No. 88 3671




ALL PUBLIC ACTS appearing in this GAZETTE are to be considered official, and obeyed as such




Appointments, Resignations, Etc. 3672

Authorised Betting Operations Act 2000—Notice 3672

Corporations and District Councils—Notices 3719

Crown Lands Act 1929—Notices 3673

Development Act 1993—Notices 3673

Environment Protection Act 1993—Notice 3680

Fruit and Plant Protection Act 1992—Notice 3680

Geographical Names Act 1991—Notice 3677

Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994—

Notices 3680

Liquor Licensing Act 1997—Notices 3681

Mount Gambier Circuit Court—Notice 3685

Natural Resources Management Act 2004—Notice 3685

Petroleum Act 2000—Notices 3687

Private Advertisement 3726


Proclamations 3691

Public Trustee Office—Administration of Estates 3725


Public Corporations Act 1993—

(No. 203 of 2004) 3706

Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1986—

(No. 204 of 2004) 3708

Fisheries Act 1982—

(No. 205 of 2004) 3710

(No. 206 of 2004) 3712

(No. 207 of 2004) 3714

Roads (Opening and Closing) Act 1991—Notice 3686

Sale of Property 3726

Waterworks Act 1932—Notice 3690


ALL poundkeepers’ and private advertisements forwarded for publication in the South Australian Government Gazette must be PAID FOR PRIOR TO INSERTION; and all notices, from whatever source, should be legibly written on one side of the paper only and sent to Government Publishing SA so as to be received no later
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Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Adelaide, 23 September 2004

HER Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned to the Board of Zero Waste SA, pursuant to the provisions of the Zero Waste SA Act 2004:

Member: (from 23 September 2004 until 6 May 2005)

Jennifer Anne Pickles

By command,

J. W. Weatherill, for Premier

MEC 0074/04 CS

Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Adelaide, 23 September 2004

HER Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned to the Independent Gambling Authority, pursuant to the provisions of the Independent Gambling Authority Act 1995:

Member: (from 1 October 2004 until 30 September 2007)

Dale Peter West

Robyn Lee Buckler

By command,

J. W. Weatherill, for Premier

DTF 068/04 CS

Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Adelaide, 23 September 2004

HER Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned to the Guardianship Board, pursuant to the provisions of the Guardianship and Administration Act 1993:

Deputy President: (from 14 October 2004 until 13 October 2009)

Philip James Harris

Linley Gilfillan

Anthony Patrick Durkin

By command,

J. W. Weatherill, for Premier

ATTG 0217/04 CS

Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Adelaide, 23 September 2004

HER Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned to the Equal Opportunity Tribunal, pursuant to the provisions of the Equal Opportunity Act 1984:

Panel Member: (from 23 September 2004 until 22 September 2007)

Helena Alide Jasinski

Lindsay Anne Simmons

Hau Pehn Yapp

By command,

J. W. Weatherill, for Premier

ATTG 0266/02 TCS

Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Adelaide, 23 September 2004

HER Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has revoked the following appointment as officers of the Crown for the purpose of providing the range of custodial services for Prisoner Movement and In-Court Management services, the former staff of Group 4 Correction Services Pty Ltd, pursuant to section 68 of the Constitution Act 1934:

Peter John Jackson

Makayla Jakoya Lamb

Neville Craig Newchurch

Daniel Nichele

Curtis Alexander Scaife

Edwina Kym Wolfenden

John Ross Freeman

Philip John Edwards

By command,

J. W. Weatherill, for Premier

MCS 0012/04 CS

Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Adelaide, 23 September 2004

HER Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint officers of the Crown for the purpose of providing the range of custodial services for Prisoner Movement and In-Court Management services, in accordance with the South Australian Prisoner Movement In-Court Management contract, without pay or other industrial entitlement, staff of GSL Custodial Services Pty Ltd, pursuant to section 68 of the Constitution Act 1934:

Kerrie Lynette Bryant

Rosemarie Mill

Hans Christian Rauer

By command,

J. W. Weatherill, for Premier

MCS 0012/04 CS

Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Adelaide, 23 September 2004

HER Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint the Honourable Jay Wilson Weatherill, MP, Minister for Families and Communities, Minister for Housing, Minister for Ageing and Minister for Disability to also be Acting Minister for Administrative Services, Acting Minister for Industrial Relations, Acting Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing and Acting Minister for Gambling for the period 27 September 2004 to 3 October 2004 inclusive, during the absence of the Honourable Michael John Wright, MP.

