P1- Safeguarding Policy
"RNIB believes that the welfare of children is paramount, and that they have the right to be protected from abuse, regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality or beliefs."
Extract from RNIB Corporate Safeguarding Children Policy 2007
RNIB Pears Centre for Specialist Learning works under the umbrella of RNIB's Safeguarding Vulnerable People Policy. We implement this policy working to the practice requirements of Warwickshire Safeguarding Children Board Interagency Child Protection Procedures for dealing with child protection incidents.RNIB Pears Centre recognises the vulnerability of young people to significant harm and works hard to create overt systems and ways of working that minimises risk.
We also acknowledge the vulnerability of our staff working with our client group and again work overtly to minimise these risks.
"Whistleblowing" is recognised as positive practice and it is individual staffs responsibility to report and bring forward issues that may bring into question work practice, give concern or raise anxieties.
We recognise the importance of immediate action if abuse is suspected. This action is co-ordinated by the Designated Person for Child Protection, who works in co-operation with the Warwickshire child protection teams and the RNIB Corporate Safeguarding Team. The designated people on site are: Linda Cope (registered manager), Lisa Chilton (Deputy to the Registered Manager), Ginny Tyler (Principle Manager Care & Wellbeing) Adrian Evans(Head of Education), Emily Hayes (Deputy Head Teacher), Fiona Minion (Behaviour Nurse Specialist) and Ian Bennett (Corporate Safeguarding Team). Their contact information can be found on the Safeguarding Posters which are on notice boards across the site.
We are committed to ensuring the welfare and well being of any child or young person with whom we have contact, and require all staff and volunteers to work within the framework of child protection legislation and guidance and with good practice.
Cross Referencing to:
Warwickshire Safeguarding Children Board - Interagency Child Protection Procedures 2007Children Act 1989 & 2004
Protection of Children Act 1999
Human Rights Act 1998
Education Act 2002
Every Child Matters - staying safe 2003
What To Do If You Are Worried a Child is Being Abused 2003
Working together to Safeguard Children 2006
Warwickshire Safeguarding Children Policy and Guidance Statement, Feb 09
Abuse – keeping you safe (for young people’s information)
Underwear Rule – (NSPCC document for young people)
RNIB Corporate
RNIB Safeguarding Vulnerable People - RNIB Intranet (Isite)RNIB Corporate Intimate Care Policy (Isite)
RNIB Managing Aggression and Violence in the Workplace (Isite)
RNIB Policy 52 Whistleblowing - RNIB Intranet (Isite)
RNIB Recruitment and selection Policy - RNIB Intranet (Isite)
RNIB Policy 45 – Internet Access - RNIB Intranet (Isite)
RNIB Pears Centre for Specialist Learning
Pr2 - What to do flow chart
P2 - Intimate Care PolicyP3 - Care and Control Policy
Individual risk assessments and behaviour plans
Individual body charts
CH8 – Mobile phone policy