EU Technical standards for pressure equipment

In order to be placed on the European Union (EU) market, pressure equipment and assemblies of pressure equipment must comply with the essential safety requirements laid down by Directive 97/23/EEC (OJ L-181 09/07/1997).

Product Scope

The Directive applies to the design, manufacture and conformity assessment of pressure equipment and assemblies of pressure equipment with maximum allowable pressure greater than 0.5 bar. The term pressure equipment includes vessels, piping, safety accessories and pressure accessories. Where applicable, pressure equipment includes elements attached to pressurised parts, such as flanges, nozzles, couplings, supports, lifting lugs etc.

Those items listed in Article 1 paragraph 3 are excluded from the scope of the Directive. In particular, the Directive does not apply to certain equipment covered by other EU directives such as:

  • simple pressure vessels
  • aerosol dispensers
  • some equipment intended for the functioning of vehicles
  • machinery
  • lifts
  • electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits
  • medical devices
  • appliances burning gaseous fuels
  • equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres

1. Essential requirements

Pressure equipment and assemblies as defined in article 3 of Directive 97/23/EEC must satisfy the essential requirements set out in Annex I to the Directive. These requirements are related to design, manufacture, materials, testing, marking, labelling and instructions.

Where the materials used in the manufacture of the pressure equipment are not covered by a harmonised standard, they may be eligible for a European materials approval certificate. This document certifies that the various types of materials comply with the essential requirements laid down in Directive 97/23/EEC. A list of the relevant approvals shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

2. Harmonised standards

Harmonised standards are technical specifications that would enable to meet the essential requirements. Products manufactured according to these harmonised standards benefit from a presumption of compliance with the essential requirements.

Harmonised standards are developed by the European Standardisation bodies: The European Committee for standardisation (CEN) and the European Committee for Electrotechnical standardisation (CENELEC), published in the Official Journal of the European Communities and transposed into national legislation in the form of national standards.

A list of references of harmonised standards can be found at:

3. Conformity assessment

Pressure equipment is classified by categories (Annex II to the Directive) depending on the risk level. Pressure equipment classified under categories I to IV needs to go through the appropriate conformity assessment procedures (referred to as “modules”) that are required to certify that products comply with the provisions laid down in the Directive.

The different procedures to be applied for the various categories are described in Annex III to the Directive.

Assemblies are covered by a general conformity assessment procedure.

In certain cases the intervention of a third party (notified body) is needed. Notified bodies are organisations designated by the Member States and notified to the European Commission and the other MemberStates, that are in charge of assessing manufacture’s conformity to the essential requirements when a third party is required.

4. CE-marking

The CE marking has to be affixed to pressure equipment and assemblies before being placed on the market. It symbolises the conformity of this equipment with the essential requirements laid down in the Directive.

It shall be affixed in a visible, easily legible and indelible form to each item of pressure equipment or each assembly and must be accompanied by the identification number of the notified body involved at the production control phase.


Directive 97/23/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 May 1997 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning pressure equipment (OJ L-181 09/07/1997)

Other information sources

European Commission – DG Enterprise:

Additional information for Austria

Competent authorities / competent bodies

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit - BMWA (Federal Ministry of Economy and Employment)

Dampfschiffstraße 4
AT-1031 Wien
Tel: (+43) 1 71 100 8215
Fax: (+43) 1 71 435 82

Standardisation body

Österreichisches Normungsinstitut - ON (Austrian Standards Institute)

Heinestraße 38
AT-1020 Wien
Tel: (+43) 1 213 00 0
Fax: (+43) 1 213 00 818

Notified bodies


  • Kesselgesetz, BGBl. Nr. 211/1992 - Law on Boilers
  • Druckgeräteverordnung - DGVO, BGBl. II Nr. 426/1999 - Pressure Equipment Order

Additional information for Belgium

Competent authority / competent bodies

Service public federal (SPF) Emploi, Travail et Concertation sociale / Federale Overheidsdienst (FOD) Werkgelegenheid, Arbeid en Sociaal Overleg (Federal Public Service (FPS) Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue)