By command,

J. W. Weatherill, for Premier

MADM 001/2004 PT2 CS


Section 4(1)(b)

Notice of Approval of Contingencies

No. 11 of 2004

INDEPENDENT GAMBLING AUTHORITY, by this notice, approves contingencies relating to sporting or other events within Australia:


This notice may be cited as the Approved Contingencies (Coober Pedy Picnic Races—Galloping) Notice 2004.


(1)The contingencies listed in the table are approved in respect of fixed odds betting by licensed bookmakers.

(2)This approval is subject to the provisions of the Authorised Betting Operations Act 2000 (‘the Act’), the Bookmakers Licensing Rules 2000, any other rules made under section 62 of the Act, and the conditions to which a licence or permit are subject.

(3)This approval of contingencies may be amended or revoked by further notice.


In this notice:


(a) means a race on the flat for horses where each animal is ridden by a person;

(b) includes, in relation to an event mentioned in paragraph (a) for which there were more accepters than places, a division of that event offering the same prize as the event.

‘Place’ means the contingency that a specified Entrant will place either first, second or third (or, if applicable, fourth) in a specified Event (including where different odds are offered by a bookmaker for first place vis-a-vis any of second, third or, if applicable, fourth place).

‘race’, with respect to horses, includes:

(a) a race conducted by a licensed racing club; and

(b) a race at a picnic race meeting or a gymkhana.

‘Win’ means the contingency that a specified Entrant will place first in or win a specified Event.


Picnic race meeting conducted by or on behalf of the Coober Pedy Amateur Racing Club Inc. at the Coober Pedy racecourse on 2 and 3 October 2004 and such later date to which the meeting may be adjourned

No. / Description of Event / Prizes / Approved
1. / Open race sprint over 800metres for horses / First—$400
Third—$100 / Win, place or derivative
2. / Open sprint over 1000 metres for horses / First—$400
Third—$100 / Win, place or derivative
3. / Open race over 1700 metres for horses / First—$800
Third—$200 / Win, place or derivative
4. / Open race over 1200 metres for horses / First—$400 and
Third—$100 / Win, place or derivative
5. / Open race over 800metres for horses / First—$400 and
Third—$100 / Win, place or derivative
6. / Open race over 1400 metres for horses / First—$350 and Bracelet
Third—$100 / Win, place or derivative
7. / Open race over 1600 metres for horses / First—$400
Third—$100 / Win, place or derivative
8. / Consolation sprint over 800m for horses—open to horses which have started, but not won, on the day / First—$300
Third—$100 / Win, place or derivative

Dated 23 September 2004.

R. C. J. Chappell, Secretary to the Independent Gambling Authority


TAKE notice that pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929, I, JOHN HILL, Minister for Environment and Conservation, Minister of the Crown to whom the administration of the Crown Lands Act 1929 is committed DO HEREBY dedicate the Crown Land defined in The Schedule as Public Roads.

The Schedule

Allotment C in Road Plan 1161 and Allotment 206 in Deposited Plan 64582, Hundred of Saddleworth, County of Light, being within the district of Clare and Gilbert Valleys.

Dated 23 September 2004.

J. Hill, Minister for Environment and Conservation

DEH 10/1164


TAKE notice that pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929, I, JOHN HILL, Minister for Environment and Conservation, Minister of the Crown to whom the administration of the Crown Lands Act 1929 is committed DO HEREBY dedicate the Crown Land defined in The Schedule as a Public Road.

The Schedule

Allotment 10 in Deposited Plan 65496, Hundred of Loveday, County of Hamley, being within the district of Berri and Barmera.

Dated 23 September 2004.

