Dorset Association of Parish and Town Councils

Northern Area Committee

Minutes of the meeting held at

Gillingham Town Council Offices, School Lane,

Gillingham on Tuesday 10th May 2016

1.  Present:

Cllr Haydn White Blandford Forum Town Council (BFTC)

CllrJackie Stayt Blandford Forum Town Council (BFTC)

Cllr Simon Firbank Bourton Parish Council (BPC)

Cllr Jenny Morgan Bourton Parish Council (BPC)

Cllr Tim Hill Charlton Marshall Parish Council (CMPC)

Cllr Anna Baker Gillingham Town Council (GTC)

Cllr Mike Jones Iwerne Minster Parish Council (IMPC)

Cllr George Weeks Okeford Fitzpaine PC (OFPC)

Cllr Tony Bishop Stalbridge Town Council (STC)

CllrJohn Parker The Stours Parish Council (TSPC)

In attendance:

Hilary Trevorah Chief Executive, DAPTC

Mr Mark Williams NDDC

Pam Higgins Secretary Northern Area, DAPTC

Brigit Strawbridge Guest Speaker


David Walsh DCC

Stephen Hill General Manager, NDDC

Cllr Jim Bird Iwerene Courtney Parish Council (ICPC)

Cllr Debbie Mackenzie Pimperne Parish Council

Cllr Peter Slocombe Pimperne Parish Council

Cllr Ian Lee South Tarrant Valley Parish Council (STVPC)

Cllr Scott Norman Stourpaine Parish Council (SPC)

Cllr C Jones Stourton Caundle Parsih Council

2.  Guest speakers.

Brigit Strawbridge – Bee Friendly Towns

Shaftsbury Town Council is working with residents to make Shaftsbury a Bee Friendly town.

A presentation showing the many species of bees, the range of plants they favour, how/where they nest and their natural enemies. The decline of bees makes it a serious issue. The presentation showed what an important part bees play in the food chain and eco systems. Neglected areas of land could be changed by planting bee-friendly plants to encourage bees to the area. Use of pesticides needs to be decreased/ceased to ensure the survival of these very important insects.

A question and answer session followed.

The Chairman thanked Brigit for her presentation.

3.  Minutes of the meeting held on 12th January 2016.

The minutes of the meeting held on 12th January 2016 had been previously circulated.

The minutes were proposed by Cllr Firbank and seconded by Cllr Jones and signed by the Chairman as a true record of the meeting.

4.  Matters arising


5.  Chairman’s Report

The Chairman gave his report to the committee.

In brief –

Hannah O’Sullivan – Former Cllr/Chair of The Stours PC had died.

Attended –

NALC Smaller Council Committee on 2nd February – discussions included Rural Bus Services

The DAPTC conference on 3rd March was well attended and informative

Executive meeting on 4th March

CPEND on 15th March – included feedback of what Dorset Community Partnerships were doing

Community Resilience Event – Community Resilience Forum – Flooding discussed – example given of community involvement

6.  DAPTC CE Report

The CE gave her report to the committee. A copy will be attached to the minutes.

In brief –

DAPTC Conference 3rd March – Fully booked - Concerns from members included:

The impact of future changes in our sector

Unitary authorities and communication

Further information is on the website and will also be in the Newsletter due out shortly.

Involvement in the ‘Working Together’ project and ‘Officer for Devolution’ project.

Training – Looking to encourage more Cllrs to attend not only for information but to network with other Councils to pass on knowledge and experience.

Be-spoke training can be done with councils who want to cover a specific category.

NALC Council of the Week – each week the exemplary work of a town or Parish Council in England is shared on the NALC website and weekly e-newsletter showcasing achievements nationally to inspire good practice to others.

7.  NDDC Report

Mark Williams gave the report. A copy will be attached to the minutes.

In brief –

The report covers the whole of the tri-Council

They are already identifying savings for next year’s budget

A workshop is being held in March for members re Unitary Authority

An ‘Any Questions/Issues’ followed for Mark to answer or take away:-

Cllr Jones (IMPC) – Planning – Highlighted the fact planning applications do not always appear to

be readily available for PC’s to view and how many notices are published to notify residents?

Perhaps a speaker could come to next meeting to talk about this and also Permitted Development

and Enforcement Orders.

Cllr Weeks (OFPC) – Neighbourhood Planning Support – They have a detailed plan in process but

would like to know if support will be available as it has been lacking in recent times.

Cllr Firbank (BPC) agreed support was needed. It was offered at the outset but is now lacking.