Rue Ernest Blerot, 1
B-1070 Bruxelles
Tel: (+32) 2 233 41 11
Fax: (+32) 2 233 44 88
E-mail: /

Standardisation body

Belgisch Instituut voor Normalisatie – BIN / Institut Belge de Normalisation - IBN (Belgian Institute for Standardisation)

Brabançonnelaan / Avenue de la Brabançonne 29
B-1000 Brussel / Bruxelles
Tel: (+32) 2 738 01 11 / (+32) 2 738 01 12
Fax: (+32) 2 733 42 64

Notified bodies

  • Belgian Association for Non-Destructive Testing
    Allée de la Cense Rouge, 15
    B-4031 Angleur
    Tel: (+32) 41 3655 892
    Fax: (+32) 41 3656 615
    Boulevard Sylvain Dupuis 234/bte 2
    B-1070 Bruxelles
    Tel: (+32) 2 413 03 95
    Fax: (+32) 2 411 38 70
    Mechelsesteenweg 128-136
    B-2018 Antwerpen
    Tel: (+32) 3 247 94 00
    Fax: (+32) 3 247 94 99
    Chaussée de Vilvorde 156
    B-1120 Bruxelles
    Tel: (+32) 2 264 03 60
    Fax: (+32) 2 268 89 58
    Business Class Kantorenpark
    Jan Olieslagerslaan 35
    B-1800 Vilvoorde
    Tel: (+32) 2 674 57 11
    Fax: (+32) 2 674 59 59


Arrêté royal of 13/06/1999 concerning the placing on the market of pressure equipments (MB of 08/10/1999) title amended by Arrêté royal of 06/12/2005 (MB of 07/02/2006

Additional information for Cyprus

Competent authorities / competent bodies

Ypourgeio Ergasias kai Koinonikon Asfaliseon (Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance)
Tmima Epitheorisis Ergasias (Department of Labour Inspection)

Apelli Street 12
CY-1493 Nicosia
Tel: (+357) 22 405 623 / 22 405 610
Fax: (+357) 22 663 788

Standardisation body

Kypriakos Organismos Typopoiisis (Cyprus Organisation for Standardisation)

Corner of Leoforos Lemesou and Kosta Anaxagora 30
CY-2014 Nicosia
Tel: (+357) 22 411 411
Fax: (+357) 22 411 511


Regulation 312/2003, on the essential requirements for simple pressure vessels (EE 18/04/2003

Additional information for the Czech Republic

Competent authorities / competent bodies

Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví (Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing)

Gorazdova 24
CZ-128 01 Praha 2
Tel: (+420) 224 907 201
Fax: (+420) 224 907 152

Standardisation body

Český normalizační institut - ČNI (Czech Standards Institute)

Biskupský dvůr 5
CZ-110 02 Praha
Tel: (+420) 221 802 111
Fax: (+420) 221 802 301

Notified bodies


  • Zákon o technických požadavcích na výrobky (č. 22/1997 Sb.), 24.1.1997 (Law on Technical Requirements for Products)
  • Nařízení, kterým se stanoví technické požadavky na tlaková zařízení (č. 26/2003 Sb.), 9.12.2002 (Order on Technical Requirements for Pressure Equipment)
  • Nařízení vlády, kterým se stanoví technické požadavky na zařízení a ochr. systémy ve výbušném prost. (č. 23/2003 Sb.), 9.12.2002 (Order on Technical Requirements and Protective Systems in Explosive Environment)
  • Zákon o České obchodní inspekci (č. 64/1986 Sb.), 20. 10. 1986 (Law on Czech Commercial Inspection)

Additional information for Denmark

Competent authorities / competent bodies

Management authority and notified body

Arbejdstilsynet (Danish Working Environment Authority)

Landskronagade 33
DK-2100 København Ø
Tel: (+45) 7012 1288
Fax: (+45) 7012 1289

Standardisation body

Dansk Standard (Danish Standards Association)

