River Valley Intermediate School
Choir Department
Liz Fox, Choir Director
(254) 761-5699 x. 4810
♫ Parent/Student Handbook ♫
Welcome to the choral program at River Valley Intermediate School! I am dedicated to making this program a positive experience for all of the students involved as well as an exciting time of accomplishment and success through hard work. In order for this to occur, I ask each parent and student to take an active role in helping to achieve these goals.
This handbook contains a great deal of information concerning the responsibilities and privileges of being a member of the River Valley choral program. It contains everything you will need to know for the school year. Should anything change, I will inform the students and parents in writing as soon as possible. Please read the handbook carefully, complete the last page and return only the last page to Mrs. Fox no later than Friday, September 9, 2016.
I am excited that you have joined us this year! I am here to help you have fun, work hard, and experience tremendous musical growth and success. I hope you’re ready for a great year!
River Valley Intermediate School Choir
The rules and procedures used in choir are designed to create a supportive and positive environment that encourages student learning and success. These rules also enable our choir classroom to run smoothly and effectively to maximize active musical growth. In addition to the MISD Code of Conduct, all choir students are to adhere to the following:
Choir Room Rules:
1. Attentiveness- Focus on the director during the lesson.
2. Cooperation- Work well with classmates
3. Hard Work- Participate in every activity
4. On Time- Arrive in the choir room before the bell rings.
5. Initiative- If something needs to be done, do it!
6. Responsibility- Have your supplies every day, including a healthy voice!
*My classroom rules reflect character traits that I believe will help students
become successful in life beyond the choir classroom.
If You Choose to Break a Rule (CONSEQUENCES):
First Time: Verbal Warning. Mark next to student’s name on seating chart. (First strike)
Second Time: Student will be sent to Refocus Area to copy appropriate “Refocus Activity”. Additional mark on seating chart. (Second strike)
Third Time: Students will sit out of choir activities to work on music definitions until complete. Parents will be notified: A letter will be sent home and must be returned with a parent signature. (Third strike)
(The students will be able to start over each grading period, meaning every six weeks.)
Praise (daily)
Positive notes home (random)
STAR SINGER awards (awarded to two choir students weekly—
one boy and one girl)
Enrichment Activities (Friday classroom games and outdoor activities)
The joy of learning & making music together (each day of the school year)
Students are considered tardy to choir if they are not in their assigned seat with the appropriate materials when the bell rings. Every fourth tardy will be reported to Mr. Offill per River Valley policy.
Choir Grade:
A student’s report card grade will include, but not be limited to the following:
*Evaluation: Attendance and participation in ALL required concerts/performances
(in bold print on the attached calendar) 40% OF THE OVERALL GRADE
*Practice: Class participation in ALL activities 30% OF THE OVERALL GRADE
*Application: Periodic exams on essential musical elements,
learned music, and individual sight-reading evaluations. 30% OF THE OVERALL GRADE
A grade of 90%-100% (A) indicates that a student is participating consistently and performing well in most or all areas of choir. A grade lower than 90% should indicate to you that a problem exists in one or more areas of the student’s performance or participation. At any time during the nine weeks period, you may contact me (email is the best way) concerning your son/daughter’s grade in choir.
♫ Folio folder with brads and pockets (red for girls, blue for boys.)
♫ Pencil (Students will keep their folder and pencil in a designated place in the choir room.)
*Choir folders must be turned in on or before Friday, September 09, 2016.
Students may bring a bottle of water to choir class; this will eliminate sending students to the drinking fountains during a lesson. Make sure your student is aware of policies concerning water bottles in each of their classrooms!! I ask that students use a bottle with a sports or flip top so as not to spill water on choir folders, textbooks, or schoolwork. Each student may also bring a box of tissue to donate to the choir room.
6th Grade Choir Members
***All 6th grade choir members will be required to purchase the choir t-shirt as their uniform for all required concerts throughout the year. The cost of the choir t-shirt is $10 and must be turned in to Mrs. Fox no later than Friday, October 7th. The t-shirt will be worn with long khaki pants (not shorts) for every concert. Girls choir members may choose either pants or a dress code appropriate khaki skirt. Please make checks payable to Midway ISD. (Cash is also accepted.)
The students will be working each and every day on music-reading skills as well as learning a varied repertoire of music. Our daily work comes to fruition at our concerts and various performances throughout the year. The concerts highlighted in bold print on the attached calendar are considered curricular and are, therefore, required for your student to attend. Please make every effort to make sure your student attends each of the required concerts. Students may receive an excused absence for illness or family emergency. If a student has to miss a required concert, written notification BEFORE the concert is always encouraged.
Don’t forget to check the River Valley Choir website on a regular basis. If you have questions about upcoming events, you will be able to access this type of information on the website.
Type in: www.midwayisd.org, Choose River Valley from the “Select a School” drop-down menu at the top of the page, Click on the Staff tab, Select “Elizabeth Fox”.
Please sign and return to
Mrs. Fox by September 09, 2016.
♫ We have read and agree to the provision regarding classroom management and consequences in choir. We understand the rules and the kind of behavior that is expected from students on a daily basis.
♫ We have read and agree to the uniform requirements for participation in the River Valley choir program.
♫ We have received a calendar stating River Valley Intermediate School choir concert dates for the 2016-2017 school year. We understand and agree to the policy regarding required participation and grading for these events.
♫ We agree to make every effort to see that this student attends all performances which are required for participation in this program.
DATE ______
Opportunities to Volunteer!
If you would like to help out with choir events this year, please fill in your contact email address below. I will contact you when volunteers are needed! Thank you!J ~Mrs. Fox
______I am interested in helping with choir events. Please select one:
____Trip chaperone ____Supervising students during a concert ____Stage Decoration
Contact email address: ______
______I will not be able to help with choir events this year.