01-08-2018 TOWN COUNCIL
The Santa Claus Town Council metin regular session on January 8, 2018 at the Town Hall located at 90 N Holiday Blvd Santa Claus, In.
The meeting was called to order by President John Bowen at5:30 pm.
Pledge of Allegiance
Present: Sherrill Clark, Kevin Burke, John Bowen, Michael Johannes & Seth Windell
Also, Present:Attorney; Kevin Patmore, Clerk-Treasurer; Kelly Greulich,ParkSuperintendent; Tyler Dilger, Fire Chief; Max Meyer,Superintendent; Russ Luthy, Police Chief;Joey Brown.
Kevin Burke made a motion tonominate John Bowen as Town Council President and Michael Johannes as Vice President for 2018 and Sherrill Clark seconded the motion.
Ayes: AllNays: NoneMotion carried
Michael Johannes made a motion to approve the December 11, 2017regular meeting minutes as stated andSherrill Clark seconded the motion.
Ayes: AllNays: NoneMotion carried
Michael Johannes made a motion to approve the December 13, 2017emergency meeting minutes as stated and Sherrill Clark seconded the motion.
Ayes: All Nays: None Abstain: Windell & Bowen Motion carried
Joey Brown
Presented the Police Department Decemberreport to the council:
Citations TOSC-10
Warnings TOSC-50
Crash Reports-6
Vehicle Inspections-0
Domestic Disturbances-7
Assist another Department-8
Medical Emergencies-4
Theft Reports-1
Verbal Warnings-0
Case Reports/Investigations-10
Warrant Service-1
Gun Permits-0
Assist Motorist-6
Reserve Hours worked- Robert Bone-42, Keith Rickelman-9.5, Kenny Sherman-8, Dan Grindstaff-89
Comp. Hours: Joey Brown-0,Matt Keller-0,James Faulkenburg-0, Ted Klem-0
Joey Brown stated he contacted John Jones, Sternberg & Ford on a 2018 Police car. The best price was from John Jones for $ 24,500.00. No price from Ford but Sternberg price is $ 25,824.00. John Jones now install police equipment so that will be done before the vehicle is delivered. The equipment money was encumbered from the 2017 budget.
Sherrill Clark asked about the striping for the vehicle, Joey responded that will cost about $ 500.00 from Klem’s at Fulda.
Kevin Burke asked what will the town do with the old car? Ted’s car will become the pool car and pool car will be sold by sealed bids if we can do that.
Kevin Patmore stated the town can do sealed bids on the vehicle.
Michael Johannes made a motion to authorize the purchase of a 2018 Dodge from John Jones in the amount of $ 24,500.00 and Seth Windell seconded the motion.
Ayes: AllNays: NoneMotion carried
Kevin Patmore
Stated he has Ordinance 2018-101 An Ordinance For A Broadband Ready Community Designation for a 2nd reading and adoption for the council.
Seth Windell made a motion to approve the 2nd reading and adoption of Ordinance 2018-01 An Ordinance For A Broadband Ready Community Designation and Michael Johannes seconded the motion.
Ayes: AllNays: NoneMotion carried
Ordinance 2018-02 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 10 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Santa Claus Concerning Utility Customersfor a 1st reading for the council.
Michael Johannes made a motion for the 1st reading of Ordinance 2018-02 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 10 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Santa Claus Concerning Utility Customers and Sherrill Clark seconded the motion
Ayes: AllNays: NoneMotion carried
Ordinance 2018-03 An Ordinance Amending section 6.08.045 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Santa Claus Concerning Traffic Movement for a 1st reading for the council.
Seth Windell made a motion for the 1st reading of Ordinance 2018-03 An Ordinance Amending section 6.08.045 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Santa Claus Concerning Traffic Movement and Kevin Burke seconded the motion.
Ayes: AllNays: NoneMotion carried
Patmore stated a letter has been drafted and sent to Morley & Associates the town should hear from Morley by the next meeting.There has been no word from Holiday World attorney concerning the TIF monies the town has questioned from personal property reporting.
TJ Dilger
Stated Ron Smith will be providing a ADA blue print for the bathrooms in the hallway on the other side of the big room (north side of the building). The 24-hour access should be completed by Tuesday or Wednesday of this week. After the install is complete the Park Board will revisit employee hours.
Melissa Lueken is present tonight, she attended a park board meeting and has expressed interest in joining the board. The Park Board would like to recommend Melissa for the remaining term of John Tate.
Michael Johannes made a motion to appoint Melissa Lueken to the Santa Claus Park Board for the remaining term of December 31, 2019 and Sherrill Clark seconded the motion.
Ayes: AllNays: NoneMotion carried
There is new interest for the 2018 season, we have approximately 13 tournaments scheduled at this time and the Park Board has been asked if the tournament deposit can be lowered from the current $ 500.00 deposit to $ 250.00. Johannes stated to Dilger the Park Board has to come back to the council with a recommendation on the deposit amount.
Seth Windell stated the Park Board should figure out how the they can run the concession stand, potentially making $ 20,000.00 with that many tournaments for 2018 and based off of the 5% net sales from St. Nicholas Development from the 2017 season.
Seth Windell made a motion to approve Donnie Winkler as the Town of Santa Claus contracted Building Inspector and Zoning Administrator for 2018 prorating the fee starting from February 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 and Sherrill Clark seconded the motion.
Ayes: AllNays: NoneMotion carried
Max Meyer
Presentedthe Fire Departments December report to the council:
First Responder-11
Fire/Fire Alarms-2
Traffic Control-1
Gas Line Cut-1
Total Runs- 16
Total of 162 runs were made in 2017
Meyer stated he has applied for a $ 81,000.00 Federal Grant for 12 self-containing breathing apparatuses for the department.A donation from the Community Foundation in the amount of $ 100.00 was given to the fire department.