Kollegievej 6
DK-2920 Charlottenlund
Tel: (+45) 3996 6101
Fax: (+45) 3996 6102

Notified bodies


  • Lov om produktsikkerhed (Product safety Act, Lovtidende LOV nr 364 af 18/05/1994, amended by Lovtidende LOV nr 1170 af 19/12/2003)
  • Bekendtgørelse af lov om arbejdsmiljø (Consolidated Act on occupational health, Lovtidende LBK nr 268 af 18/03/2005)
  • Bekendtgørelse om indretning af trykbærende udstyr, implementing Directive 97/23/EC (Order on the application of pressure-bearing equipment, Lovtidende BEK nr 743 af 23/09/1999)
  • Bekendtgørelse om udpegning af bemyndigede organer m.v. (Order on the identification of authorised institutions, BEK nr 674 af 30/06/2005

Additional information for Estonia

Competent authorities / competent bodies

  • Eesti Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications)
    Siseturuosakond (Internal Market Department)
    Kvaliteedi infrastruktuuri talitus (Quality Infrastructure Division)
    Harju tn. 11
    EE-15072 Tallinn
    Tel: (+372) 625 6342
    Fax: (+372) 631 3660
  • Tehnilise Järelevalve Inspektisioon (Technical Inspectorate)
    Aru 10
    EE-10317 Tallinn
    Tel: (+372) 694 9412 / 694 9456
    Fax: (+372) 694 9410

Standardisation body

Eesti Standardikeskus MTÜ (Estonian Centre for Standardisation)

Aru 10
EE-10317 Tallinn
Tel: (+372) 6055 050
Fax: (+372) 6055 070

Notified bodies


  • Toote nõuetele vastavuse tõendamise seadus - Product Conformity Attestation Act of 17/11/1999 (RT I 1999, 92, 825)
  • Surveseadme ohutuse seadus - Pressure Equipment Safety Act of 22/05/2002 (RT I 2002, 49, 309)
  • Nõuded surveseadmele ning selle nõuetele vastavusehindamise ja tõendamise kord - Regulation on the requirements for pressure equipment, the procedure for the assessment and attestation of the conformity of 07/02/2004 (RTL 2004, 63, 1051)
  • Surveseadme kasutamise järelevaataja ja surveseadmetöid juhtiva isiku nõuetele vastavuse hindamise ja tõendamise kord - Regulation on the procedure for the assessment and inspection of pressure equipment of 28/06/2002 (RTL 2002, 76,1170

Additional information for Finland

Competent authorities / competent bodies

Kauppa- ja Teollisuusministeriö (Ministry of Trade and Industry)
Teknologiaosasto (Technology Department)
Laatupolitiikan ja teknisen turvallisuuden ryhmä (Division for Quality Policy, Safety Technology Standardisation and Safety Research)

P.O.Box 32
Tel: (+358) 9 16001 / 9 1606 3729
Fax: (+358) 9 1606 3705

Standardisation body

Suomen Standardisoimisliitto - SFS (Finnish Standards Association)

Maistraatinportti 2
FIN-00241 Helsinki
Tel: (+358) 9 149 9331
Fax: (+358) 9 146 4925

Notified bodies


Kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriön päätös painelaitteista. Decision of the Ministry of Trade and Industry on Pressure Equipment of 30 September 1999, (Suomen Säädöskokoelma 1999/938)

Additional information for France

Competent authority / competent bodies

Ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de l'Industrie (Ministry for the Economy, Finance and Industry)
Direction de l'Action régionale, de la qualité et de la sécurité industrielle (Directorate for Regional Action, Quality and Industrial Safety)
Sous-direction de la sécurité industrielle et de la métrologie (Sub-Directorate for Industrial Safety and Metrology)
Bureau de la sécurité des équipements industriels (Office for the security of industrial equipment)

5, Place des Vins de France
F-75573 Paris cédex 12
Tel: (+33) 1 53 44 26 43 / 1 53 44 27 59
Fax: (+33) 1 53 44 27 30 / 1 53 44 27 60

Standardisation bodies

General standardisation

Association française de normalisation - AFNOR (French Standardisation Association)

11, Rue Francis de Pressensé
F-93571 Saint-Denis la Plaine Cedex
Tel: (+33) 1 41 62 80 00 / (+33) 1 41 62 76 44
Fax: (+33) 1 49 17 90 00

