EDUC 2000: Psychology of Learning and Development for Education
The purpose of this course is to explore issues, theory, and research in human development and learning. Behavioral, biological, cognitive, and information processing approaches are introduced and critiqued. A major effort is made to integrate theory/research with topics of current interest.
- Write and think critically about the topics in this course.
- Discuss the writings of others thoughtfully and respectfully.
- Summarize the reading and video assignments.
- Write an opinion paper integrated with scientific content.
Rubman, C. (2016). Annual editions: Human development (45th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN-10: 1259661202. ISBN-13: 978-1259661204.
PLEASE GET EDITION 45. The reader has articles that you may choose for selected class papers and some articles that will be assigned for discussion boards. There are no regular assigned readings from the text, except where noted on the syllabus.
I have produced a set of 55 videos for Cengage Learning, a major publisher of textbooks in Psychology. Videos range in length from 5 -16 minutes. You will view these videos in the Learning Modules online for use in selected class papers and discussion boards. The video series is called Research in Action (RIA) Vols. 1& 2. Below, I will refer to it as RIA.
Links to a set of Press Releases, and in some cases the actual journal articles, as well as selected newspaper articles (direct links are given)—will be available for your use in papers and discussion board assignments. Additional news articles/press releases may be emailed during the course.
EDUC 2000: Psychology of Learning and Development for Education Syllabus
Journal articles available through PittCat will be assigned for selected papers and in some cases they are combined in the assignment with a video (above).
Special Note on Journal Articles, Statistics and Research Methods: Journal articles frequently have complex sections on methodology and statistics. Since you may have very different experiences, backgrounds, interests and skill levels when it comes to these areas, I do NOT require that you explain any article using terminology that may be unfamiliar to you. Please just provide me with the “gist” of the article, so that I can see that you understand the basic content, unless you have a good background--- and feel comfortable addressing methodology/statistics.
There are no exams. Smile.
Papers are graded 50% for content and 50% for grammar, writing style and the ability to present the information clearly. Examples of poorly written material (very short portions) and one good example (one page in length) will be posted online.
Integrate in a 7- to 8-page double-spaced paper your results on the IAT, that of another person, the IAT video and all three articles. Remember you are not responsible for statistical or research methods comments, just the “gist.” Paper #1 is due at the end of the week for Module 5. No late papers will be accepted. You are allowed up to 2 pages, maximum, for personal opinion. The remainder must be scientific content related to the above.
Select any article from your text. Your paper should be 7-8 pages, double spaced, with 2 pages devoted to a summary of the article in your own words, 2-3 pages to an interview with a person, who in some way relates to the topic in the article, and 2-3 pages to a discussion/interpretation of how this person/or society might change, based upon the outcome of your interview. Feel free to have the interviewee read the article and comment.
Select a topic such as prenatal care.
1. Summarize the article on prenatal care in your own words. 2-3 pages.
EDUC 2000: Psychology of Learning and Development for Education Syllabus
- Find someone who did not receive good prenatal care, or someone who smoked, drank, or in some other way took poor care of herself during pregnancy. Interview this person. 2 pages.
- Discuss how, in retrospect, the previously pregnant mother might change her behavior. Again, feel free, where appropriate, to have her read the article. 2-3 pages
Repeat the process for Paper #2. Pick an article from the Human Development reader and perform the same exercise.
WRITTEN PARTICIPATION (YOUR POST)Comments are submitted in a timely fashion / 1 point
Comments are well organized, grammatically correct, indicating comprehension, synthesis of information, critical evaluation and analysis / 2 points
Comments supported with additional article or other research specific item. Citation is formatted and used properly. / 1 point
Comments show preparation, identification and critical evaluation of topic, argument makes sense and is well thought out. / 1 point
TOTAL: / 5 points
Your final grade will be weighted according to the following:
Each paper will be graded on a 100-point scale, and each discussion will be graded on a 5-point scale.
Discussions / 30%
3 Papers worth 100 points each / 300 points
13 Discussions worth 5 points each / 65 points
TOTAL: / 365 points
EDUC 2000: Psychology of Learning and Development for Education Syllabus
Unless you are an International student whose native language is not English, I expect you to be able to write papers/discussion board comments at the level of a college graduate. I will attach the first page of a very clear sample of writing from a former student (it is not in any way special). It represents good, clear, straight-forward writing. The paper earned an A. As you review it ignore the content, just focus on the style. If you can write at this level or above you should be able to earn an A, assuming your content is “A” level. Most students having trouble with this class find that it is due to the fact that they have poor writing skills. As noted above, I will grade you 50% for content and 50% for your ability to write in a clear, grammatically accurate fashion. No exceptions, no second chances, no pre-reading of your papers. However, that said, everyone who meets the criteria of accurate content and clear writing can earn an A. Historically, about 90% of students have earned an A in this class.
Students in this course will be expected to comply with the University of Pittsburgh's Policy on Academic Integrity. Any student suspected of violating this obligation for any reason during the semester will be required to participate in the procedural process, initiated at the instructor level, as outlined in the University Guidelines on Academic Integrity. This may include, but is not limited to, the confiscation of the examination of any individual suspected of violating University Policy. Furthermore, no student may bring any unauthorized materials to an exam, including dictionaries and programmable calculators.
If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and the Office of Disability Resources and Services, 140 William Pitt Union, at 412-648-7890 or 412-383-7355 (TTY) as early as possible, but no later than the fourth week of the term or visit the Office of Disability Resources website as early as possible, but no later than the 4th week of the term. DRS will verify your disability and determine reasonable accommodations for this course.
Blackboard is ADA Compliant and has fully implemented the final accessibility standards for electronic and information technology covered by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998. Please note that, due to the flexibility provided in this product, it is possible for some material to inadvertently fall outside of these guidelines.
EDUC 2000: Psychology of Learning and Development for Education Syllabus
These materials may be protected by copyright. United States copyright law, 17 USC section 101, et seq., in addition to University policy and procedures, prohibit unauthorized duplication or retransmission of course materials. See Library of Congress Copyright Office and the University Copyright Policy.