service is on hold unless take up increases.

40.  Copy of the Clerk

41.  Letter from HBBC requesting information on allotment provision

42.  Letter from Mr. Perry re allotment rental

43.  Cultural service questionnaire from HBBC

44.  Copy of the LCR

45.  Copy of Clerks and Councils Direct

46.  Information from Hallam Contractors re new scout hut development

47.  Letter from Dr. Evans, Station Road re additional objections he has sent to HBBC re the planning application


Copy of letter from Mr Atkinson, CEO HBBC re Buttylicious

Copy of letter from HBBC re Green Space Workshops

Copy of Stepping Stones poster (other copies given to library and asked to post)

Copy of parish forum minutes

Information from Bosworth Community Forum

Copy of Diary of Village events and Guided Walks, Rural Community Council (other copies given to library)

Information from A.H. Construction

Copy of letter from HBBC re free swimming for the over 60’s (original given to library for posting)

Parish Council update on Heritage wardens

Information on adoption of Sustainable design and Affordable Housing planning


No figures had been received although the Clerk did note that PCSO Raxter had been in contact to check for any possible trouble areas


There was no County Councillors Report


1.  Councillor Mrs. Crane reported that there had been a meeting last Monday where police figures had been provided but for the whole area so it was difficult to separate out the parish

2.  Councillor Mrs. Crane noted that there had been two applicants for the position of NW co-ordinator and that the chairs were meeting on the 27th May and that Mr. Grantham (HBBC) was prepared to write the work plan. Councillor Mr. Hutt noted that he was very concerned that this opportunity was not missed and that the parish council needed to know what tasks will be set and how these will be monitored. Councillor Mr. Hutt stated that he was not happy and did not feel that the process was being done on a professional basis and that the position needed to be got right from the outset. The Chairman noted that there was a need for a full job description but that this was then likely to be changed over time and that there was also a need to specify success criteria. Councillor Mr. Hutt asked if the scheme was to work the same way in each village as some villages may have different requirements eg in maintenance versus set-up. Councillor Mrs. Crane noted that there were 57 streets in Desford and only a small number had NW schemes so set-up would be important. Councillor Mr. Hutt asked if there needed to be a sub-committee set up and the Chairman replied that the position would be run through the Crime and Safety Forum so the councillors on the forum would be the representatives. The Chairman is to report back after the upcoming meeting.

3.  Councillor Mrs. Crane noted that the new person in Youth Services would be Ms. Janet Gower Johnson (replacing Ms. Fay Harvey) and that the ‘Whats Going Down’ booklet was to be produced

4.  Councillor Mrs. Crane reported that the car park at Peckleton Church was having problems with cars

5.  Councillor Mrs. Crane noted that there was to be major event at Mallory Park on 31st May and that traffic would be busy.


1.  Councillor Mr. Comer noted that he had received notification that all footpaths were to be inspected within the next month

2.  Councillor Mrs. Gudger reported that all the handrails around the village could do with painting. The Clerk is to request this from Highways.

3.  Councillor Mrs. Gudger noted that the drain on the corner in Church Lane (near the Grange) was blocked. The Clerk is to report this to Highways.