Michael Johannes stated he would like to explain about the two classes in the volunteer fire department, you have firemen and you have first responders. The volunteer fire department for Santa Claus has 23 individuals on the rooster but only fourteen of those are firemen and first responders. 98% of the town’s runs are first responder runs. When Max Meyer turned in the yearlyreporting for each volunteer that is why there is a big difference on run totals for each volunteer. If you are only trained as a fireman than you don’t respond to first responder calls. Johannes also stated that he has been asked to serve on the personnel committee for the volunteer fire department.
Russ Luthy
Yellig Trail is almost complete, bollards will be installed at intersections and some clean up in a few areas. There is a water issue with run-off the contractor is dealing with by Old Time Liquors.
Luthy stated INDOT has asked if the council is open to pushing out the Santa Claus Lincoln Discovery Trail to 2020, after talking with INDOT their response is INDOT monies will not change but our local dollars could. Typically, if the project is LET in January or February you have better bids.
Westside Connector is due to LET on January 18, 2018. A discussion followed about Santa Land LLCproperty in conjunction with the Westside Connector. Michael Johannes stated he will speak with Lisa Pitt to see about the intent the trust has with the property.
Metzger Construction was awarded the for the 2018 Community Crossing Grant road work in the amount of $ 143,672.00 for the town.
Luthy stated he has moved 2 people into Lead Positions: Travis Sitzman for the water department and Shaun Mehling for the wastewater department, recommends an $ 1.00 an hour raise retroactive to January 1, 2018.
Michael Johannes made a motion for Travis Sitzman and Shaun Mehling to receive new position titles as lead people and increase of $ 1.00 on the hour retroactive to January 1, 2018 and Kevin Burke seconded the motion.
Kevin Burke asked why are we always in the rear and making motions retroactive, when it is brought up before the council it should be approved that night and the change on the next payroll period.
Luthy stated the dates don’t always work for us.
Greulich stated it would be easier going forward on a pay raise than always going retroactive when working with payroll.
Luthy stated if it doesn’t work out with the two employees in their new positions than the $ 1.00 will be taken away from their hourly rate.
Ayes: AllNays: NoneMotion carried
Report for December
Replacement/repair of a sign-1., compliants-1, working on street repairs. Routine maintenance, eliminate secondary ditches, culvert cleaning, assist on trial projects, pot-hole patching in various places. Ordered material delivery for Kaspar Gate trail project.
Russ Luthy
Presented the Decemberreport to the council:
December Rainfall report of 5.97 in 2016 compared to3.10in 2017
Production in 2016 13.29MG, 14.63MG 2017
Process control testing, routine maintenance, replace bearing on rotor # 4 oxidation ditch, PM on plant blowers. A letter went out to customers concerning baby wipes clogging up the pumpat LS # 12. People are under the assumption these can be flushed but they do not breakdown. The video on the town’s main sewer lines is complete and at some point, I would like for the council to view the lines.
New Service-2
Revolving Total -Lateral Inspections-6
COC’s completed-2
Requiring Repairs-0
No repairs-2
YEAR TO DATE LATERAL TOTALS: Require Repairs-23, No Repairs-25 & Exempt-4
Russ Luthy
Presented the Decemberreport to the council:
Work Orders- 15
Work Orders Completed-15
Work orders Pending-0
Final reads, turn service off, working with fiber crew, installing radio meters, water plant repairs complete and back in full operation.
Kelly Greulich
Presented the Bank Balances for the month of December:
General- $ 2,987,676.67 reconciled
Water- $ 1,615,693.54 unreconciled
Wastewater- $ 1,206,914.21 unreconciled
TIF- $ 267,290.33 unreconciled
John Bowen will serve on the Spencer County Solid Waste Management Board since he was elected President of the Santa Claus Town Council.
APC 2018 appointment: Seth Windell made a motion for Mike Schriefer of the Democratic Party to be appointed to the APC Board to a four-year term and Michael Johannes seconded the motion.
Ayes: AllNays: NoneMotion carried
APC appointment: Seth Windell made a motion for Matthew Taylor of the Republican Party to be appointed to the APC Board to finish out the term of Rhonda Field(12-31-2019) and Michael Johannes seconded the motion.
Ayes: AllNays: NoneMotion carried
Seth Windell made a motion to appoint Michael Johannes to the Spencer County EDC Board
and Kevin Burke seconded the motion.
Ayes: AllNays: NoneMotion carried
Email was sent out to council in regards to the Spencer County Bicentennial Banners, John Bowen stated TOSCI has an agreement with the town. Bowen will contact the County on the banners to see if a collaboration can be done.
No other business to come before the council
With no further business to come before the Council, Michael Johannes made a motion to approve the general vouchers in the amount of $44,561.82 for 2017-year end and $ 24,027.61 up to 1/8/2018 and Seth Windell seconded the motion.
Ayes: All Nays: None Motion carried
Seth Windell made a motion to approve the wastewater vouchers in the amount of $ 41,168.55 for 2017-year end and $ 17,913.59 up to 1/8/2018 and Michael Johannes seconded the motion.
Ayes: All Nays: None Motion carried
Seth Windell made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:00P.M. and Sherrill Clarkseconded the motion.
Ayes: All Nays: None Motion carried
John Bowen, PresidentMichael Johannes, Vice President
Seth WindellKevin Burke
Sherrill ClarkKelly K. Greulich-Clerk Treasurer
Town of Santa Claus, Indiana