Standardisation in the field of electricity

Union Technique de l'Electricité - UTE (Technical Union for Electricity)
Bureau de normalisation auprès de l'AFNOR (Bureau for Standardisation before AFNOR)

Tour Chantecoq
5, rue Chantecoq
F-92808 Puteaux Cedex
Tel: (+33) 1 49 07 62 00
Fax: (+33) 1 44 78 73 51

Notified bodies

  • Groupement des Associations de Proprietaires d'appareils a Vapeur et Electriques (GAPAVE)
    191, rue de Vaugirard
    F-75015 Paris
  • Bureau Veritas
    53-55, rue Crozatier
    F-75578 Paris Cedex 12
  • Association pour la Sécurité des Appareils a Pression (ASAP)
    Imm. Ampère - 16, rue Ampère
    F-95307 Cergy Pontoise
  • COFREND - Confédération Française Des Essais Non Destructifs
    1, rue Gaston Boissier
    F-75724 Paris Cedex 15
  • Laboratoire National D'essais (LNE)
    1, rue Gaston Boissier
    F-75724 Paris Cedex 15
  • Centre Technique des Industries Mécaniques (CETIM)
    52, rue Félix Louat
    BP 80067
    F-60304 Senlis
  • AFNOR Certification SA
    11, Rue Francis de Pressensé
    F-93571 Saint-Denis La Plaine Cedex


  • Décret No. 99-1046 of 13/12/1999 on pressure equipment (JO 290 of 15/12/1999)
  • Arrêté of 21/12/1999 on the classification and conformity assessment of pressure equipment (JO 300 of 28/12/1999)

Additional information for Germany

Competent authorities / competent bodies

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie - BMWI (Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology)

Scharnhorststr. 34-37
DE-10115 Berlin
Tel: (+49) 30 2014 9
Fax: (+49) 30 2014 7010

Standardisation body

Deutsches Institut für Normung - DIN (German Standardisation Institute)

Burggrafenstraße 6
DE-10787 Berlin
Tel: (+49) 30 2601 0
Fax: (+49) 30 2601 1231

Notified bodies


  • Arbeitsschutzgesetz – ArbSchG - BGBl I 1996, 1246, 7.8.1996 (Law on Occupation Protection)
  • Betriebssicherheitsverordnung – BetrSichV - BGBl I 2002, 3777, 27.9.2002 (Occupational Safety Order)
  • Geräte- und Produktsicherheitsgesetz - GPSG - BGBl I 2004, 2 (219), 6.1.2004 (Law on the Safety of Devices and Products)
  • Druckgeräteverordnung - 14. GPSGV - BGBl I 2002, 3777, 3806, 27.9.2002 (Pressure Devices Order)

Additional information for Greece

Competent authority / competent bodies

Ypourgeio Anaptyxis (Ministry of Development)
Geniki Grammateia Viomichanias (General Secretariat for Industry)
Triti Diefthynsi Viomichanikis Politikis (Third Directorate of Sector Industrial Policy)

Mesogeion 119
GR-11528 Athens
Tel: (+30) 210 7204 610 / 210 7204 555
Fax: (+30) 210 7204 500

Standardisation body

Ellinikos Organismos Typopoiisis - ELOT (Hellenic Organization for Standardization)

Acharnon Street 313
GR-11145 Athens
Tel: (+30) 210 212 0100
Fax: (+30) 210 228 3034

Notified bodies

Additional information for Hungary

Competent authorities / competent bodies

Magyar Kereskedelmi Engedélyezési Hivatal - MKEH (Hungarian Trade Licensing Office)
Market Surveillance Department
Köztársaság tér 7
HU-1081 Budapest
Tel: (+36) 1 4775 050
Fax: (+36) 1 3342 560

Standardisation body

Magyar Szabványügyi Testület - MSZT (Hungarian Standards Institution)

Üllői út 25.
HU-1091 Budapest
Tel: (+36) 1 456 6800
Fax: (+36) 1 456 6884

Market Surveillance

Magyar Műszaki Biztonsági Hivatal - MBF (Hungarian Technical Safety Office)