J. Hill, Minister for Environment and Conservation

DEH 11/3051


TAKE notice that pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929, I, JOHN HILL, Minister for Environment and Conservation, Minister of the Crown to whom the administration of the Crown Lands Act 1929 is committed DO HEREBY dedicate the Crown Land defined in The Schedule as a Recreation Reserve and declare that such land shall be under the care, control and management of The Coorong District Council.

The Schedule

Section 48, Hundred of Livingston, County of Buccleuch, exclusive of all necessary roads, being the whole of the land comprised in Crown Record Volume 5925 Folio 27.

Dated 23 September 2004.

J. Hill, Minister for Environment and Conservation

DL 3005/1990


Notice By The Governor


1.I have given a provisional development authorisation pursuant to section 48 of the Development Act 1993 concerning the Wine Bottling and Storage Facility in the Barossa Valley, near Nuriootpa, proposed by Beringer Blass Wine Estates.

2.It is appropriate to delegate certain powers to the Develop-ment Assessment Commission in relation to this matter.


PURSUANT to section 48 (8) of the Development Act 1993 and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, I delegate to the Development Assessment Commission:

(a) the power to make a decision on any reserved matters specified within that provisional development authori-sation (provided that the essential nature of the develop-ment is not changed);

(b) the power to grant or permit any variation associated with that provisional development authorisation (provided that the essential nature of the development is not changed); and

(c) in relation to that provisional development authorisation, or any variation—the power to vary or revoke con-ditions, or to attach new conditions, under section 48 (7) of the Development Act 1993 (provided that the essential nature of the development is not changed).

Given under my hand at Adelaide, 23 September 2004.

Marjorie Jackson-Nelson, Governor


Decision By Her Excellency The Governor


1.A proposal to develop a Wine Bottling and Storage Facility in the Barossa Valley, near Nurioopta, to initially cater for approximately 5 to 6 million cases of packaged wines per year in Stage 1 of the proposal, up to approximately 20 million cases at the completion of Stage 2 of the proposal, has been under consideration as a Major Development under Division 2 of Part 4 of the Development Act 1993.

2.The proposal has been the subject of a Development Report and an Assessment Report under sections 46 and 46D of the Development Act 1993, and is hereafter referred to as the ‘proposed Major Development’.

3.The proposed Major Development was the subject of a development application lodged on 3 December 2003 by Nolan Rumbsy Planners (for Beringer Blass Wine Estates), but has been amended and expanded upon by the applicant’s Development Report, dated May 2004; the applicant’s Response to Submissions, dated July 2004; and certain correspondence between 19 August and 31 August 2004 (and accompanying plans), which is referred to below in the Conditions.

4.I am satisfied that an appropriate Development Report and an Assessment Report have been prepared in relation to the proposed Major Development, in accordance with sections 46 and 46D, Division 2 of Part 4 of the Development Act 1993, and have, in considering the application, had regard to all relevant matters under section 48 (5) of the Development Act 1993.


PURSUANT to section 48 of the Development Act 1993 and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, and having due regard to the matters set out in section 48 (5) and all other relevant matters, I:

(a) grant a provisional development authorisation in relation to the proposed Major Development referred to in the Preamble and subject to the Conditions and Notes to the applicant below;

(b) reserve my decision on the following matters (upon application of further information) pursuant to section 48 (6) and Regulation 64 (1):

(i) compliance with the Building Rules in relation to all aspects of the proposed Major Development relating to building works (refer to Conditions and Notes to Applicant below);

(ii) the applicant’s finalised and consolidated ‘Environ-mental Management and Monitoring Plan’ (EMMP) for pre-construction, construction and operational phases which is to be prepared to the reasonable satisfaction of the Environment Protection Authority prior to being submitted to me or my delegate (refer to Condition 7);

(c) specify all matters relating to this provisional develop-ment authorisation as matters in respect of which con-ditions of this authorisation may be varied or revoked, or new conditions attached;

(d) specify, for the purposes of section 48 (11) (b) of the Development Act 1993, the period of two years from the date hereof, as the time within which substantial work must be commenced on site, failing which I may cancel this authorisation.

Conditions of Approval

1.Except where minor amendments may be required by other legislation, or by conditions imposed herein, the proposed Major Development shall be undertaken in strict accordance with: