Texas Emergency Nurses Association
Committee Report
Quarter: JanuaryName of committee: Government Affairs
Name of person reporting: Kim Grant
Chapter home: Dallas
Position of work and location: RN III, Parkland Hospital, Dallas, TX
Number of ENA members on committee: 11 (9 in attendance)
Committee meeting schedule (day/time): Friday, 15:00-15:50
Recent or planned committee activities:
· GA workshop on January 12th with Andy Cates from TNA. He spoke on the 85th legislative session. The event was well attended with 25 attendees. Comments from the evaluation were all positive. The event provided 1.5 CEs.
· Attending Nursing Legislative Agenda Coalition on Saturday, January 14th from 1300-1700. Cassie, Mary, and Kim will be attending this meeting at the State Capitol. NLAC allows us to work with other nursing organizations across the state of Texas on legislative issues.
· Participate at TNA’s Nurse Day at the Capitol on February 27th and 28th. Registration links for TNA members and non-members have been posted on Texas ENA Facebook page. Please e-mail the GA chair if you register to attend or have any questions.
· ENA Day on the Hill is May 2 and 3. Registration opens January 23rd. If interested, please e-mail the GA chair.
Committee member who deserves reward/recognition:
· Carol Twombly for her hard work on the CE application process for the GA workshop.
· Mary Leblond for her assistance on the GA workshop by lending her expertise during the CE application process and recommending such a fantastic speaker.
Any specific committee related activity not addressed further on the agenda:
· There will be opportunities for members and non-members of the committee to reach out to their Texas legislators on issues important to us as nurses and ENA members. Please e-mail the GA chair if you are interested in receiving alerts.
Any specific ENA related activities (past or present committees, offices, etc):
· Treasurer for Dallas County ENA
· ENPC instructor
Submit Committee Report to TENA Secretary at
Due by Saturday following each TENA State Meeting