Pf 73
HU-1253 Budapest 13
Tel: (+36) 1 355 8571
Fax: (+36) 1 356 9330

Notified bodies


  • A gazdasági miniszter 9/2001. (IV. 5.) GM rendelete a nyomástartó berendezések és rendszerek biztonsági követelményeirol és megfeleloség tanúsításáról
  • A gazdasági és közlekedési miniszter 63/2004 (IV. 27.) GKM rendelete a nyomástartó és töltõlétesítmények mûszaki

Additional information for Ireland

Competent authority / competent bodies

Department of Enterprise, Trade & Employment (DETE)
23 Kildare Street
Dublin 2
Tel: (+353) 1 631 2121
Fax: (+353) 1 631 2827

Standardisation and Notify body

National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI)

Dublin 9
Tel: (+353) 1 807 3800
Fax: (+353) 1 807 3838


European Communities (Pressure Equipment) Regulations, 1999 (S.I. No. 400 of 1999)

Additional information for Italy

Competent authority / competent bodies

Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (Ministry of Economic Development)
Via Molise,2
Tel: (+39) 06 42 04 34 000 / 06 47 88 78 60
Fax: (+39) 06 47 88 79 64 / 06 47 88 77 48

Standardisation body

Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione - UNI (Italian National Standardisation Body)

Via Sannio, 2
I-20135 Milano
Tel: (+39) 02 700241
Fax: (+39) 02 7002 4375

Notified bodies

  • Istituto di Ricerche e Collaudi M. Masini S.r.L
    Via Moscova 11
    I-20017 Rho
  • Istituto superiore prevenzione e sicurezza del lavoro (ISPESL)
    Via Urbana, 167
    I-00184 Roma
  • Istituto Certificazione Europea S.r.L
    Via Garibaldi, 20
    I-40011 Anzola
    Viale Sarca, 336
    I-20216 Milano
  • Istituto italiano della saldatura
    Via Lungobisagno Istria 15
    I-6141 Genova
  • Donegani Anticorrosione
    Via Fauser 36/A
    I-28100 Novara
  • Ellise N
    Strada dei Ronchi, 29
    I-10100 Torino
  • Eurolab Garanzia Qualitá S.r.L
    Viale Europa, 40
    I-41011 Campogalliano
  • Procontrol
    Via Inarna, 21
    I-20133 Milano
  • Centro Sviluppo Settore Impiego S.p.A. (CSI)
    Via Lombardia, 20
    I-20021 Bollate
  • Tecnoprove S.R.L.
    Via dell'Industria s.n.c.
    I-72017 Ostuni
  • Ecosim S.R.L.
    Via Ponchielli, 28/B
    I-51016 Montecatini Terme
  • European Technological Certification S.r.L.
    Via Settala, 20
    I-20100 Milano
  • Concert S.r.L.
    Viale Regina Margherita, 125
    I-00198 Roma
  • SGS Italia SRL
    Via G. Gozzi 1/A
    I-20129 Milano
  • Sviluppo Tecnologie Industriali SRL
    Via Tofaro 42/B
    I-03039 Frosione
  • Consorzio Europeo Certificazione CEC
    Via Pisacare, 46
    I-20025 Legnano
  • Italsocotec
    Via Vallombrosa 88
    I-00135 Roma
  • Bureau Veritas Italia S.r.L.
    Viale Monza, 261
    I-20126 Milano
  • IQM S.R.L. - Ispezioni e Monitoraggio per la Qualitá
    Via Belisario 7
    I-00187 Roma


Decreto legislativo No. 93 of 25/02/2000, laying down the implementing measures for Directive 97/23 on pressure equipment (G.U. No. 91 of 18/04/2000, Supplemento ordinario Nº 62

Additional information for Latvia

Competent authorities / competent bodies

Latvijas Republikas Ekonomikas Ministrija (Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia)

Brīvības str. 55
LV-1519 Riga
Tel: (+371) 701 3051
Fax: (+371) 728 0882

Standardisation body

Latvijas standarts - LVS (Latvian Standards Ltd)

K. Valdemāra str. 157
LV-1013 Riga
Tel: (+371) 737 1308
Fax: (+371) 737 1324

Market surveillance body

Valsts darba inspekcija (State Labour Inspectorate)