Cllr White (BFTC) reported the Blandford + Neighbourhood plan has stalled due to NDDC being

unhelpful. They have the support of 80% of the community but NDDC says ‘it can’t be done’.

The Chairman suggested this committee request support from DAPTC to express concerns to

Stephen Hill (NDDC) re the difficulties and lack of support with copies to Debbie Ward and Matt


Cllr Parker – Neighbourhood Plans are about what is needed by your community not about

preventing development. The Government has consistently made clear its supports for Neighbourhood Planning.

Cllr White (BFTC) – The Housing Benefit Grant – NDDC do not pass this on the Towns and Parish councils. As each District Council agree what they give, do West Dorset give anything?

The sale of Nordon – What services will be available locally? Can assurances be made that Nordon

will not disappear until services are in place?

Mark - It is being looked at to see what services will be available to the public. A report will be presented to Cabinet on 7th June at which the press will be attending.

8.  Report from NHS Dorset CCG

The Chairman read this report to the committee. A copy will be attached to the minutes.

In brief –

DAPTC have helped run 7 of the 9 events.

These have been well attended with the public giving detailed responses.

These responses are being collated and the result will be available later in the year.

Can sign up to be kept up-to-date.

9.  The Impact on Local Government re-organisation on Town and Parish Councils

Cllr White (BFTC)

Financial Preparation - Find out what the community wants – be honest about the services DCC and NDDC will not be supplying and find out what services are important to them. Do not know what will be going at present but need to be prepared. Highways are working with TC’s and PC’s.

Cllr Parker (TSPC)

At the Smaller Councils Committee at NALC – Some examples of sharing service are available on NALC website. A review earlier this year covered transport/housing. A short survey to smaller councils to find out what they are doing to develop capacity and prepare to take on a bigger role.

Cllr Parker is covering Central and Cllr White is covering East and Purbeck.

Stephen Hill (NDDC) hinted that if the service is discretionary it will probably go. Find out what services are important to your community.

Unitary Authorities – no template – each one is unique – no set plan

The need to be in at the beginning to make sure TC’s and PC’s are included and each area is treated to reflect their needs.

The issue was raised about voluntary Cllrs and how the new set-up will become more intense – Cllr expenses need to be reviewed and changed?

The CE of DCC states that TC’s and PC’s will be included in the consultation.

The whole process has to have a formal consultation with everyone, CE of DAPTC highlights that TC’s and PC’s must be included in any consultation.

The presentations and discussions by Cornwall and Wiltshire at the Annual Conference is available on the DAPTC website.

10.  Reports from Representatives

The Standards Committee

Plans were afoot to disband this committee. Cllr Stayt reported this had been taken to NALC who are trying to do something on this policy. In the meantime Cllr Stayt advised they keep this committee until further notice.

Travellers & Gypsies

No news


See Chairman’s report.

Blandford Leisure Centre

It was reported at the DT11 meeting and posted in the Forum Focus and BMV about how much funding had been given by TC’s and PC’s to help with financing this asset. Complex issues regarding ownership of this site.

Overview and Scrutiny

Looking at their selves at the present - Devolution and Unitary issues.

11. Members Items

Blandford TC

Cllr Stayt will be inaugurated as Mayor of Blandford on Friday 13th May.

Bourton PC

Cllr Firbank - A query regarding rural housing. This is on the NALC agenda.

Gillingham TC

Cllr Baker reported the Planning Inspector upheld Gillingham TC’s objection to a planning application on Chantry Field. It is not in the Local Plan. Gillingham Neighbourhood Plan want to keep it as an open space. It is now in consultation.

Iwerne Minster PC

Cllr Jones – Broadband – the coverage of this is still not satisfactory - there are 5% of potential users being ignored and are not happy about this.

Wessex Water – They are taking 70% of water from bore holes and say it will not affect water rising in rivers – an interesting prospect.

Stalbridge TC

Cllr Bishop – Solar Renewable – money hasn’t come yet

The NDDC car park is to be transferred to Stalbridge TC

ND Local Action Groups – Assured it will not make any difference to their status if the EU referendum is Brexit.

12.  The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 20th July at Woodhouse Gardens, The Plocks, (next to Post Office) Blandford at 7.00pm.

With no further business the meeting closed at 9.20pm. The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.

Signed:…………………………………………….... Dated:…………………………… ………..



Chief Executive’s report to area meeting May ‘16

District Council Briefing Paper

NHS Dorset CCG