TOR.004 –Consumer Advisory Committee




The Consumer Advisory Committee is a strategic advisory committee to the Alexandra District Health Board. The Committee aims to improve consumer, carer and community participation in service planning and operations at Alexandra District Health.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Consumer Advisory Committee undertakes the following:

  • Provides advice to the Board on community participation and inclusion of consumer, carer, and community views into all levels of health service operations, planning and policies.
  • Advocates to the Board on behalf of the community, consumers and carers.
  • Advises the Board on priorities and issues requiring consumer, carer and community participation.
  • Provides input into the development of the Strategic Plan, Cultural Diversity Plan, annual Quality of Care Report and consumer publications.
  • Considers matters referred by the Board or the CEO/DON.
  • Assists the Board and Executive in communication and engagement with the consumers and community.
  • Assists with the development of information for consumers and the community.


The Committee shall consist of a maximum of 12 members:

  • Board member representation – maximum of two
  • Chief Executive Officer / Director of Nursing (CEO/DON)
  • Staff member representation – maximum of two (one to hold position of secretary)
  • Community member representation – minimum of five, maximum of seven. Members should be diverse with regard to age, gender, cultural background, location of residence and skills/experience (consumers, carers, community members, professionals).

Members will be recruited annually by Alexandra District Health with the CAC, and recommended to the Board for approval.

An application form is to be completed by interested community members and submitted to the CEO/DON for consideration by the CAC before progressing to the Board.

Appointments will be for a period of two years.


The committee shall meet bi-monthly but not less than five times per year and report to the Board.

The quorum shall consist of a minimum of half the membership with at least three being community representatives.

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