Kr. Valdemāra str. 38
LV-1010 Riga
Tel: (+371) 702 1704
Fax: (+371) 702 1718

Notified bodies

Additional information for Lithuania

Competent authorities / competent bodies

Lietuvos Respublikos Úkio Ministerija (Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania)

Gedimino pr. 38/2
LT-01104 Vilnius
Tel: (+370) 5 262 38 63 / 5 262 94 12
Fax: (+370) 5 262 39 74

Standardisation body

Lietuvos Respublikos Aplinkos ministerija (Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania)
Lietuvos standatizacijos departamentas (Lithuanian Standards Board)

T. Kosciuškos g. 30
LT-01100 Vilnius
Tel: (+370) 5 212 62 52
Fax: (+370) 5 212 62 52

Notified bodies

Additional information for Luxembourg

Competent authority / competent bodies

Ministère du Travail et de l'Emploi (Ministry of Labour and Employment)
Inspection du Travail et des Mines - ITM (Labour Inspectorate)

3, rue des Primeurs
L-2361 Strassen
Tel: (+352) 478 61 45
Fax: (+352) 49 14 47

Standardisation body

Service de l'Energie de l'Etat - SEE (State Service of Energy)
Organisme Luxembourgeois de Normalisation (Luxembourg Standardisation Body)

B.P. 10
L-2010 Luxembourg
Tel: (+352) 46 97 46 1 / (+352) 46 97 46 30 / (+352) 46 97 46 50
Fax: (+352) 46 97 46 39

Notified bodies


1, avenue des Terres Rouges - B.P. 349
L-4004 Esch-sur-Alzette
Tel: (+352) 54 77 11
Fax: (+352) 54 79 30


Règlement grand-ducal of 21/01/2000 on pressure equipment (Mémorial A No. 11 of 15/02/2000

Additional information for Malta

Competent authorities / competent bodies

Management authority and standardisation body

Ministry for Competitiveness and Communications
Malta Standards Authority - MSA
Consumer and Industrial Goods Directorate - CIGD

Merchants Street
MT-Valletta VLT 03
Tel: (+356) 212 55545 / 212 42420
Fax: (+356) 212 42406


  • L.N. No. 248 of 2002: Pressure Equipment Regulations, 2002. (Government Gazette of Malta No. 17,285 of 03/09/2002)
  • Product Safety Act, Government Gazette of Malta No. 17,052 (09/02/2001

Additional information for the Netherlands

Competent authorities / competent bodies

Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid (Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment)

P.O.Box 90801
NL-2509 LV The Hague
Tel: (+31) 70 333 55 33
Fax: (+31) 70 333 40 26

Standardisation body

Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut - NEN (Netherlands' Standardisation Institute)

P.O.Box 5059
NL-2600 GB Delft
Tel: (+31) 15 269 03 90
Fax: (+31) 15 269 01 90

Notified bodies


Warenwetbesluit Drukapparatuur. Decree on Pressure Equipment of 5 July 1999 (Stb. 1999, 311

Additional information for Poland

Competent authority / competent bodies

Ministerstwo Gospodarki (Ministry of Economy)

pl. Trzech Krzyzy 3/5
PL-00-507 Warszawa
Tel: (+48) 22 693 50 00 / 22 693 50 12
Fax: (+48) 22 693 40 32
E-mail: /

Standardisation body

Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny (Polish Committee for Standardisation)

ul. Swietokrzyska 14
PL-00-050 Warszawa
Tel: (+48) 22 556 77 26 / (+48) 22 556 77 55
Fax: (+48) 22 556 74 16

