Holiday Club Registration Pack



Childcare that makes you happy

Child’s Details


Date of Birth______




First Language______




Mother’s Name______

Father’s Name______

Days Attending______

Start Date______






Medical & Educational

Child’s Doctor______



Medical History______






Other Information______




Parents / Carers Details


Mum Mobile______

Dad Mobile______

Mother’s Work______


Email address______

Father’s Work______


Email address______

Additional Contacts


Relationship to child______

Address & Telephone______




Relationship to child______

Address & Telephone______



Place Acceptance

Once a place has been offered to you for your child/ren, we must insist on the following :

  • Mutual respect and clear communication to all parents, and from all parents to all staff.
  • Priority updates from parents regarding any changes of contact details, in case of emergencies.
  • Your acceptance of our CCTV system, which is not accessible to anyone except senior staff.
  • That you have read and understood our policies. These are available in the foyer, a copy can be supplied upon request.
  • That your child is collected PROMPTLY, BY 6.30pm. If you are unable to collect your child then it is YOUR responsibility to arrange for alternative collection. Late fees will automatically apply.
  • If your child is ill, please refer to the illness sheet regarding their return to nursery. You could be placing another parent in an inconvenient position with their work by allowing your ill child to return too soon. As with all nurseries, unfortunately no fee reduction occurs on these days as we will be staffed as per your original requirements.
  • If your child requires medication, please ensure it is well labelled with their full name and dated. Labels are available within nursery for you.
  • Please park responsibly and considerately and conduct your drop off and/or collection in a timely manner.

Signed………………………………….Full Name………………………………..


Signed………………………………….Full Name………………………………..



In order for us to keep fees as low as possible for everyone, ALL PARENTS must abide by the same terms and conditions regarding fees :

  • Payment is due on 1stin advance, by standing order. This can only be changed if your pay day is by 10th month. You will be invoiced by 25th of the previous month.
  • Late fees incur an automatic late charge of £20.
  • If fees remain unpaid within one week of their due date, childcare will be recinded.
  • We are closed on Bank Holidays and Christmas Eve, or the working day prior to Christmas Eve.
  • If your child is unwell or on holiday fees are still applicable as your place remains available to you.
  • Fees will be reviewed annually on 1st April, commencing April 2014.

Other Information

  • All food and drinks will be provided for your child, with the exception of powdered baby milk.
  • Please bring weather appropriate attire to nursery including spare clothes, including sun cream when warm.