Notified bodies

  • Instytut Spawalnictwa (Polish Center of Welding Technology)
    ul. Bl. Czeslawa 16/18
    PL-44 100 Gliwice
    Tel: (+48) 32 231 00 11
    Fax: (+48) 32 231 46 52
  • Urzad Dozoru Technicznego (Office of Technical Inspection)
    ul. Szczesliwicka 34
    PL-02-353 Warszawa
    Tel: (+48) 22 572 21 00
    Fax: (+48) 22 822 72 09
  • Instytut Nafty I Gazu (ING)
    ul. Lubicz 25A
    PL-31 503 Krakow
    Tel: (+48) 12 421 00 33
  • Instytut Techniki Grzewczej I Sanitarnej (ITGS)
    ul. Wilcza 8
    PL-26-600 Radom
  • Centralny Osrodek Chlodnictwa
    ul. J. Lea 116
    PL-30 133 KRAKOW
  • Polski Rejestr Statków S.A. (Polish Register of Shipping)
    Al. Gen. Jósefa Hallera 126
    PL - 80-416 Gdańsk
    Tel: (+48) 58 346 17 00
    Fax: (+48) 58 346 03 92
  • Transportowy Dozór Techniczny (Transportation Technical Supervision)
    ul. Chalubinskiego 4
    PL-00-928 Warszawa
    Tel: (+48) 22 630 14 30
    Fax: (+48) 22 630 14 31
  • Przemyslowy Instytut Automatyki I Pomiarow (Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements)
    Al. Jerozolimskie 202
    PL-02-486 Warszawa
    Tel: (+48) 22 874 01 64
    Fax: (+48) 22 874 02 21


Regulation of the Minister of Economy, Labour and Social Policy on the essential requirements for pressure equipment and pressure units (Rozporzadzenie Ministra Gospodarki, Pracy i Polityki Spolecznej w sprawie zasadniczych wymagan dla urzadzen cisnieniowych i zespolow urzadzen cisnieniowych), of 8 May 2003 (Dz.U. No. 99, item 912

Additional information for Portugal

Competent authority / competent bodies

Instituto Português da Qualidade - IPQ (Portuguese Institute of Quality)

Rua António Gião, 2
P-2829-513 Caparica
Tel: (+351) 21 294 81 00
Fax: (+351) 21 294 81 01

Standardisation body

Instituto Português da Qualidade - IPQ (Portuguese Institute of Quality)

Rua António Gião, 2
P-2829-513 Caparica
Tel: (+351) 21 294 81 00
Fax: (+351) 21 294 81 01

Notified bodies

  • Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade – ISQ (Welding and Quality Institute)
    Av. Prof. Dr. Cavaco Silva, 33, Taguspark - Oeiras
    P-2780 - 994 Porto Salvo
    Tel: (+351) 21 422 81 00
    Fax: (+351) 21 422 81 20
  • SGS - CIAT PORTUGUESA - Consultoria, Inspecção e Auditorias Tecnicas, Unipessoal, Lda
    Av. José Gomes Ferreira 11, Ed Atlas 5°/6°
    P-1495 - 139 Miraflores - Algés
    Tel: (+351) 21 412 72 00
    Fax: (+351) 21 412 72 92
  • RELACRE, Associação de Laboratórios Acreditados de Portugal
    Rua Filipe Folque, 2-6o/Dto
    P-1050-113 Lisboa
    Tel: (+351) 213 139 840
    Fax: (+351) 213 139 841
  • Centro de Apoio Tecnológico a Indústria Metalomecânica
    Rua dos Plátanos, 197
    P-4100 Porto
  • RINAVE — Qualidade e Segurança ACE
    Estrada do Paço do Lumiar/ Pólo Tecnológico, Lote 17
    P-1600-485 Lisboa
  • Instituto Tecnológico do Gás (ITG)
    Av. Almirante G. Coutinho, C. E. Sintra, Ed. 15
    P-2710 Sintra
    Tel: (+351) 21 924 98 51/2/3
    Fax: (+351) 21 924 30 35/8


  • Decreto-Lei 211/99 of 14 June (DR 136 I-A, 14/06/1999), implementing Directive 97/23/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 May, on pressure equipment
  • Decreto-Lei 97/2000 of 25 May (DR 121 I-A, 25/05/2000), establishing the regulation for installation, operation, repair and conversion of pressure equipment, in accordance with Directive 97/23/EC

Additional information for Slovakia

Competent authorities / competent bodies

Úrad pre normalizáciu, metrológiu a skúšobníctvo Slovenskej republiky (The Slovak Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing)
Odbor skúšobníctva a tech. normalizácie(Department of Testing and Technical Standardization)